MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 (edited) Okay, now I have something to say here, after the other photos was taken the other night on a few projects.. later that night. I decided I would weld or try to spot weld on another project even though my wife ask me nicely not to and to wait to the next day.. well I thought why wait. So I got my welder out and started to weld.. well towards the end on the other project I took a small brake and soon as I went to flip my shield down my welding shield glass broke.. so I thought I could easy finish the weld up by closing my eyes during the welds with my face shield on.. let me just say later that night I had a good welder flash.. and still have a sore right eye ball as well yet!.. On top of that with having the face shield on that night and working out in the driveway area. I a bout knock over the work stand behind me when a few wild sparks burn my hand and I jump back. The other work stand had the semi trunk project on it.. The frame got bent as a few pieces of wood landed on it as things fell.. so I'm in the process of working on a metal frame for this project as well. I am using this time around instead of brass for the semi truck chassis as brass bends to easy.. I am going with store bought steel c channel for shevls that I am doubling up on to make a right size c channel. Edited April 28, 2014 by M0par Jim
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 Seeing how long and where to cut the steel c channel at
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 (edited) More photos from a few weeks ago I marked out afew more cut line areas Edited September 11, 2013 by M0par Jim
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 Button up Sanding down the metal
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 Okay started to cut the other area Tacking it down now
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 I hope you all like or enjoyed the progress update, comments are welcome towards the project
ap40rocktruck Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 (edited) Edited September 12, 2013 by ap40rocktruck
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 11, 2013 Author Posted September 11, 2013 So WHY are you making a frame out of steel, which is full of shelf bracket slots, INSTEAD of using styrene or ABS?? Aside from being all wrong for a 1/25 scale (although the Italeri cab you have in the photos are 1/24) model. Even if you were going to make it a R/C aluminum or brass would be faster, just as strong & look a 1000% better. You asked a very good question. I will answer best as I can as well with an answer. I'm not going with styrene because of the weight of the aftermarket items that my friend has bought over the last few years. They out weigh the styrene in a heart beat. I had last year mock up the original kit frame with some of his stuff on. The frame started to bow and kapt braking here and there and was to weak even to weak with the glue I use. My friend then after seeing it mention to me if I could go a metal route due to how much he has invested in all the parts as he was unaware at the time how thin the Italeri kit plastic was. I mean I would glue afew pieces to gather.. then even a weeks later those areas would brake apart around the areas the small amounts of glue was used in. I went with a brass chassis idea last fall, the only thing is this project has so many pieces to be made and soldering them in would be a mess. I won't say your wrong or anything about going brass way as your correct, but with how much weigh will be on this project when done I fill brass will not hold up unlike steel would. Now if it was say 200 light weight pieces going on it I say yea a brass chassis would be best. Plus in the end my friend wants the chassis to be painted. Oh yea I almost for got one other question you asked me, which is about the slots, The center area where they are ate, will be cut down the center taking out the slots area. You see I'm doing two rails at one time in the photos above.. I just having not gotten to the point to where I need to cut the frame down the center which would give me two frame rails at one.
ap40rocktruck Posted September 11, 2013 Posted September 11, 2013 (edited) Edited September 12, 2013 by ap40rocktruck
chris02719 Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 Just curious what size those bars are, they look huge compared to the original frame with the cab. Also, just wondering what glue you used with the italeri frame you tried. Hopefully this frame works for ya with the amount of work you've invested in it. Chris
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 12, 2013 Author Posted September 12, 2013 Just curious what size those bars are, they look huge compared to the original frame with the cab. Also, just wondering what glue you used with the italeri frame you tried. Hopefully this frame works for ya with the amount of work you've invested in it. Chris LOL like they always say, curious killed the cat. Okay all kidding a side now and down to what you ask, you also ask a few good questions. The bars or belive it or the same size as what the kit ones are. I too thought they was too big after I started assembling them and so I got the plastic frame out to check, and are the same size. I know the size in the photos makes them look huge. The glue I use for all my projects is super glue with the red cap on. This frame I do belive will work out a lot better then other did. I'm good at working with steel and metal. Stuff I wanted to do before with the other I couldn't do, now since I'm using steel I can do that stuff and not worry about the solder melting in the wrong areas. I do have a lot of time in this project. My friend had me start this project for him in 2009 and told me to take my time on it. Like I told him a few weeks back when he was here the a few weeks ago and seen what happen with his own two eyes. My wife came out and asked us if we was both okay, we said yes and after looking at the brass frame damage and it being twisted and slightly bowed from the stuff and it hitting the driveway, he even told me he thinks in the darkness he might have also step on the frame not knowing where it was at, I told him this chassis is on me and so is the trailer metal.
