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HARRY PRISTOVNIK, long time moderator here, has cancer and STILL NEEDS OUR HELP


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The well wishes and donations have tapered off to almost nothing, but you know what? Harry is very alone and very very sick. 

He gave selflessly of his time and talent here for many years, keeping the forum organized, working, and riding herd on the troublemakers.

He inspired many of us with the beautiful models he built, and was in large part instrumental for making the magazine what it is.


Let's show him we haven't forgotten him.

Edited by Ace-Garageguy
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Bill states the situation well. Especially the 'encouragement' part. Harry seems to gain strength to continue when he hears from others about their or their family's successful battles with cancer.

Now we all don't have such people or experience but if you do, sharing with Harry is like a road map back to wellness for him.

Relating experience with insurance coverage (or the lack of it) and dealing with the medical personnel is also of value. How you solved those problems is an inspiration and guide book for him. Harry does not have a support staff of large family or professionals to assist him. It's a fatiguing, daunting process as much as the disease is. Daily.

If you prefer to not post publicly here, it's fine to PM him. As Bill says, he may look in on us but seldom feels well enough to interact and respond or post updates to his Fund.

Let's try to be his family and advisory group to support his fight. Harry's given so much of himself here, let's return the favor as best we can.


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When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I though it was all over. I was angry and depressed. The doctors did their thing, and now 12 years later, I'm still clean.  It wasn't an easy climb back to health, but it was sure worth it. 

Please take this as a challenge, Harry.  I beat the cancer.  You can too.  Fight, fight, FIGHT!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Come on people...PLEASE dig deep and lets get some momentum going here.

For those who may not know the entire story, Harry Pristovnik is a long-time moderator here and a builder of very fine models. He gave of his time for FREE for years to help keep this site going and running smoothly. He also worked tirelessly as editor and doing layout work for the magazine itself.

Not long ago, he was diagnosed with cancer (after having severe night-time pain). He began improving with the radiation treatments, but when he started chemo, it triggered a massive heart attack. He almost died, and since then, he's literally been fighting for his life.

His insurance hasn't been much help, and he can't work to generate income. He's also alone much of the time, and is fighting depression.


This is a man who's given a LOT to the modeling community...and as Tom said, now is the time to show some appreciation.

PLEASE GIVE WHATEVER YOU CAN GIVE. It's easy on any credit card, only takes a few minutes, and it's 100% legit and secure.



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When I was diagnosed with prostate cancer, I though it was all over. I was angry and depressed. The doctors did their thing, and now 12 years later, I'm still clean.  It wasn't an easy climb back to health, but it was sure worth it. 

Please take this as a challenge, Harry.  I beat the cancer.  You can too.  Fight, fight, FIGHT!!

I lost my Mom to cancer, after a 10 year battle, in 1992. I lost my dad to cancer, suddenly, in 2004. No one, including him, knew he was sick. I found out I had cancer 2 months after I lost my Dad, it was literally like a kick in the teeth............and have fought it for 12 years now, and am still here. I found out later that there was a cancer cluster surrounding the area where my family had it's long time business, a dry cleaning establishment. There were about 40 concurrent cases of cancer in that area, POSSIBLY caused by the cleaning business or the former coal gasification plant located right next to our business. I worked there from the age of 11. Scary stuff, now. I am fortunate, and thankful at the same time. I have a great support network in my family and a wonderful wife. I also volunteer with my wife, every year, to raise funds for the American Cancer Society to fund research to cure cancer. I just retired as a Paramedic, and spent many years providing emergency care to people with many illnesses, but the ones that got my attention the most were the cancer patients. I met MANY people who made me thankful that I was not them, as THEY had it bad, and they NEVER gave up, fighting hammer tooth and nail, for every day of life. Fight this Harry, and realize there are MANY of us here that owe you big for the inspiration YOU have given US, not only in building models, but in the bigger picture, setting an example for how to live life, for the way you gave selflessly of your time and knowledge and shared it with us, people you have never met.

Edited by redneckrigger
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It's wonderful to see that several people have made contributions to Harry's gofundme cancer account recently, and even the smallest ones are MUCH appreciated and go to help Harry in his fight for life.

But come on the rest of you...this is about helping to save someone's life, and the someone is a guy who's done a ton for the modeling community and for this site and for every single person who ever saw his models and was inspired.

Every little bit helps, so PLEASE CONTRIBUTE WHATEVER YOU CAN. It's quick and easy on any credit or debit card and is 100% safe.                       



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You guys who have donated the last few days are the greatest, and Harry's fund is growing. I'm sure if he looks in on it, he'll feel better knowing that he has so many generous and caring friends.

As I write this, I see there are about 150 people viewing the board. Mikemodeler has a very good idea..."If you grab lunch out everyday, brown bag some leftovers or a PB&J sandwich and donate what you would have spent on lunch for a day or two a couple of times a month and help make a difference in Harry's life."

That's not too much to ask to give back to someone who's given so much of his time, skill and talent to all of us. 

Please give whatever you can. Even $5 will help Harry to know he's not alone in his fight for his life. It's easy to donate on any credit card, it only takes a few minutes, and it's 100% safe.


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