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1967 Chevelle SS (On hold for the moment)


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Thanks Doug.

I started looking at the diff and the two piece kit part was fine for one build but far too flimsy to be pulled apart for a second turn. The axle housings just couldn't take being separated by my clumsy paws, so I did away with them and attached some styrene tube to the centre. I had to remove the arms and spring mounting points to reattach to the new tubes. Decided that since I was at it I might as well knock up some proper springs too from tie wire. I then cut a 1mm piece of tube and heated the springs, then sat them onto the styrene to melt it into position which gives me both a clean level base to the springs and something for the glue to adhere to when fitting them.


While I was at it I noticed a severe lack of coil for the dizzy! I had thought the coil would be mounted at the firewall or on the side of the engine bay, which is why I wired the dizzy with a long coil lead. But the reference pics all show the coil sits right beside the distributor, Gonna be fiddly now since the leads are in the way. Anyhow, I used styrene tube to make the coil, inserted some smaller rod in for the contact point, sanded and moulded it into one piece, then drilled it for the wire. I made the bracket from a pepsi can I cut up, bent to shape and drilled, then some skinny styrene for the retaining bolt. It's so tiny!


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I've started to fiddle with the chassis. Here is where it's at for now. The fuel and return lines are on the right and the brake line on the left as per reference pics. I've also rebuilt the diff. I had to slightly shorten it by bringing the control arms and spring mounting points in a couple of mil to allow clearance for the drum brakes from my parts box. Also added the brake line and splitter which I scratched up also. No Idea what the parts are from, but the splitter was attached to some kind of pulley, but with trimming and sanding and drilled out it fits the part I feel.

Here be pics:




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Thanks guys. I am really enjoying myself. I can't for the life of me remember why I stopped so long ago, apart from work and life issues.

Everyone is different Mike, what you build you do it for you and thats what its all about. I'm not doing anything to impress anyone, because the experts could easily shoot me down on quality and method as well as finish and 'reality'. I'm just doing this to show myself I can. When I was building before there was no internet! I just had a few copies of SAE to drool over, and a heap of car magazines too. But now it's so easy to just do a google search for specific images and bazinga, reference pics! So I figure out a way to make stuff using what I have and in most cases a buttload of sanding. I like the challenge of the build, making parts if I can. I also built the basis for the brake proportioning valve today which I should get sanded and drilled tomorrow. That was rather small but fun.

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thanks for looking guys :)

Not much today, but here is the brake proportioning valve I scratched. I haven't ACTUALLY googled to see what they look like, just thought it was so small and gonna have lines running in and out and it is gonna be mounter to the chassis under the booster so it is not gonna be all that visible anyway, but I built it. Used boxed styrene for the body, glued a rod through the middle of it, then 2 more rods on one side and 1 on the other. Drilled them to the size of the .711 solder I am using for the lines. Added some tiny bits of rod for the mounting bolts.

Also the disk brakes I am using for the front. Again I have no clue what they are from, found them in my parts boxes. Did have to sand down the ribs on the edges and the hub as well to get them thin enough to mount. I will still have to shave a bit off the inside of the mags. Also one of the stub axles went walkabout, so I have built a couple more from tube and rod. I have set them up slightly lower than the kit one also pictured. Still have to make some calipers to go with the discs.

Couple pics:



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Thanks for the kind words :)

Ok, been a few days without updating. Have just been tinkering and kept getting distracted. Yesterday and today though I got some paint done. Have started on the interior. Just used tamiya XF78 tan, which was coming up slightly pinkish, so added a couple light coats of XF57 buff over the top. Then started detailing the dash, man I suck at those tiny numbers... soooo frustrating! Also started the BMF on one panel.


Also here is a pic of the brake proportioning valve in place and semi-plumbed.


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another update is the brakes. Here is a few pics of the process I used. Starting with the backing of a wheel from my box of leftovers. I think it was actually one of the wheels from the 51 chev kit, judging by the colour. But it had a decent thickness, which is what I was after to make into a caliper. Sanding it down is easy, just have to be sure to make it even. Once thickness is achieved, I cut to size, Only using disc's on the front for this kit so I just needed two parts. From there I glued on a bit of styrene which was to add a little extra width, as I had to saw out the gap for the rotor to sit in. I used a pin vise and drilled out for the gap in the top of the calipers. Glued on some styrene rod to make the piston appearance. Sanding and filing came next to get the shape I wanted, test fitting to the rotors. I made a little bracket for each to fit to the stubs. Painted them up and hey presto, disc brakes! Will need to plumb in the brake line when fitting time.

Heres some pics:








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And the final update for the day, as it is 2:30am here! I got the paint on the body.

Primed the body and bonnet with rattle can. Then used my AutoAir paints through the airbrush. Based with semi opaque black. Then medium aluminium base for a nice shiny silver metallic. Then about 15 light coats of transparent cobalt blue til I had the depth of colour I was looking for. The bonnet was taped to the body for paint so that the colour would be consistent.

Once I clear this it should really pop. Heres some pics (yes, my desk is a mess!):








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