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Everything posted by Ariel

  1. I will be there for the show in PR. I am trying to get some of the Philly Guyz to go also. But they are to old to hang with us. We would have to rent power scooters for them. Saludos Ariel
  2. Really nice work especially the airbox. One of these gP bikes is on my list if I ever get to building something again.
  3. This had to be the best NNL ever for me. It started Thursday and didn't finish until Tuesday.Boy what a weekend. No problem Greg what are friends for see you in Puerto Rico for somemore fun. Good friends and good times Ariel 8)
  4. That why I went to sleep. So that at least I could bail you and Uncle Bobby out.
  5. Don't worry Rick we have pic. If you want the negatives it will cost you. The same goes for John Stark.
  6. I'll buy that JD for you. But you have to wait until NNL east
  7. If you want to do less work try using revells 67 chevelle malibu pro street chasis or back half on the monte chasis already has a 4 link. 67 malibu was the maxx rat.
  8. Don't feel bad Lyle your not a plant but a very bad weed :twisted:
  9. I have refused to even buy the magazine since a good friend which is a member here and the event organizer for the show in Puerto Rico. Offered to pay all expenses and they said that they wanted nothing to do with Puerto Rico. Hey with expenses paid I would go to the moon. Just my 2 centavos (cents). trust me it is a great event and if you need a vacation and want to go to a great show kill 2 birds with one stone and go to this years show. Ariel
  10. try detail master they have a couple sets that are really nice. You can try island collectibles they have technomodels and model factory hiro wire wheels. Ariel
  11. This is Uncle Bobby on a senior citizens party boat trip! :wink: http://images18.fotki.com/v342/photos/1/15....jpg?1156206315
  12. Zman nice piece. especially it being all one piece bed and body.
  13. really nice like what you did with the flames.
  14. Hello Zman i started out with the RMR 55/57 pu that has the chopped roof, sides of the bed molded in, tubed and a bed cover. But my daughter got to it first. since I had some work on the chasis already i decided to cont the project with the amt body. Ariel
  15. Nice work like the ride height and the choice of colors.
  16. Mexico, Why you want to go there the place is empty the are all coming over here to Hazelton Pa :twisted:
  17. Jairus The bigger the dice the bigger? The wheels
  18. Tato You know what they call it in PR. (mariconfundido :mrgreen: )
  19. Most recent project started out as a RMR resin until my DaughteR got to it with a pare of spruecutters. It was for a club project about 2 yrs ago. I am finally going to finish it.Now its a 57 chevy pu rear bed tubbed, body chopped 2 scale inches. Chasis is a combination of the kit and amt 57 chevy belair and scratch built supports. Got the idea when a yahoo imaged a 55 chevy pu. Wheels and tires are from the amt slammer rambler. Rear axle and 4 link suspension from revell maxx rat. Opened the grill to give it a more real look. Eng will be a ross gibson alley rat 502 cadillac engine. For the price these Eng could be better casted. Well back to work. 8) Later Ariel
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