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Some Amazing Scratchbuilding

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A friend of mine on a gun forum likes to scratchbuild model cars completely out of wood. His stuff is beautiful in its own way. Here's his latest:


And in response to requests, here's a thread he did on "How I do it."


You gotta admire skill, patience, and craftsmanship of this kind! B)

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It is a car. It is a model. Only difference is he used wood. I know that I couldn't do that type of work. I like the big sedan he did with the wide head lights. A Pierce Arrow trademark. My father used to joke that at night you couldn't tell if it was a car or two motorcycles. All the other cars had head lights close to the radiator.

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No it's not, but I thought some here might appreciate the work and the skill. Sorry to have wasted your time.

See... That's your problem right there. Nowhere did I say/mention I didn't appreciate your mate's work, nor did I say I wasted my time having a look at your mate's wooden car.... ? That's the problem with this forum, peoples over-senstivity. I'm sorry you're clearly one of those people. All I did was point out it ( your mate's car ) was wooden, therefore it would actually fall under the term woodworking, rather than scratch-building. ? Scratch-building is generally used in the model ( plastic ) hobby, this hobby. Working with wood, be it making a table, a chair or a car, is simply woodwork. That is a different hobby altogether. That's all champ ?

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Here in the US, if you make something out of raw materials--plastic, wood, brass, aluminum, whatever--most of us consider that scratchbuilding. Especially if you draw your own plans for the thing before you can even lay a tool on the raw material.

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Thats pretty freaking neat. I remember as a kid getting some wooden cars just like those... built the exact same way... the way the wheels are dimpled and had bronze pins... almost like the same guy made em. Neat!!!!

And thats what I would consider "building from scratch" as well.

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i think they'd look even better with wheels in scale. not suggesting spokes made from thinned toothpicks, but more in scale or proportion with the model.

I agree, but I don't think his goal is absolute accuracy. I think the guy just likes cars and likes woodworking, so he combined the two. No, they're not really "accurate," but they're pretty cool!

I've done my share of woodworking, so I can tell you that it takes a heck of a lot of talent and skill to create something like that. B)

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I agree, but I don't think his goal is absolute accuracy. I think the guy just likes cars and likes woodworking, so he combined the two. No, they're not really "accurate," but they're pretty cool!

I've done my share of woodworking, so I can tell you that it takes a heck of a lot of talent and skill to create something like that. B)

But Harry, there are no mirrors or back washed grilles. You can't approve of that. :)

I'm sorry Harry, I can't resist. I try to stop teasing you on that, before it gets old.


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