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1st try at weathering. Starting small

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Here are a few pics of some small pieces. The exhaust manifold for a NHC cummins, the 5th wheel for freightshaker COE.

The manifold i sprayed red oxide, let it dry, then held the can back about 4 feet and let the dust settle on the piece. Then dusted with flat black, flat beige, then dusted again with red oxide.

The 5th wheel i sprayed CAT yellow, let it dry. Then sprayed flat black, while it was still wet, i dragged the surface across an old block of wood. That let some dust from the wood get into the grooves.



Edited by Petetrucker07
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the parts look good so far !

Weathering seems to challenge our skills more than any other. I normally build 1/ 35 armor, where several techniques are used for wear.

One that I've tried, is the "hairspray" technique. Simply put its a removable layer of clear between layers of paint!! Take the 5th wheel above, apply the red oxide, after it dries, then apply a thin layer of hairspray..cheaper the better..allow to dry then spray the top coat ! Now the fun begins!! Before the top coat fully cures, take a short stiff brush, apply a little tap water, and scuff away the color as desired!! When satisfied, pat the area ;lightly w a tissue and allow to dry overnight!

The water will dissolve the hairspray, leaving the under coat intact! Tools like a sharpened t-pick, sanding sticks, give different effects, try em all!

Here's a tip, enamel is tougher to remove, but leaves a finer sublte chip effect..acrylic is easier to remove.

Id post a couple pics, but photobucket is giving me fits again

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I had to use a different browser to post these. The first one was done using Testors gunmetal for a base, for the worn aged metal look, a light layer of hairspray, then more enamel for the faded green. About 30 minutes later, some water and brush creates the chipped sides.This took only a few minutes..and was very enjoyable!

The distressed/ oxidized look on the tank transport was almost as simple as the hairspray..its called the "dot" technique. seal the base w Future, then apply random dots of oil paints, streak down w a brush damped w mineral sprits and remove the color as desired!! Seal with a dullcoat

The last pic was another hairspray job..Testors "leather " for the base, hairspray, then "cat yellow from the rattle can. Warning..this was VERY difficult to remove, I had to paint small areas, and work around the model

Happy Modeling !


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