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Hello from tulsa


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Hello all...

Been a lurker for a bit, and decided to post up. I must say there is some amazing builds on here and I hope to learn a lot from everyone. I have enjoyed model car building since I was a kid, and I have always wanted to become better.

A little about myself. I am a newer father. My son is one and my priorities have shifted. I thought I would get back into building model cars for a hobby, and not spending a lot of money on my bigger car. I also hope one day the bug bites him. I have been slowly building up my stock and supplies. I really enjoy reading everyones WIP threads. I won't be able to churn out as many as some, but a few quality ones is my hope. Anyway obligatory first post out of the way.

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Welcome David! Model building is not a race so it doesn't really matter how many you build. I know of guys in the hobby who are quite enthusiastic about it who haven't finished a kit in years, & others who can build one in a weekend! Personally, I try to finish one every month or so just to keep my interest. But every body has their own pace. Just follow that. :) Steve

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Kornnut, when my son was born in 1972 I got back into building when she worked her shift as an RN..I built and listened for sounds from his room..He got into building very briefly when he was 12 or 13 but gave it up and so did I..Later on I got back in 1991 till 1998 when I had a stroke..My dexterity makes it hard now but I can still paint and I do..Last month I built or tried a 1968 AMT Mustang Shelby from our brown bag build..I put it together with no paint at all..Just plastic and qualified myself if I could still do it...It had no glue marks or finger prints but I made the left hand work with the right hand..(left side stroke) I will be trying again and if its mess then I'am outa here..Hope you do wel with your return to modelling..Good luck and post some of your work....Enough of my rant...

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