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The Official 2014 "All the Rest" Community Build-Extended to April 31st


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Joe... Thank you for the welcome to this community build. I will have to take a pic of the couple kits I am considering for this. I was thinking it would be good to have something totally different to build to take a break from a highly detailed project from time to time....lol

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Ok fellas! I've got the factory applied splinter camo applied to the basic fuselage on both sides now. There are parts where the pattern seems to fade away or is incomplete. This is due to the fact that the field applied camo pattern will overlay those incomplete looking areas. In short , no worries! More coming...........


and the starboard side.........


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There is some amazing work on display from you folks. Nice stuff, everybody!

I have been really bad about taking WIP photos of my project. Here is the only one I've taken that I haven't already posted...


...showing a part after priming, white paint, and a clear-coat with Pearl-Ex Interference Gold pearl powder mixed in.

I wish I hadn't used the pearl powder. Having to stop spraying between sub-assemblies allowed the pearl to clog my airbrush nozzle, and to settle into the bottom of the paint bottle attached to my airbrush. This resulted in runs in the clearcoat and inconsistent density of the pearl on the parts.

I then used a Micron Pigma .05 marker to do panel lines, and assembled everything:


The panels lines came out looking way too thick and high-contrast. I originally wanted to leave the model looking like it just came from the mobile suit factory, but between the bad panel-lining job and the inconsistent clear coat, I figured some weathering would only be an improvement. I used some Tamiya Weathering Master soot-colored pastel all over the model. I think the weathering tied everything together much better.




And a "hero shot:"


I'm not really happy with how this came out. There are a lot of thing I would do differently if I had it all to do again. Honestly, this build was intended as a slump-buster, and something I could use to make sure I still remember how to do things after a too-long hiatus from building.

I am currently working on a Cylon Raider from the Battlestar Galactica reboot, I'd like to contribute that one to the group build next.

Edited by Danny Lectro
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Well you may not be happy, it is your build, but I like the heck out of it.

I have to try one of these. I think it will be fun and similar to weathering a tank.

Cylons are my favorite enemy, so as far as I have any say so, bring it!


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I lost the better part of two weeks as I had family in town staying at my place. I have done nothing to the Sherman, but I have been at it. Going sideways yet again I present my exercise in painting a Type XI c U boat.

A good friend built this kit and lost interest. He placed it on my desk at work and there it sat unpainted for about a month. No one dares come to my office, bosses included, so it's presence raised no eyebrows. Being the lifelong modeler I am I couldn't resist finishing this.


So a coat of Krylon Gray primer later, I had this.


After some research I found that U boats were gray, dark gray on the bottom and a lighter shade of gray on the top. Boats were repainted nearly every time between patrols so exact colors depend on time frame and patrol area.

Tamiya "German Gray" bottom.


Masking the waterline.


Tamiya "Sky Gray" on the upper surfaces.


Nice contrast.


I left that to cure for a bit.

Stay tuned.


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Well you may not be happy, it is your build, but I like the heck out of it.

I have to try one of these. I think it will be fun and similar to weathering a tank.

Cylons are my favorite enemy, so as far as I have any say so, bring it!


Thank you, Wayne. That's kind of you to say.

These kits can certainly be fun, especially if you customize them, like I do with paint and kitbashing.

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Danny: I think that build came out suuuuwweeet!!! I never knew these kinds of models existed until I got here. Good stuff for sure and you did pull it off well!! I'll get this in the completed builds line up and looking forward to that Battlestar Galactica Cylon Raider. I'll get that posted in the line up! Again, way to go man!

Wayne: Man you'll build just about anything won't you? This U-boat is gonna be friggin awesome!

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Danny: I think that build came out suuuuwweeet!!! I never knew these kinds of models existed until I got here. Good stuff for sure and you did pull it off well!! I'll get this in the completed builds line up and looking forward to that Battlestar Galactica Cylon Raider. I'll get that posted in the line up! Again, way to go man!

Thank you, Joe.

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I like to stretch my abilities and try different genres. This is for a friend who is going through some hard times, so I plan on really going all out for him.

Again, the research is half the battle and most of the fun. I discovered the wood slat decking on these weas coated with a substance similar to creosote. It started out a dark black/brown but faded to a dark brown due to sea and sun.

Here's my take on that.



I started with Lifecolor acrylic "dunkelbraun", thinned it way out with water and brush painted it where appropriate.

I'll wash this with Model Master "Burnt Umber" enamel late tomorrow. In the morning I have a 8 mile hike planned in the mountains behind my house. Should be fun.


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Well we got about 2 miles out and as we crested a ridge line my wife and I were hit with a steady 25mph wind with gusts even faster. It felt like we were being sandblasted. I cut that hike short and we went shopping! Pics later after I get all the sand and dust out of my ears and mouth.


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The sub looks good, Wayne. It boggles my mind to see what realism some folks are able to pull out from military models.

I was about to ask what that big metal or stone thing was you were using to hold your model, then I took another look and realized it was Styrofoam. See, you even do amazing things with packing materials!

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I am currently working on a Cylon Raider from the Battlestar Galactica reboot, I'd like to contribute that one to the group build next.

Hey Danny. Got your pic posted and have you entered in on the intro post for the Raider. Looking forward to this one as I grew up with this stuff!!!

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After the factory applied camo finish on my Ju-87 I am now at the point of the field applied camo application. This is proving to be very tough and tedious. I have one shot at this at the risk of stripping all of what I have done to repair any boo boos I make during the process. Heres the start....


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I hear you on that one with the break from the detailed build and all! lol . Looking forward to the pics of the kits Chris!

Joe.... Here are the 4 kits I have narrowed it down to...lol but I am thinking about holding off on the Russian Tractor and the KettenKraftrad because I would like to do some weathering on those but need to improve my weathering skills first and I would love to do a little diorama with both (seperate diorama's though), but I guess it wouldn't hurt to start either of them...lol. Here is a pic of the kits:


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Ok dudes! Got the field applied camo all the way on. It's time for a few corrections here and there, then the white bands and it's gloss coat time. After that it's the snakes on the sides of the fuselage and all the rest of the decals!


and the other side.....


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Hello Fellas.... Well I have officially started the V-1 Flying Bomb..... Here is where I am at with it.... Got all of the parts cut off the trees and now I am sanding the mold lines off the cart and have starting scribing the panel lines on the main body. The wings are all sanded and ready to be glued to the body. Hoping to do some more work on it today.


Edited by Mooneyzs
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