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Painting whitewalls

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I tried painting whitewalls with acrylic paint...which is the stuff I thought you're supposed to use, but when it dried it cracked all over. Is there a better "whitewall paint" out there?

You might have put it on too thick. If you have an airbrush you can spray it on in three or four thin coats. Water based paint is the way to go. enamels rub off on your hands. I've not tried any other kind of paint.

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Polly Scale Reefer White (for trains, not pot!) works well for me. I've even used craft store semi gloss or flat white acrylic. Just wash the tires well with a plastic brush and hot soapy water first. I scuff them with scotch brite as well.

I've never had one crack on me, and I puddle it on. Sometimes it has to be thinned a bit so it flows a bit better. I've had it take like 4-5 coats so the black didn't show through. I give it over night to dry between coats.


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I still use Pactra (yes, you read that right!) flat white acrylic paint. I don't know how old that bottle is but it works every time! The first time I ever saw those new-fangled acrylic paints in the LHS I wondered if they would work on tires since I knew that enamels didn't. I bought some and haven't looked back. Here's some I did this past year with the same Pactra paint.


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I use Apple Barrel craft paint.

Spray or Brush, both have there quirks... when you brush use the dab or dry brush technique, works well, spraying as said before in light coats, it wont crack. I havnt had mine crack when brushing either, just lacquer thinner the tire thats gonna be painted. Removes waxxy look

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Dave, your black beetle, with a little work to the background would have made a great "is it real or model" subject. Very clean look there.

DO NOT DO NOT give harry any more help I would like to get 1 correct!!

(Yes it's sweet dave!!!)

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I use Tamiya flat white paint, and have had no problems yet. I also make sure I clean the tires very completely before I apply paint to the dry tire. I have used acrylic based flat white house paint with success in the past, as well. Never use any enamel or lacquer to a vinyl tire or you will get much older than I am waiting for it to dry.

Ken "FloridaBoy" Willaman

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