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The Positive Topic

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He says that right after he's baited people into near killing one another on stage!

There is a rather strong irony in that, isn't there?

Charlie Larkin

You got that right!

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  • 4 months later...

I thought I'd bring back my topic from awhile back

In order to succeed, we must first believe that we can.Nikos KazantzakisRead more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_motivational2.html#dpgxP0yqSk8yHhM2.99

Be Impeccable With Your Word. Speak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.Miguel Angel RuizRead more at http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/topics/topic_motivational2.html#dpgxP0yqSk8yHhM2.99

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Wow! This thread has been dormant since my November 1 interview. Unfortunate, I didn't get that job. In fact nobody got that job, they never hired, which was the case with about 50% of the jobs I had interviewed for in 2013! The positive part is that I had another good interview with another company in December and again, they haven't hired anyone. I see they have started advertising that job again. They're looking for Superman at a Lois Lane salary.

The good news is that I wasn't keen on either company, but I would have taken the job because I was out of work. In January I got a call from my old boss at the 2nd pharma I worked for, to work for him at the 1st pharma I worked for! So now I'm a consultant at pharma number 1, working for two levels of my old management from pharma number 2.

Good karma and never burning a bridge works for me! :)

Edited by Tom Geiger
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" It only takes one to take-up space ;

It takes two to recognise a face ;

More than you is a disgrace."

On a sailing ship to nowhere, leaving any place,

If the summer change to winter, yours is no,

Yours is no disgrace.

Yours is no disgrace.

Yours is no disgrace.

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On a sailing ship to nowhere, leaving any place,

If the summer change to winter, yours is no,

Yours is no disgrace.

Yours is no disgrace.

Yours is no disgrace.

"Yes" , that's a nice one :) .

I should have given credit to the author of my quote ; however , I didn't want to "pat my-self on the back" . It was something I wrote back on Sat , 12th Sept 1999 at ~1430 HRS .

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Last week Saturday my beloved brother in law departed from this world to the next. He and my sister had been married 48 years. While not unexpected, he has had health issues for decades, it wasn't a shock when my neice called. When my neice and I spoke she told me her mother was far and away ready to get on with her life. Today I called my sister and put her on speaker my wife.

I found she is her normal self and incredibly upbeat but then again this is a strong woman who never gets ruffled. I broached the idea of her possibly travelling here to Las Vegas for a visit. She said she was planning on a trip to Colorado with her grown children and invited us to meet hem there. We plan on attending.

It was nice to see adversity didn't detract from my sister's life.


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