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Everything posted by oversteer

  1. Fascinating stuff.Does anyone like the Pontiac Bonneville? I'm trying to get something bigger than a Civic. I like VW's and the Chevy Blazer too.
  2. Oh and this will be my primary vehicle. Just me no kids or wife. Thanks
  3. My budget is about 5k.I also would have to buy some extra wheels and some blizzaks for the snow. What about the older diesel mercedes,aren't they supposed to be bullet proof?
  4. That thing is sparkling! You must be proud of this one,what a great looking build!
  5. The funny thing is this kit was the first model car I ever built,I remember I painted it green(BRG),my second was a jaguar that was painted silver. I think it was around 1976 or so.
  6. This kit is a must build for me,I love the aggressive looks.I love Pontiacs
  7. Real good work!I like the Cobra alot too.Thanks!
  8. Thanks for those great answers. Presently I walk to work(20min) but I'm purchasing a house an hour away from where I work. Can anyone make some suggestions on a car that would be used for a 1hr commute? I live in the north east (ny) Front wheel drive? Or does it matter? The problem is I have to keep gas mileage in mind. Any good books or websites to help a rookie like me understand the fundamentals? Thanks Rich
  9. Just curios,do most people that enjoy building model cars know how 1:1 cars work? I know I dont. Rich
  10. I finished my first model and learned alot.Now I come to the next model and a question. Is it better to rub your paint out using the 3400-12000 grit system and then polish?Or is it better to use a clear coat. What system will give you the smoothest shiniest finish? I have yet to find a complete set of instructions that give every detail like,how long to wait between coats or do you wet sand or dry sand.....stuff like that. Just so you know I use Tamiya paint and I use primer.I shake them well and place them in warm water. This is a pic of my very first model,It came out better than I thought it was. I totally forgot to spray the inside of the roof.
  11. oversteer

    32 Ford's

    Raul you never disappoint!
  12. oversteer

    32 Ford's

    Oh man these models are incredible,I just ordered a 32 highboy!weeeeeeeee
  13. Imagination is important in life,it helps with problem solving.I'm not sure video games do that for us.I'm 41 and was around when video games came out,they were fun to play because we had nothing else like it.The thing is we were already exercising out minds and bodies with other activities.Aren't you glad you got over the hurdle of your first model?I know I was(and it was just a few hours ago)...lol. I know I'm glad I got into this hobby to exercise the creative half of my brain,it's important.Keep it up.
  14. I'm testing to see if I can get the pics smaller. Also how do I post pics the way most everyone else is doing it? ahhhhhh haaaa I got it,it was the settings in my camera.
  15. ooops deleted pics by mistake...
  16. This is my first every model.After collecting supplies and familiarizing myself with the different aspects of the hobby I can honestly say I was fearful of the outcome.However I'm happy with the outcome,I also see where my mistakes were made and will correct the process for the next model.This one isn't really finished,I still need to apply some BMF.The little BMF I did apply was hard for me,but I did't try to do too much in a short period of time,I simple set it aside until I'm ready for the next round. All in all it was educational and fun! Rich
  17. Wow that car is sexy!Do people usually connect the wheels to the car when taken from a die-cast?
  18. I love these big cars from the 70's,I didn't care too much for them then but I love em now. I love to watch movies from the 70's that have all these kind of cars in them. The color combo is indicative of the era,you did a nice job.
  20. Oh my goodness! You have some sweet models there.
  21. Hey man good job.I agree this is one sexy babe!
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