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Everything posted by blubaja

  1. Congrats Bob! It was great to see in person. And amazing how much a turn around you made it from Revell's very simplified kit. No. Not at all. The owner has the right to not like it all they want. That really doesn't mean jack in the real world that we live in. It has nothing to do with either place. His post was about the builder's model. I would still goto both places just like I buy both magazines. One does not affect the other.
  2. Thanks. Since I posted that, I did get the Modelhaus caps lol.
  3. Nothing I noticed was wrong with the kit. The rest of the instructions will build you the 58. Just that back page that might confuse some new builders. I'm sorry Brett. I truly hope Ed cares. But when I was talking to him at the NNL about some kits' issues, he made it clear that revell didn't care about some of the issues. But my take-talking to Ed=Revell.
  4. I'm sure this has been discussed in every thread about a revell product. And previously in this thread as well. The lack of wheels shown in the instructions in the LX kit, among it's other issues. The recent modified reissue of the police expedition: newly molded, completely wrong wheels for the year. The list goes on and on.
  5. I don't think I'e ever said there was a kit without flaws. The megs kit has some mold lines all over the cab. These are easily removable in spots that do not affect any details. There are flaws in every kit. So when i point them out, no matter what the brand is, feel free to be offended or not. Or just be like anyone else and see them as factual accounts. This was never an attack on anyone. However, if you are a Manufacturer, maybe it is time for some new eyes/kit-1:1 subject fact checker/quality control on all levels worker.
  6. Great job! And an excellent job on those signs toO!
  7. Yes. Aside from the horrible box construction, Binney and Smith seemingly did a much better job than Hobbico is doing currently.
  8. You're right. I missed that. But still, what is the issue you have with anyone, who do pay for the kits, finding flaws and commenting about them? I would LOVE to know both sides of the review. Knowing negative aspects about a kit certainly has its value. And sure, you can call me out for always finding kits flaws. There is a huge difference between rivet counting and stating things that are blatantly obviously wrong about a kit. And actually about this 58 vette. Buy this kit! It is definitely a nice, well detailed kit.
  9. Ok fair. I had opened the kit, looked through all of the parts to see what was what, if parts were there, and if so, if any were malformed. If I had found anymore flaws, I would have posted about those as well. If revell also had some one in their employ that would also find kits' flaws before they go out the door, this thread would have probably never came to be from myself.
  10. I'm sure most of the people that write the reviews for the magazines DO NOT actually pay for the kits. So if you don't like HONEST reviews from people that so actually pay money for them, maybe this is not the place for you. Sorry if you are offended by reality. Edit-and yes. I'm sure I will find other kits to "complain" about any issues they have. This will also be known as a review.
  11. The rectangle hanging down is the camera, the round one is the radar. The little box on the dash is the speed readout. Good luck with this!! COming along great!
  12. Thank's Brett for coming to the rescue with pics! Yes! What a great chassis and interior they make! And if they only included the wheels sown in the instructions as well! But just another-oops my bad-from Revell that we're supposed to forgive.
  13. I agree with you Charlie. And yes, the only issue is the instructions. This kit is really decent. I've never built the 58 or 59, and am by no means an expert on Corvettes. So I have no idea if it is accurate. And unfortunately, I also won't be able to physically get back to this kit till next week. So if anyone does take pics and review, feel free to hijack this thread lol.
  14. Yes! And they are in decent shape! I think they are very similar in tooling, if not identical-save for the hood and trunk.
  15. I'm not the old fogey that want a 57 chevy kit reissued every 5 years. I really love that Moebius is making kits of other 50s/60s cars that I normally wouldn't see. Thank's for being different! And still making a QUALITY product.
  16. No. I really don't. There have been consistent foul ups with a lot of kits recently. I got to talk to Ed Sexton in person about another kit. And with him speaking for Revell, their attitude towards any issues was that they simply did not care.
  17. Yes. But it's Revell. This is the typical stupidity that we have all come to accept now. They're just a joke of a company anymore.
  18. Whoever designed these instructions would have you believe the 58 Corvette is a 59. And no, the kit doesn't come with the hard top. Only the soft top. Has pad printed whitewall tires, and decals for them also.
  19. Very nice! Super clean build! Never finished my white box one. Now I want to go get the reissue lol
  20. It's not an import 62rebel. Just an everyday japan home market car. It's their equivalent to our ford crown Vic. But yea! Always great to see new kits coming.
  21. This?? And not a Genesis/sedan?? Lol! Will build this anyway to add to my growing/starting Hyundai collection.
  22. Such a pretty face. But how unfortunate it has to be ruined by mandatory front pates:/
  23. Great job! I did one of these, from the diecast version. The paint on the 1:1 is metallic black.
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