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aoshima 350z kit.


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my first aoshima kit. i LOVE the z cars, so i really wanted this car to be as perfect as i could personally make it. im not a pro, but im not a beginner. ive built about 15-20 models, and im 22. the paint on this car came out AMAZING at first..but with handling, i got a few smudges here and there that mysteriously wont go away..and i screwed up the tail end a lot, because the light covers on one side werent fitting right, and i had to keep pulling off already-glued parts, over and over to try ot get it..but i just had to stop and decided to just settle before i made it even worse. overall, this kit was great... ill be looking into tamiya and aoshima more often. VERY ANNOYED however. the kit came with a missing door handle. the tree part was there, but it looked as if it broke off during packaging. :[ one other problem is, when i put the body onto the chassis..it doesnt really want to stay together. if i were to grab the car, the body would come with it. i think i have something not matching up..you can tell in one of the side-view pics of the car, that the wheels are closer to the front wheel well more than they are the back. ?? but if i try to mess with it, i may push it to far to the back, and break off the rear bumper (the area with the glue-bomb-fitting issue mess)







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The rear bumper on this kit is a mess in general. I've fought mine through several attempts to get it level and attached on both sides correctly. Fortunately you can assemble the rear bumper on prior to paint so I've been able to do all my massaging prior to committing to paint.

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Glad to hear I wasn't the only one with the bumper problem. When I first put it together it went great!!! But then when I tried to put the lense cover on, it wouldn't snuggle in place. So then I started detaching.. And it was never the same! For a 40 dollar kit I want it to look nice

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Don't worry too much, there are plenty more kit's out there for you to do even better on. I have had issue's on Aoshima kit's with the lenses not fitting. If you can try and modify the lense next time instead of taking a bumper or grill off. I just use my sanding stick and shave off a little at a time until it fit's.

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if you're in to the tuner type vehicles, i'd stick with Tamiya. I've tried multiple Aoshima kits, and have never had any luck with fitment on them without a serious amount of time invested into body work - and even then, sometimes, i'm not successful.

try a Tamiya kit and you'll never look back :)

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