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I built my first model when I was 11, Kept building til I was about 15. Then sports, Girls and eventually parties got in the way. I got in some trouble for drinking, Wrecked a couple cars and I decided I needed to get away from that group of people and even if I sit at home bored, I figured I could fill my man cave with some models. Its always been a way for me to get away from everything and turn up the music and let my mind go to work. I like to build vehicles that I cant own. Its like building minature dreams everytime my hands get ahold of a kit.

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My Dad started me off with 1/72 aircraft when I was about 5 I did those for a short time .Then one day I entered a compitision in a comic to win a First issue revell K100 and what do you know I won first prize ! My dad did most of the build I think he realy enjoyed building it ha ha from then on Ive been hooked on the big rigs and cars .Ive stopped once or twice but It keeps on calling me back to it . Its funny to as my Dad has just started back with modeling again but now Im giving him tips on how to build better !

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I started building models when I was 10 or 12 years old and my first kit was a Revell 60's VW bug.The building went on for about 6 years then I stopped building models and at age 16 I started working on real cars.I did the odd kit here and there after that about in 2003 is when I started back into model building.Mostly building cars and truck I seen in pictures and at local vehicle events.I rather enjoy model building as I can relax in my man cave and build for hours .I have noticed that my building style has changed alot in the last 5 years or more do to seeing vids on youtube and being a member to many other forums it all helps us be great builders.

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My dad got me started. He built models when he was a kid and continued off and on his whole life. When I was very young he would pretty much build the models for me, but as I got older he did less and less of the work and "let" me do more :D . We didn't get nuts detailing them or making them uber accurate, we just built to build. Heck some of my first ones we didn't even paint! I'll never forget building models with dad, balsa airplanes, rockets, cars, pine wood derby, it was great to have a dad to do that stuff with.

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I was car guy (kid) all my life. At about 5 my Dad had to run and pull me out from under a bus at the bus stop across the street. Must have been my first exposure to suspension! By 7 I could name every car on the road .. one of our games on long trips.

At 8, I got a Revell kit of 3 ships .. a tug, freighter and a ocean liner I believe. My Dad built one as I gooped paint on another. It was a good lesson and I learned how good my Dad was with a paint brush . it was his first model too. I spent the next 4 years building ships, armor and hanging planes from my ceiling. Then, in 1958, a company named AMT showed up on at the hobby store with CAR KITS! My destiny was fulfilled! After a '58 T-Bird and every AMT kit I could get later, I made it to 16 with a '40 Ford Sedan that was chopped, channeled and sectioned to a scale 48" tall that won first in the Custom class at the LHS.Then girls and other things appeared ...

Edited by Foxer
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I started a age 7 with a Revell Golf MK2 That i just gleud togehter. And then 4 years later i got a kit from my old class mates a a go away present. Ofcoarse the same Revell Golf MK2 That i painted silver(everything was silver including me :D). Then after wanting to build stuff for a couple of years i got back into it at age 13 Thanks to a friend i met on the Xbox 360 He showed me a dutch forum. I bought a Revell Ferrari Super America. And about a month later I discoverd the hobby shop in my town. The rest is history.

Edited by Tompidom
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Like a lot of you, my dad inspired me to build models, but not in a good way...

My dad was an alcoholic, and he very nearly killed me in a rage when I was four years old (although he was sober at the time). As you can imagine, I tried to avoid being near him as much as I could because of this.

The apartment we lived in also happened to be literally two doors down from a great hobby shop. I bought my first model there when I was five (an Airfix 1/72 scale Fokker Tri-plane), and found that building models was a great way to entertain myself while I was in my room (and away from dad).

Later on I joined the Boy Scout for the same reason - to get away from my dad for one whole weekend every month when my troop went on camping trips.

I still use model building to get away from the stresses of life.

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I too have been a car nut since I was little( Mom says I was calling out the car names at age 3 when we were riding in traffic). So models were a natural part of my early car interest .Dad got me my first kit,an AMT '60 Buick hardtop,for Christmas 1959-I was five- and I built that kit.After that we would go to the local hardware/hobby store while my mom was grocery shopping and buy a model (for a whole $1.50!).Dad did build the more complicated kits for me(the Big T,Big Deuce,and the Hawk Mercedes W163 grand prix car) until my parents divorced and I got a little older and was able to handle the higher parts count.I also started receiving Matchbox cars from my uncle starting in 1960. I had my tonsils removed that June and,while in the hospital, my uncle started bringing me the cars from Windsor,Ontario where he was courting the woman whom he later married.

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It all started for me as a seven-year-old in the summer of 1973 with the purchase of a 1/72 scale Curtiss SB2C Helldiver (I liked the name). I think the kit cost me about $1.25. As my interest turned in my teenage years to cars, so did my modeling. I also discovered girls as a teenager, but unlike many of you, I never took a break from building. One of the girls I discovered married me anyway. While she may not "get" what building is all about, Lisa realizes that it's all good, clean fun. And as hobbies go, not all that expensive.

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Always had a passion for cars. Since I was around 3 years old. Always loved video games but they became a bit.. Lacklustre. Met a girl, fell in love, things didn't quite work out.. Needed something to get my mind off it. And fast. My Da always built models, as did my oldest brother, so I grabbed an old Tamiya Calsonic R32 Skyline, been hooked since. Still have it.

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I was car guy (kid) all my life. At about 5 my Dad had to run and pull me out from under a bus at the bus stop across the street. Must have been my first exposure to suspension! By 7 I could name every car on the road .. one of our games on long trips.

Mike you and my dad Seem to have Been a lot alike as kids, Down at the local Garage in the small town my dad grew up in they use to tell the customers to check under their cars for a little boy. :D


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