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Found 3 results

  1. Wow,,been seeing some great stuff on here today,,{not refering to mine as much} Anyways,,I dig the NNL shows here in SE Mich. I was at last one DAMM show,,and its cool the stuff you find in ziplock bags for 3-5$,,1/2 started glueblobs of beauty. This was such a case,,its supposed to be a turbo mtr,,and it came w/the turbo setup,but I like the reg mtr setup,,so modified that to reg carb setup,scratch built some side pipes,scratch built roll bar,did some minor wiring.plumbing in mtr bay. Painted w/testors quikdry enamel,,and flat sand interior. It didnt have the stock front grill in kit,so I got a grill from the spare parts bx,mounted behind air inlet in front grill area. All in all,it was worth the 5$. Just a hats off to MCM for adding my 1/12 67 Vette in your 2016 contest mag,,i grabbed 3 copies! Thanks so much,,S
  2. Hello ... finally finished. Final details took a lot of time, also because had a funny custom build in the middle. Perhaps I show this later. Here the link to WIP: http://www.modelcarsmag.com/forums/topic/112970-bmw-327-roadster-from-1939-scratchbuild-in-balsa/
  3. Hello ... I thought to show some pictures of my ongoing project, a BMW 327 Roadster from 1939, guess not very famous in USA. Today I finished the body, not easy built, but as a first trial I am happy ...
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