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The "S" word...

Harry P.

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Today "S" stood for SOLID ICE. We didn't get any snow, it was warm enough that we had freezing rain overnight. By morning everything was solid and tree limbs and power lines were coming down left and right. We lost power around 5:30am and got it back around 5:00pm. About 80% of our county was out, most still is so we're fortunate to have power and heat once again!


We just hit 24 hrs without electric. My freezer is thawing and my house is freezing. Lol. Doesn't look good when they are saying expect a few days without power right from the start.

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Tubbs, I'll NEVER forget driving with my parents and brother to Buffalo for Thanksgiving back in the 50's and getting stuck in Ashtabula, Ohio. We got the last parking space in the hotel, all the roads were closed, and we had to take a train the rest of the way. The train also made many stops along the way to drop off bread in smaller towns. I must have been 8 or 9 years old back then.

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Tubbs, I'll NEVER forget driving with my parents and brother to Buffalo for Thanksgiving back in the 50's and getting stuck in Ashtabula, Ohio. We got the last parking space in the hotel, all the roads were closed, and we had to take a train the rest of the way. The train also made many stops along the way to drop off bread in smaller towns. I must have been 8 or 9 years old back then.

While it was probably a major PITA for your parents, that's a cool memory... an adventure you'll probably never forget.

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I appreciate it. I have a 8000w generator so fridge,tv,Internet,and two space heaters. It has more juice but trying to keep the gas consumption down. Running about $35 -$45 a day.

Basically living in the living room. It was 700,000 without at its height,down to 185,000 so the hotel rooms are scarce and we have pets as well. We have family and had offers but figured we'd grin and bear it

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We were supposed to get a "dusting" today... maybe an inch. It's been snowing most of the afternoon, and it looks like way more than a "dusting." More like 3-4 inches. Not too bad in and of itself... but I am literally running out of places to throw this stuff!

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