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Photo-Etched Scriber Blades for X-Acto Knife

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I was reading a back issue from late 2005 and there was a brief piece about photo-etched scriber blades. I've tried lots of scribers, and this one sounded very intriguing, because it offered a very thin blade that didn't greatly expand the width of panel lines. I looked all over the net and the only thing I was able to find was a company called U-Star, and a hobby shop in Australia that carried their stuff. I just have a lot of hesitation when ordering stuff from the other side of the world and am wondering if anyone here knows where this kind of thing can be found in the USA? (BTW, the US company in the article is out of business - their domain name - scaleracecars.com - is up for sale)...

Edited by fseva
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I've seen Tamiya brand photo etched scribers and saw blades at one of my local hobby shops.

I've seen a lot of "saws" by Tamiya, but so far, no scribers... and so far, not at online stores in the USA...

Or perhaps you're referring to the scriber they sell with its own handle - I have that one, and I found the business end to be a bit thick...

Edited by fseva
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