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Everything posted by FLHCAHZ

  1. Truly amazing work on this! You have skills!
  2. Trying my hand at a kit I started about 25 years ago and did a poor job! This will be a mash up on an old Silverado kit and part from the “extra parts box”. I’ve not done much model building in a while..and i’m Not near at the level as most on this forum. here is the spare parts engine I’m going to use poorly brush painted interior- lots of “unwanted texture” 25 year old Rattle can paint with lots more “unwanted texture” I plan on sanding the body body to smooth it out and try a few different acrylic paints through and airbrush. I’ve never used acrylic paint or an airbrush before so this is going to be interesting! If nothing else, I hope to provide some comic relief! I’ll keep this thread updated as I go along. I work a lot so progress will probably be slow.
  3. Thanks for the info! I picked up a late model Camaro kit and started on it last night. I have a 2015 Camaro and wanted to replicate it. The kit is very basic, and molded in metalic green. I sanded on the body a bit and washed with dish soap, throughly rinsed and dried it completely. I had a rattle can of Testors gloss black enamel that I had sitting in front of a small space heater to warm it up, also warmed up the body. I sprayed a tack coat (outside about 30 degrees) and brought the body back in and placed back in front of the space heater for a few munites, constantly turning it to ensure even tempurature. Then a second light coat and a little more time in front of the heater. The third coat, I wanted to put on heavier and about 1/2 way through the rattle can started spraying like BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH. I made sure it was warm and well mixed. The finsh came out super shiny and even (minus a couple tiny bubbles) over all im happy with it, however I sprayed it yesterday and this morning I went to check it out and it seems like the paint is very soft. Is this typical for testors? I bought the paint at hobby lobby, and who knows how long it sat there. How long should I let it sit to see if it will harden? I am seriously thinking about picking up an airbrush for the consistensy of the spray and also I'd like to use some water based paints.
  4. Thanks for the warm welcome. I am mostly interested in learning about getting great paint jobs on plastic model cars. Is there a particualr part of the forum that discusses this? or a thread soemone cam point me to? Thanks
  5. Hello All. I built a ton on models as a kid, but I was never very good though. I want to give it another shot. this place looks like a great resource!
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