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Revell Mustang LX strengths and weaknesses?

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I am going to be acquiring one of these bad boys in the next couple of weeks and was wondering what the high points and low points of this kit are from those who have built / are building it. Having owned one of these things for around 10 years I'm looking forward to replicating that car. Thanks in advance , Joe

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Here is the locked review topic if you're up for reading through it: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=65168&page=3&hl=%2Bmustang+%2Blx#entry873303

The main issues are covered in the above topic, and even better in some of the Model Cars: OTW topics here on the forum, such as the one Lawrence linked to. The engine, interior, and chassis have gotten very positive reviews, but the roof discrepancy is a major problem. Fortunately some people have stepped up and provided a solution for the latter: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=78577

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Thanks for the replies so far fellas and I'll check that review out there Casey. I really can't wait to break out the x acto blade and airbrush on this thing. The one weakness I have in modeling right now is how to achieve a high gloss finish without making the paint coat a 1/4 inch thick!!

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I am nearing completion on mine - box stock. The roof is too low. No small "lip" on the trunk lid. Rear wheel wells too large. The rest of the kit is very well made. The chassis is particularly nice and, although composed of quite a few parts, goes together well and looks great. It is, by my eye, accurate too. The interior is nice - no real issues other than some serious parting lines on the dash where the speakers are located. The engine is very well done and I had no issues getting it togther. I messed up and put the driver's side spark plugs in the wrong spot - I think they were molded incorrectly - but just move the last plug behind the exhaust manifold. The underhood area is decent - the wiper moter looks kind of lame and small and there is no coil or coil cover. The firewall coul use a little detail as it looks bare on the completed model. There is, however (and after I made my own) the correct emissions decal for the coil cover. The window trim on the body is a little faint and there is a small error in the way the door trim transitions close the sideview mirrors - easily remedied by just painting the whole trim black and stopping at the top of the door. Also, I don't know if it's me (likely) or the way the kit is engineered, but the mounting hubs for the wheels were off center - helps level the kit IF you don't glue them in place.

Do not follow the paint colors or decal locations presented in the instruction sheet - they are wrong. Also, the 5.0 decal is too large - remnants of something revell adjusted on the model, just not the decal sheet.

As I complete the kit, I will post anything else I find or remember...

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The Revell kit is very good, other than the body.

The replacement resin body conversion kits mastered by Mike Schnur and produced by the Master Caster, Greg Wann, are superb!! Purely superb!!


I'm trying to get some build-up pix online this weekend. (Been crazy busy, but now that I have the new "glass" in hand, it's time to wrap 'er up.)

I'll say this . . . Mike's corrections to the styrene kit body have nailed the actual car's dimensions and appearance. The casting is most excellent and required little cleanup and preparation . . . no more than the original kit body (I cleaned & prepped one of those, too).

It's well worth the price, if you want your replica Mustang to look RIGHT. B)

Edited by Danno
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