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 12, 2013 Author Posted September 12, 2013 I was going to post this earlier but was too tired and not filling good yet so I took a nap. My right eye is still sore yet and I kinda have a issue with keeping it opening at times. Anyways, about the project. I know a lot of you are not a ware of the whole project back ground or whats it plan or how it pose to even look once it's done. All you all know is what you see in the progress photo updates I post. So let me start off by saying I'm here tonight for a first time kinda to explain about this project and it's back ground. As some of you know I am building this semi for a friend of mine that is like a brother to me. He grew up in a family of truck drivers. His two uncles was in fact truck drivers and one was like a dad to him. 10 years ago (2003) when my dad past away not shortly in a few after my friends uncle past on as well due to cancer, it was the uncle that was like a dad to him. Then around 4 years ago (around 2010) his other uncle past away. This project was started in 2009 and didn't get underway until spring of 2010. You see this project has a paint scheme already picked out that is a good one and a very beautiful one. It's kinda and some what is 90% being base off a real semi truck that is down in Australia that my friend fell in love with back in 2009 when he seen photos of it even at night. But it's not going to be 100% replica of that one though. Now my friend wanted something special and since he's a major mack fan and dreams of some day driving truck as well and sine he didn't have the building skill for a project of what he wanted built and knew that I did though. He came to me in the fall of 2009 and again in Feb 2010 (Just over a month after my aunt had past on due to a heart attack) and ask if my offer to him was still good about building him a model and I said yes. He littery dash in the house, look at me and said "that offer you made to me about building me a semi truck still good?" and I said "Yea, why?" and his reply was this "Great! because I found the one I really like and I feel in love with it when I seen it I want you to build me my version of it for me and I'll get all the scale parts needed" and LOL he latterly dash to my computer to show me the real truck. All he could talk about was the truck, and ask what all I could do to make the model more realistic for him and he told me there was no dead line just to take my time and do my very best as he had seen my other model projects and what I could do. I told him this was a project I was always waiting for to do.. one where I could push all my skills and go all out and really bring the model to life. He asked me if there was a way I could make the semi light up, I said yea. He said he really love the models I have done in the past that had working light up lights in, and he wanted that feature in his project. We set down to talk the project over and how he wanted it to look with his mods of course. Then I looked at him and said with a model truck of this caliber.. my normal lighting up trick of models is not worth it with this one, it's worth a new version. You see most projects with lights most run 50 to 100 lights on them and they turn on all at once. We didn't want this on this project.. he wanted things to be different.. way different. Let me say this much about the project.. it has over 175 LEDS over 185 LEDS.. over 200 LEDs being powered by 3 9vs that is plan to be hidden with in the semi but easy access to though. Plus something that made the planning of this project even more special is this model has it's own wiring diagram for it for on it's wiring. All lights are plan to be functional just like on the real semi's, you push the brake pedal down and the brake lights comes on, you push up or down on the turn signal switch and depending on which way the leaver is push, that directional is plan to work. Open the door or doors and the interior doom light comes on.. stuff like that Now on the back, I have designed a panel that will carry 8 LEDs lights with buttons behind them, plus this panel will also carry a special planned designed mearl image in a 3d like design photo image in layers that will also light up. Also within the mearl, will be yet another special piece.
Jordan White Posted September 12, 2013 Posted September 12, 2013 Hmm quite an interested project, though I'm wondering how you'll be able to get the lights to function by means of the pedal and turn signal stalk at that scale.
