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  1. Having recently moved back to Colorado, and finally having my workshop up and running, I came across this project I started fifteen years, ago--or so. It's AMT's '70 Malibu, to be built to comply with the NHRA's 1975 rules for Modified Production. I began by replacing the Chevelle's front inner fenderwells and front clip with those from AMT's '70 Monte Carlo, along with the Monte's front suspension including its steering box. I replaced the single-piece cast timing cover/water pump/harmonic balancer assembly with a timing cover from the parts box, a water pump from a Revell Camaro and a harmonic balancer turned from aluminum. The manifold is scratchbuilt from 23 pieces of styrene. I also deepened the sump on the oil pan. The lower control arms have been boxed, and a few minor details thrown at them. Changes to the front suspension revolve mostly around the removal of the swaybar/tierod assembly. The steering will be built to be posable. The brass pins you see will mount the steering arm and the stabilizer arm, on the opposite side. I have already built a new sway bar, but, a friend of mine questioned its necessity on a drag car, so I removed it, just in time for another friend to tell me he'd removed the one from his racer, and after one pass, decided that he wanted it back on the car! So, I am yet undecided, as to which way I'll go, in that regard. This is a mixture of photos from back when I began work on it (had a crappy camera!), and from the past few days, when I've done most of the chassis "details", and all of the engine work. Comments, compliments and poo-flinging are welcome!
  2. Just out of the spray booth, needs touch ups, first clear coat and polishing. Custom decals underway in GIMP, next finish driveline and install scratch built tin and fit windshield
  3. Joined quite a while ago but life sometimes gets in the way. I built mostly competition car models, Tamiya 1/20 Formula 1, drag race vehicles, up to now 1/25 but I have obtained a couple of 1/16 Revell kits with attending A/M bits and pieces. Current interest has been is replicating mid 70s BB/FC's that we ran with up in the Pacific Northwest. Very time consuming due to they are all custom made decal projects. Glad to be here!
  4. I was looking at this thread: I don't know where the dead link above led to, but, here's the story of the Aurora Racing Scenes in Tom West's own words. I formerly published it on the old StraightLineModeler website. He was gracious enough to write this piece, and email me a bunch of his design drawings for the series. Tom is missed. He had a great love of drag racing, and had a ton of stories, as well. He was a great guy. I hope you enjoy it!
  5. I am happy to announce that, for the first time in 15 or 16 years, I have completed a model! Revell's SnapTite '34 coupe is one of my favorite kits. Inspired by the Mooneyham/Sharp 554 coupe, the 7-11 coupe and the original 15 Oz. coupe, I built this in an attempt to capture the spirit of those cars, in scale. I think I just might have pulled it off! Is the model perfect? Not even close. Even going through these photos, I've noticed a couple of things I need to clean up. It's built to comply with NHRA's 1960 rules for A/A. I drew on my memories of some old businesses from the town where I went to high school, (and attended my first several drag races) for the "Thanks to:" list. Conrad's Engine Service is an ongoing tribute to my Dad. This is the first time I've made a set of decals that actually look decent. I made them all, except for the smaller contingency type decals and the skull. The interior is paneled in aluminum sheet, the roll bar, seat and dash are all scratchbuilt. There's not just a Hydro-Stick decal on the car--I scratchbuilt a Hydro-Stick shifter for the interior. The scoop is hand formed from .005" aluminum flashing. The tach was turned on the lathe. The front splash aprons were formed from "Tooling Aluminum", available from many craft stores. I burnished the tooling aluminum sheet over the molded in plastic aprons on another kit I have. Once they were formed and trimmed to shape, I used an awl, to create the screw heads that hold the aprons on. After all these years, it's great to finally have something new in my display case! I feel like I accomplished exactly what I set out to: A bitchin' '34 Ford coupe, that's the essence of the three iconic cars named above. Hope you guys like it, too! Comments and criticisms are welcome!
  6. hello everybody, well, this model is the very first piece i have built in almost 10 years. i bought this and a couple of others from my old and dear friend, dave burkit the model king about a year ago. finished it in august 2012, and then on to the next. i must admit, there isn't much to say here, as for other than basic ignition wiring, and some old blue micro scale stripe decals that i've had around for ever, its a box stock build. paint is tamiya yellow,..no clearcote...some polish after it dried,...but thats it. if you have any comments, they are certainly welcome. regards, a.c. the ace.
  7. Hi Guys I'm new here so thought I'd share one of my willys builds. I'm a Willys nut so built a few. Hope ya like it. CURRENT BUILD CUSTOM 71 PRO-STOCK FIREBIRD
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