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Don Wheeler

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    Don Wheeler

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  1. Don't you think a modeler deserves some kind of encouragement for posting their work? Maybe you think it's c%#p, but they are proud of it and want to share. You don't have to say it's fantastic, but does it hurt to say nice job or something similar? What's the harm in giving a little praise? Of course, if they ask for a critique, that's different. Don
  2. It's on my website. That's a beautiful box you made for your nephew. Don
  3. None of my ideas are worth a royalty. Here's what I am currently using, a stick with a couple nails in it. Don
  4. I can't argue with that. It's results that count. Don
  5. The holder is nice, Pat, but that is the saddest looking airbrush I've ever seen. Do you really use it with no cap on the trigger? Doesn't that hurt? Don
  6. I just bought an Acrylicase display case, and I'm not impressed with the quality. Here are a couple photos. There were scuff marks and ripply areas. I polished out the scuffs, but there's nothing I can do about the ripples. Have you had any experience with this product? Is this typical, or did I just get a bad one? The box appeared to be factory sealed. Could you recommend an alternative? Thanks, Don
  7. If I was just starting out and on a tight budget, I would get the HF you linked to. The effects of pulsing are minimal and the hose dampens much of it. If I had more to spend I would go for this one. (watch the video) Don
  8. Thanks for the responses. I appreciate it. I think I better order two bottles. Don
  9. Thank you for the tips. I wasn't familiar with MCW. I found the Saddle Brown Metallic on their site. The price is good, but it doesn't say how much you get. I have a hunch I'm going to need a lot before I get the knack of it. Is it fussy about brand of primer, or can I use Home Depot stuff. And, can I thin it with lacquer thinner, or do I even need to? Don
  10. I'm building the Monogram 53 Chevy. It was my wife's first car. Her Dad bought it for her when she graduated from high school in "58. (Yeah, we're old) She loved that car. Here is a photo of it. She remembers it as being metallic. I'm not sure it really was, but I want it to look right to her. I'm considering airbrushing Duplicolor cordova brown. I've never used a metallic before. Does it polish like regular colors? Does it have to be clear coated? Are there any tricks I should know? Would you recommend a different paint? Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks, Don
  11. I guess the lesson here is to be careful if you use Novus. Dispose of any rags and wash hands well after using, and keep it away from unpainted parts and painting equipment. I wonder if just handling a model that's been polished with it could transfer silicone to your hands. Also, does it make any sense to wax a model that's been polished with it? Will the wax just wipe off? Don
  12. I heard back from Novus: Hi Don, Thanks for your email. We do have it listed on our SDS online but just about any polish you will find will have a silicone in it. We do have a silicone free polish of the #1 and a silicone and wax free polish of the #2 that is available on a special order. We keep a small inventory in the warehouse because every once in a while silicone can be an issue for auto detailers or customers trying to silk-screed on acrylics. Our chemist normally recommends Mr. Clean to remove the silicone off the surface. That will usually do a pretty good job and it is safe for plastics. Thanks, Dean Trocke NOVUS Polish Sales Manager So, I guess you can get Novus without silicone if you special order it.
  13. I got a reply from Novus. Here's what he wrote: Hi Donald, Thank you for your inquiry from our website. Yes, NOVUS #1 and #2 do contain some silicone. Most polishes on the market will contain some silicone because that will give the surface a shine. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Dean Trocke NOVUS Polish Sales Manager So, here was my response: Hi Dean, Thanks for responding. Novus is a great polish, but don't you think you should warn people about the silicone? I have heard of guys trying to do touch-ups on models after polishing and having a mess. That can be really frustrating after spending many hours building and painting. Is there good way to remove the silicone if touch-up is needed? Best regards, Don If he answers I will post it here. Don
  14. My guess is that the silicone fills in tiny scratches left by the abrasive and makes the finish shinier. I don't know why else they would add it. Don
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