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Everything posted by blubaja

  1. Actually, I did try Fujimi tires on the wheels. But they are still too small:/
  2. But they're not doing a good job. All of your showboating for Revell, is still very apparent Tim. Denying it doesn't make it less obvious. Nothing is stopping a Revell or any company rep from posting on here or anywhere. So why aren't they? I wasn't. And that is my point. If I'm paying money for something prefinished, I don't want it looking like BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH. I'm sure the quality varies across the board. Again, this is Revell's apparent lack of quality control and just lack of caring what makes it to the shelves.
  3. If reading the public info means I know something, then apparently.
  4. If they are listening, how do we still have eff ups? Maybe they are listening, but not acting. Pop right out of my head with disgust? Why are you making it your person goal to boast for Revell? I'm not against the pre painted kits. I'm saying there should have been unpainted kits along side them. Tim, honestly, try to imagine you are a child/brand new builder with zero skills. Meaning, you are ONLY building it out of the box. Would you buy that kit that is terribly pre-painted and be proud of it when you are finished? Why in the hell would you want to continue this hobby when the offering looks this bad. I would be ashamed to say I had anything to do with it. This is just showing future builders how poorly Revell's quality is. I would feel cheated , buying this. Of the case of these that the LHS had in all week, Brett was the only one who bought one.
  5. They are new tools. There were not ever kits in these forms from Revell. Revell said they are new tools. It's very public info. Sorry you missed it.
  6. Yes, the Chinese RC bodies are OK, but the interiors are a NO. If you can get them cheap, and don't care about details, these are for you.
  7. Saw these today. Some Chinese kid needs to work on his painting skills. lol. The paint is awful. The tampo stripes are worse. The emblems are off register. At least the emblems molded to the body are bold enough to be hand painted. The mold lines are very apparent on the Challenger. And as Brett said, yes, the chrome on the wheels is THICK! Like triple dipped! The engine bays are lacking the body color paint:( The sideview mirrors on this, have NO mounting holes. Not something a new builder would get, as the Camaro does have slots. With a LOT of cleanup, these will be decent, kits with basic detail. I don't think young builders will like the terrible paint applications. But maybe this will teach them how to strip bodies?
  8. How is it NOT Revell's fault for not getting an accurate example of the correct car? That's like the recent Nova, not having all original factory stock parts on the 1:1 led to the kit not being accurate. Sound like its completely the fault of Revell.
  9. I don't think Aoshima has a Ferrari license. But they'll probably do another Lambo. I still bet with Tamiya releasing a 918.
  10. Can't wait! Decent price to pay for a new tool. And garunteed to be more accurate than those new garbage American kits.
  11. How is Revell getting any info if the kiddos are buying these? As they are intended for new builders. I was thinking of getting one to strip, but there are no decals you would need for the emblems:(
  12. I've done this SAME EXACT build! lol. Also had the same issues with the tires. Still haven't found something that works. http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=64043
  13. Someone has the tooling for these. So they've already spent the money there. Why not just sell them in a limited amount? Revell never makes any sense.
  14. I think RMR used to cast the other grille for these.
  15. I hope so. But people will still buy this and shrug it off. But still yes, this isn't as bad an error as their recent releases.
  16. LOL! Now I'm really wondering if they're just doing this on purpose. To see if anyone is actually paying attention anymore. It's time to leave the hobby Revell.
  17. I saw the test shot in person. Sorry, phone pics lol. And the grille was incorrect. Luckily, this is probably the easiest fix out of Revell's magnitude of eff ups. If I don't like it I won't buy it. As everyone always suggests for anything they disagree with. And I shouldn't worry about any details, Revell doesn't.
  18. These should have been out today:/ Negative on that. So I'll try again monday.
  19. The boxart and kit contents were already posted months ago....
  20. Not agreeing with a poster/disliking a revell product/questioning a revell product-is the same thing as putting these people down. They feel a personal hurt when anything but graces are said about revell. Sadly, it will always be this way. Just ignore them. They don't know any better.
  21. My Japanese friend said there is no significance to the paint job. Other than the lower black helps hide dirty lower body.
  22. I think they'r just reissued Classic Metalworks diecasts.
  23. Thank you for the pics. Flying off the shelves*
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