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Revell 1941 Chevy Pickup

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Talk about one that fought me all the way. I had won a door prize of the original 41 Chevy P/U and had started to modify it to mimic a real 41 seen in the area. So, I took the suspension components from an AMT 39 Wagon Rod and began fitting to the chassis. The real prototype had a 350 Chevy Small Block and aftermarket frame. The P/U chassis in the kit would have been too anemic to handle such.

Then this year’s Revell contest was announced and I bought the current 41 kit. Given the contest time frame, I decided to drop the frame modification and start fresh. The front hood of the 41 is not exactly prototypical in opening, and hinging it correctly would also have taken a long time. So I decided to do a custom hood treatment and also open up the grill:



I also decided to use the included straight six with the aftermarket parts. I still had the decals from the original issue 66 El Camino and thought this would be great to create a shop truck with custom touches and paint. The result is:



Testor’s Diamond Dust and Purple-Liscious One Shot Lacquers from the can were used, and then cleared with their Wet-Look Clear. One disadvantage is that is not dust on the model pictures, but the silver flake being reflected by the flash.

The grill was airbrushed with Alclad Chrome over Testor’s Gloss Black enamel and then covered with Alclad Aqua Gloss clear to protect the chrome finish. As others have discovered, I think the gloss black makes the chrome too dark and will experiment with a dark gray or dark blue to see if that improves the effect:


For the chassis, I just detailed areas with paint and added Microscale wood decal to the underside of the pickup bed and added Testor’s chrome silver to pick out the bed bolts.


I wired and plumbed the engine bay and added a bee hive oil filter:


The interior of the truck was spruced up with adding tuck and roll to the seat upholstery and finishing as leather. I also added seat belts:


I used the Revell supplied wood decal for the truck bed, but decided to use the bed from the original 41 P/U because I did not think the stakes would add anything. I am still trying to decide what to add to the pickup bed. I did install a GMP 1/24 tool chest and then placed in a Ford hot rodded flathead engine. But I will likely replace the engine with some other paint shop related load. I just haven’t decided what that is.

As far as being done during the contest period? Well the contest last submission date was May 15 and I just finished this yesterday. Something called work intervened, especially since my retirement date was set and a project needed to be done.

Edited by Exotics_Builder
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