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Dick Rathman's '53 Hornet


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We're having a group build on another forum called "Vintage Racing" and that them is just perfect for me. Subjects have to date back 25 years but I decided to really go vintage and you can't get more vinatge racing then a Nascar Hudson Hornet.

I got my hands on Powerslide's Rathman sheet and had to get the kit. A quick look on the kit got me this Moebius/ Model King Marshall Teague Hornet.

Very nice kit to start with and it includes a few nascar goodies like the exhaust.

First thing I did was to cut out the fender skirts, you also have to sand off the back up lights.



I then started work on the engine as I want to add a bit of detail to it. The basics are all there.


I added some fuel blocks to the carbs in order to add the fuel lines.


I painted the block in Tamiya's Gold Leaf and the carb's Tamiya Titanium Gold.



The next thing I wanted to details was the airfilters. These things are massive and red so it's the first thing you see once the hood is open.

Moebius got the shape right but the grills are molded solid so I chopped that off and added some mesh. That'll look much better.

Here's a before and after.


The body has been sanded and primed without much issues. the top got a coat of Tamiya's Racing White in a can to get that cream colour while the rest of the body was shot with Nasson Black basecoat.


Sorry can't get the cream colour to come out in this photo.

That's it for now

Edited by Jehan17
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  • 5 months later...

Hey guys,

I know it's been a long time coming but what can I say, I'm a slow builder.

I got the decals and a clear coat on the body. Just have to buff out a fleck of dust on the roof. I'm pretty happy with the finish, not too shiny but still nice.


Also got the interior done. One word of warning on this Moebius kit. Enlarge all the holes for the pegs to fit in wih the tip of your x-acto blade. All the ones on mine where a bit too small.

Better to know before it affects the finish on some parts.


The floor pan, Frame and rims got finished and a drybrush. I'm thinking of resparying the floor pan a grayer color. What do you think? the tires have received a coat of Future in preperation for the dullcoat.





Edited by Jehan17
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Like what I'm seeing here. Gotta love working with those Powerslide decals don't you?

Might want to test fit your air cleaners over the throttle linkage. As it comes in the kit they didn't fit level on mine.

Thanks for the heads up, I'm not there yet.

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