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The Official 2014 "All the Rest" Community Build-Extended to April 31st


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Wayne... thank you

Joe... thank you. your stuka is looking really nice. I got one side of the main body scribbed last night and hope to be able to finish up the other side and then I can get the main body glued together. I am almost dine with cleaning the cart up as well and gluing it together. Hoping to have some pics up of it later.

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Joe... Looking good!!

I have made some small progress on the V-1 the past couple of days. I decided to scribe pretty much most of the panel lines that I will put a wash in.

Here I have scribbed the first half of the body:


Here is the Cart that came with the model. sanded and glued it together. Now all it needs is a little bondo and it will be ready for primer:


Here is both halves after the couple of hours of scribbing...lol:


Got the body glued together, Now time to sand and do some body work at the seams:


I stuck the wings on to mock it up and set it on the cart for fun:


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After attempting to apply 15+ year old Cutting Edge decals and the results being terrible (the decals just broke up after being applied) I ordered these and got them in the mail yesterday afternoon. I guess it's no secret what I'll be doing this morning! lol


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I ended up getting a little more work done to the cart of this build. I added some bondo to it got it sanded down as well as got some primer on it and gonna sand the primer down next and add a black base before I paint it a steel color or the base

Here is the bondo applied:


Here it is with primer on it:


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Thanks Joe...

I got some black primer sprayed on next and now it is ready for some steel color for the base. I need to break out the airbrush and mix some paint up and then gonna attempt some weathering via the salt method. Hopefully I don't mess it up too bad or that it is easier than I think. I need to read up on the technique first. But getting excited about it.



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Everything is looking super!

I got a few moments today and worked some more on my USMC Iwo Jima Sherman.

I added some detail to the front slope.


The real tank had oak planks bolted to the side to thwart magnetic mines. The planks were spaced out about two inches and that space filled with concrete. I replicated the wood sponson armor with .030 sheet cut to fit.



I used some sliced hex rod for the bolts. The wood texture was courtesy of my razor saw. The front slope had additional boards protecting the gap. Again .030 sheet, textured with my saw blade stands in for the planks.


More to come, it's been a busy few weeks here.

I'll get some more shots of the U boat up soon as well.


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More to come, it's been a busy few weeks here.

First off Chris: your progress looks good and looking forward to the weathering of that crate/support.emotion-21.gif

Secondly man did you say that right brutha Wayne! My progress has slowed to a crawl for the same reason! Your Sherman is taking a great look on with that fabrication work of yours. emotion-21.gif

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Got the wash applied to the upper and lower surfaces as well as the elevators. Also been working on stuff like the landing gear assembly and painting. On the topside the panel lines were really brought out but on the bottom the effects of the wash are more apparent with staining and panel line definition I'm finally figuring out how to get the paint coats on thin enough to let the effects of the pre-shading to "bleed through" as clearly seen on the bottom and some of the areas on topside. Haven't gotten good enough yet to remember to pre-shade between the different colored coats of camo. Better luck next build though.



Edited by mustang1989
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Wayne.... That thank is looking great man. Glad to see you making some progress on it.

Joe... Nice job on the weathering. The Stuka is looking great!

I was able to shoot a base color on the cart. I was too lazy to break out my air brush and mix up some steel color so I chose a color which I thought would look close to steel. well I am sorta wrong because i think it has a little too much metal flake in it but it may not be bad because I am going to attempt the salt chipping method so many other colors will go on but wanted some areas to be a bare steel. Let me know what you guys think and if you would shoot an actual steel color on instead. I think I would have rather just mixed some paint up for the air brush rather than just using a spray can now....lol



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You guys are building some great stuff, WOW, from the weathering, scratch built parts, and clean work I have a hard time showing my pics.

Got some more work done, but be nice now I am just a novice. Oh well, here are the pics.





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