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Everything posted by Lownslow

  1. looks better now than it did 5 years ago
  2. what PSI do you recomend and what psi do you recomend for future
  3. lol theres no paint on the body thats raw promo plastic
  4. as you can see donks arent the only thing i build, i build what draws my attention after seeing one of these driving around in my neck of the woods i had to build one
  5. thats a sexy beast right there 8)
  6. but it has big wheels. i got this 78 monaco at a show a year or longer ago. didnt do much with it i bough it cause its such a cool car i figure when i get around to it illl make a lowrider. then the highrider phase came and i swapped the pegasus wires for these 26s. it sat for a few months before last night when i decided time to do something about it. so i polished the plastic added some foil and highlit the trim. the interior was completety repainted with a mix of buff,earth, and dk brown.
  7. updates interior is done wheels are done. and a pic of the frame
  8. thanks,i used those skull stencils on Bearair.com then sprayed tamiya clear green over it
  9. yeah its been """"donked"""" but its the only way i will ever build a muscle car
  10. nice, i see what you meant by the undertra
  11. i thought you had used this kit to make yours.
  12. i got this in a trade the car ended up missing the mirrors but ill find a set or make some. the interior was kitbashed from the RSX and the wheels are Kranze Shokki with highlights. the color is Auto Air Lime green pearl.
  13. i stopped doing it cause it reveals a lot of flaws so i sand the clear off and lay my base then paint
  14. you need to make a concrete cabinet izzy. when i was in pr i kept my models elevated and sealed with tape(our house had a roach problem)
  15. thanks guys, i finished the car its in the underglass forum
  16. didnt use any primer i just sanded the black flat with 600, then layed AA 3300 silver base let it tack up then sprayed Faspearl pink topped with tamiya clear.
  17. she recently passed on and i decided to dedicate a car to her its mostly a basic paintjob but i got the car from point a to b in one day. from this to this
  18. my cousin recently lost her battle with cancer. i decided to build a tribute to her for my aunt the trunk will double as a picture frame. i choose diecast for a reason so dont scold me on that. this is what it started it out as. this is where im at as of today. the color is faspearl and i just coated it with tamiya
  19. i got this alfa on a trade for a truck, i love race cars done up in street fashion so i did some work the paint is AA pearl green(unfinished) the interior is kitbashed from a rsx the passenger side was heavily modified to a least look like it has a passenger side.
  20. those are cool where you get the superwides
  21. "NOSEBLEED SECTION" my first and definetly not my last gasser the front is pretty much scratch built the back i modified(unfinished) im guessing hemi for a engine
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