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    Chris Pizzirusso

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  1. Congrats on a great build! Your attention to the details really really paid off and looks fantastic. Every angle looks super clean. Love builds like this cause it's definitely a car and an era that I totally appreciate and respect but not something I would look to build myself. But looking over your build I find myself inspired to implement more on my projects and reminds me how crucially important cleanliness is to create such a great model. Thanks for sharing the additional pics. Chris
  2. You guys are amazing!!! The knowledge from the members here on this forum is endless. Think about it. A question was asked about a picture from the cover a magazine from over 50 years ago and in just 8 minutes the question was answered correctly and confirmed by another member 3 minutes after, along with box art of the original. Then an additional 4 hours go by and another member can dissect all the parts that were donored from 3 additional kits to achieve the end result. I think it's almost second nature to most of you guys and you don't even realize how amazing it really is. Novice builders that are somewhat newer to the scene have so much that they can learn from the members here. So nice to see something other than the typical "use the search bar at the top right" response that turns off the less experienced and makes most new members hesitant to ask any questions. Kudos to those of you! Chris
  3. Yup......another beauty Tom! Chris
  4. Nice job! Love this kit. Goes together so well. You did a great job on the red paint too. Well done. Chris
  5. This is soooo up my alley! Love the wheels and that interior is beautiful. Carrying the red piping throughout is a great look. Loving all of it so far.
  6. Randy.....this is by far the most stunning build I have ever seen. EVER!!! Each and every progress post has me captivated and practically begging for more. I know you've still got a ways to go but I'm 50/50 at this point. Part of me can't wait to see it finished and the other doesn't want it to end. Lol. Sooooo envious. Keep 'em comin! Chris
  7. Wow Michael! You told me you burned your hand pretty bad but I didn't envision anything like that. That had to be a miserable past few months. So good to see its healing up well. Looking forward to seeing some updates soon. Chris
  8. Another masterful build Harry. Perfect all around yet again. Although I can't say I'm not disappointed about no WIP. I can't tell you enough how much I look forward to yours. Your at the top of a list of incredible builders here that I always learn more than just a few tips or tricks from their WIP's. Keep them comin Harry! Chris
  9. Looking good Randy. Will be nice to see it all complete. Scott......I got my kit from Brady @ Scale Auto Works as well. Definitely a good guy to do business with. Communicates with his customers very well. Not sure about the price though.....I preordered mine and I beleive I paid a little bit more.
  10. Looking great. Love the color. One of the few models that got me hooked on Ferrari's as a kid.
  11. Can always rely on quality clean work from your bench Tom. Well done
  12. The car is as awesome as all have said but I just can't get my eyes away from the Dio! WOW!!! There's just so much detail. So many bits and pieces all detailed and weathered to the max. Absolutely awesome man! Love it love it love it. The more I look the more I am amazed. Very cool work.
  13. Wait.......so you all mean that this won't ever end? I am always frustrated with this and thought it was just amateur problems and I'll eventually learn to get past the self inflicted aggravation. Just great...ugh!
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