MoparWoman Jamie Posted September 12, 2013 Author Posted September 12, 2013 Hmm quite an interested project, though I'm wondering how you'll be able to get the lights to function by means of the pedal and turn signal stalk at that scale. It is an interested project, you know (laughing) you sounded just like my friend did about the lights being functional. He wondered the same things.. so did my cousin when he was at my place visiting and my friend was here as well and he was talking to my friend as well as you see my cousin was at one time a truck driver too. They both know each other anyways. Well like my cousin said as he looked at use both LOL leave it to Jim as he probably already has a idea or layed out in his mind on how to do it.. but in that scale.. will be very hard and next to near impossible. I looked at them both while getting a cup of coffee and said "it is very in fact possible and do able even at that scale, LOL you just need to know how to work it is all", Then I got them again LOL when I said I was planning on also having the headlights be functional as well off the head light switch in the model. My cousin and friend both asked how was I going to do that? I told them I will have to fabricate unites for behind the dash for all the stuff to function. My friend Mark looks at my cousin and said "That is going to have to very very very micro scale then for what he is planning on doing". Like I told them both. For a build like this, it will be built at a slower paste and has to be built in a certain way due to all the wiring that will be going into it.
Bennyg Posted September 13, 2013 Posted September 13, 2013 I got some aluminium frame rails from eBay. I got them due to the weight of transkits. I plan to do a Mack Titan from auslowe and it is a lot of resin. The sleeper is really heavy. Anyway, I get why you are using metal for frame rails. Going to use mack cross members with the aluminium frame rails so it will look like a Mack and some resin bolt heads. Cheers Ben
MoparWoman Jamie Posted October 8, 2013 Author Posted October 8, 2013 I got some aluminium frame rails from eBay. I got them due to the weight of transkits. I plan to do a Mack Titan from auslowe and it is a lot of resin. The sleeper is really heavy. Anyway, I get why you are using metal for frame rails. Going to use mack cross members with the aluminium frame rails so it will look like a Mack and some resin bolt heads. Cheers Ben Hi Ben, I'm planing to do more semis in my future, so I am taking suggestions.
MoparWoman Jamie Posted October 8, 2013 Author Posted October 8, 2013 Each time I go to do some work on this project, it rains. The last few days I went to work on this project and all it did was rain.. I want to at lease get the cab mounts done and get the suspension pieces built and attach out of metal..
txdieseldog Posted October 8, 2013 Posted October 8, 2013 Hey Jim, can you come build that in Texas? We could use the rain! Keep up the good work.
marcay Posted October 8, 2013 Posted October 8, 2013 Hey Jim, can you come build that in Texas? We could use the rain! Keep up the good work. noooo! not in Texas!!!! in France with a reel Superliner in your baggage !!! :lol:
MoparWoman Jamie Posted October 9, 2013 Author Posted October 9, 2013 Hey Jim, can you come build that in Texas? We could use the rain! Keep up the good work. Sure can! All we mostly had this year up here in my area was rain.
MoparWoman Jamie Posted October 9, 2013 Author Posted October 9, 2013 noooo! not in Texas!!!! in France with a reel Superliner in your baggage !!! :lol: noooo! not in Texas!!!! in France with a reel Superliner in your baggage !!! :lol: You don't have any rain over there either? LOL I think it would be hard to get a real Superliner through customs in my baggage LOL.. I can already hear the guy at the gate, Sir, what do you have in that there big bag? Well sir, I have a real Superliner semi trunk in it.. that's why it's so dang heavy for. Sir you can't take that on the plane with you. LOL
MoparWoman Jamie Posted December 15, 2013 Author Posted December 15, 2013 Well as winter sets in here now in PA, I have more time at the ol workbench on projects while my wife watches me build the projects and plays video games here and there. We just got hit by another snow storm again yesterday got 6inches of snow. I have afew new ideas for on this build.. plus got more leds in for the project as well. I will be mixing plastic, metal, brass and copper among the build with working lights.
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