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The Official 2014 "All the Rest" Community Build-Extended to April 31st


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Chris:As Wayne said, that's going to work just fine. I use the same method on my aircraft interior builds and it works like a dream.

Mark:Did you say novice???? That looks great. Automotive builds are something I'm working towards in getting as good as you guys here are. Thumbs up on this build!!!!!! Let me know when you are ready and which picture to use and I'll get you posted on the intro post dude. You know you gotta sign up for round two and show us how you pull some of this kind of good work off. :D

Everybody:Thank you for the encouraging comments. I applied the flat coat this morning and noticed a little silvering in a couple of the decals. I'll have to weather those just a little more to hide some of that mess but other than that it aged/faded the paint nicely. The sun and weather in the Mediterranean theatre was never kind to aircraft.emotion-59.gif

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I delayed the paint stage for a bit more scratchbuilding. I wanted to see if I could replicate the intake trunks. The real ones weren't that neat and precise so I didn't have many worries.

Here's the lower piece.



Constructing the upper trunk.



Getting there.



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Well folks I managed to get the flat coat/ sunbleached effect going. I mixed up some MM flat acrylic with a few drops of light grey and cut it all with 70% ISO. It gives me the desired look I'm after.

Here's the before coat shot


and the after coat shot .


Will be moving on to undercarraige and all the other stuff next. I hope to have her on wheels soon!

Another after shot:


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Battlestar Galactica (2003) Cylon Raider - currently in the PSR (Putty, Sand, Repeat) phase:



I also started on the "Mercury 9" rocket and diorama from Pegasus Models, as I plan to use the same metallic finishes I will be using on the Cylon Raider:



I like the diesel-punkish vibe of this rocket. It kind of makes me think of what the first warp capable spacecraft might have looked like if Gene Roddenberry had the budget to build a prop for the original Star Trek series.

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Cylons are my favorite enemy. That ship is looking good and with all the work you are doing should be killer.

That rocket is really, really cool. After reading your comment I picture it in steel with brass accents and dirty.



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Now that I have a few days off it's time for paint. I made the decision to spray the basecoat of Olive Drab, then brush paint the camo pattern. The real tanks were painted that way plus this model has way to many fragile parts. I was afraid of masking over them.




That's Tamiya OD lightened a bit with Tamiya "Desert Yellow" It'll have a faded appearence when weathered. I'm going to use Vallejo for the brush painting.


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Thank you sir!

I started this one, sort of lost interest, then really got into the build.

Here's some more paint. This is where I will leave this for the evening.






For the camouflage pattern I used Vallejo "Yellow Tan", "Mahogany Brown" and "Black Gray" . The sandbags are basecoated in Vallejo "Dark Sand".


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I weathered the piece based on period photos. There is no paint chipping and minimal rust. These M4A3's were collected from the supply point, modified and painted just before the invasion. They were on the island a month or two at most. The last thing I will do is dust the whole thing up. Vehicles on Iwo Jima became covered with a grayish pumice dust in no time.







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I take a water bottle lid, squirt some paint into it, then add thinner. I paint the pattern as I work around the tank. By the time I finish the first layer, she's dry enough for the next. All that is just multiple light passes with a soft round brush. Brushing a pattern like this using my techniques is way faster and in this case more accurate than airbrushing. Like I said earlier this build is so freaking fragile masking was out of the question.


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Wayne and Joe... very impressive work on both of your builds. they are looking fantastic.

I was able to get a little more work done to my build. I took a stab at my first time trying to use the salt method to do some weathering to the cart of the build. Here are a few pics of it....

Here I started by adding salt in various spots on the silver base:


Here is the first coat over the salt with some red oxide primer:


Here I added some more salt over the red oxide primer:


Here I decided to add some white and gray primer in various spots:


Here is the cart after I sprayed another (different shade) red oxide primer:


Here is what it looks like after removing and chipping the salt off. I now need to start to weather this cart debating where and what to use to start...lol:


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