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garage diorama fully detailed and fully scratch build ...


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hi brad ooh they are there for quite a while and sooo easy to make ..

they are really cloth like ..

i was thinkign and thinking how to make realistic floormatts and got a crazy idea :)

print the floormatte on matt photopaper and take like the white medical tape , usually found in emergency kits ... its white cloth like tape to fix bandage .. its so white and thin when you just stick it on the print it shines through and by rubbing it it really looks like floormatte material

here it is just after putting it on and i must say over time the text got even more visible .. (when glued in the garage)


here you see the tape


this was after some rubbing already more visible


just added a can , rattlecan and flyer on the cart and glued the cart in that position , added some depth to that earea


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thnx blair !!

well i added some small details to the second cart .. a cloth and some thingy's .. later on there will be tools added ..

but then i printed a plymouth and suddenly got the idea why not cut super thin real wood veneer strips and make like a surround ..
first did the top
then the sides
and i'm never like shouting this looks great but i was a bit silent and just sat and enjoyed the frame and picture hanging on the wall ...
i have been trying stuff for a while on the walls and everything looked too fake .. and this time i was like whouw this lifts upthe whole earea and makes it look twice as realistic .. i want to make more , maybe not all wood but ...
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thnx guys :)
now i made a second one and thought it would looks great next to the other one (on the left of the safety goggles sign) .
but no it didnt look right ... i think i'm better of making like a hanging cubbord there ..
so i put the second framed picture in the office ..that looked cool
its actually not a picture but a rendering ...
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This just keeps getting better and better Richard.

thnx rich and with your tools ... it will really come to life :)

i was just making a oil drum from old kit wheel backsides ... then i thought about those partswashers on top of a drum and i still needed to make a partswasher so ......
i decided on a on top of the drum version , i dont really have space and now it looks movable .. it will sit in between the sink and bench cabinet also looks cool besides the sink ..
made the tub with copper plate ..
this is nice and thin and just looks like the real deal and i wanted to make it imperfect just like the rest so it has more carather ... so dents or imperfections are a good think , this gives it a used look
made a edge and lid
pump rod and hose .. bar to hold the lid .. kept it fairly simple construction wise with paint and dress up and ecals it will be convinsing enough i hope
primed it (still wet on the picture)
i saw a washer like this where the tun was red but the inside of the sink so to speak was metal colored , could be cool to try and do that
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My sister love to paint with a brush and wanted to help and we where talking and the conversation turned to your garage and she couldnt make it an image in her mind so I showed the subject on modelbrouwers and she said "well........... I thought you were good..."

I was like "huh??..." and she:

"Look at that, no way you are as good as him!"


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jamie .. i'll bet when you hold on and take your time you will make a great garage and the second one will always be better .. my previous garage when i first finished it wasnt half as detailed etc as this .. then i kind of restyled that one and it looked way better ..

but still not neirly as nice as this one ..

so my previous garage i kind of build twice ...and learned a lot abiut how and what ... and on this one it kind of came together .. and even on this build i kind of discovered new ways to make things even nicer .. like signs etc ....

so its all about putting in the hours and grow ...when i see your door and doorhandle i can see you have the talent and vision .. so keep going !!

and thnx dave and no its richard .. colin is my 10 year old son :)

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thnx guys :)

made a band in photoshop for the barrel added a snap on logo and made some red and black stripes ...
when glueing the band on it didnt want to stay on , i sealed both the front and back with clear tape to protect the print .. so i made a hoop from thin brass and stuck a clamp on the back to hold the print tight around the drum and let the glue dry
painted the inside of the tub silver like i saw on google this makes it a bit more alive i guess instead off all plain red
the band with snap on logo , painted the hose flat black ... when everything is dry the whole thing will get a wash to add depth
made a mesh screen inside
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I have finally been able to put my tongue back in my mouth and clean up the slobber off the keyboard. This thing is just incredible. And so I offer (for what little it is worh) kudos, applause, waving my bic lighter, throwing roses at the stage and other assorted fanfare.

A HUGE inspiration and swift kick in the butt for me to get busy. Your "this is how I built thus and such" is to me, what makes this thread such a wonderful resource and teaching tool.

Edited by olsbooks
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thnx a lot jesse and yes thnx for the resource comment .. i really like it when people can see all the steps (general) and maybe get inspired ..

that is how i got inspired by a dio here , that didnt even have real explanation pics but ....

i also got a lot of questions on how to .... so i figured if i post some steps of construction > paint and placement and give some explanation about how i went about . people can use it ..

now most in this garage i made up on the spot .. ost things i just try this and that :)

yesterday evening i got the idea i needed a bag of spillage pellets .. so i looked online for some bags of a american brand and could not find anything .. after 15 minutes this was the only one i could find ..

i printed it 2 times , glued the undersides together , took cloth tape and made a thick piece , glue that on the inside , closed the bag and just wrinkled it a bit so it looks like a bag of ... pellets :)

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