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On the verge of having a nervous breakdown

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As a lot of you knew, we moved in with my father to take care of him as he has advanced stage four cancer. It has been a real chore and headache at times, as he is forgetful and also has OCD and paranoia... Well the last couple months were really hard on us, every other week there was some issue with him misplacing things and later finding them after blowing up on us. This past Tuesday he misplaced some money and started accusing us of stealing it... This turned into an argument, and I thought it blew over. The next day he came in my room asking did I find his money and I told him no, he called the sherriff and they came and talked to us and him... The next day, he served me with a protective order set for a hearing this week.. Which meant we had to leave, with no money, and no place to go... We managed to borrow money so we could go to my sister in laws... Now I'm broke, I have a court hearing two states away, hoping to take a small loan so I can have the money to go, if not then the judge will award my father with a restraining order good for one year. Our belongings are still at my fathers house... We left with just a small amount of clothes, my ps3 and xbox360 , laptop, and ipad. Everyone I've talked to feels he is suffering from dementia... And to top it off, I have to go back up there and wait while the other half gets to bring the moving truck and try and see if the sherrif will let us get our personal belongings... I feel like I'm living a nightmare... And I just don't know what to do. I read the paper that was served and it said if I don't show up for the hearing then the judge will just award my father the order.

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You should get an order of guardianship for your Father. He will be interviewed and judged disabled and you may be awarded that.

At any rate, you can only resolve this thru the court system. I did something similar with my Dad, but you'll need an attorney most likely.

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If you haven't done so already, get yourself a lawyer. You can't go to court and stand before a judge without someone who knows the in's and out's of the system. Also, go to your fathers doctor and get him to sign a letter of protection saying that your father is not of sound mind because of his cancer and other illnesses. A lawyer will help you with this, the lawyer will more then likely ask the judge to have your father assessed by a outside court appointed doctor, and have your hearing put over until your father is properly assessed. Then you can get him the proper care he needs and save you and your wife any more headaches.

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Yes, you will need legal representation. I know you're broke, but most places do have some sort of legal-aid for people with no money. Try looking up "legal aid" in your particular area, or contact the local bar association. Free representation is rarely as good as the paid-for variety, but you have to get somebody in your court who knows the ropes.

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