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Revell "Skip's Fiesta" Series

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I built one of these years ago (early '90s?), and I didn't find it even then to be terribly difficult. My only gripe about the kit (Skip's Fiesta reissue) is that the tires and whitewalls just seemed too "big" for the rest of the car. IIRC, I thought that it was mentioned a while back somewhere that Revell used the WWW and tires from their 1/24 kits ('56 T-bird perhaps?) thus explaining the too large appearance of them------at least to my view.

I have another one also, and I'd like to hang on to it. I might be inspired to build it again someday, but of course "modernizing" it with my usual compulsiveness for itty-bitty details. ;)

I wouldn't be surprised to see this one reappear someday with the kit manufacturers penchant lately for releasing stuff we thought was long gone.

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Wouldn't it be wonderful if they decided to do a modern tooling of it?! :D

I don't know more than the next guy, but I think '16 might yield some surprises. I believe the "Big 3" (I'm including Moebius in this), are going to give us some much wanted subjects. This is wishful thinking, but I'd really like to see more "oddball" stuff come from the kit makers. Who'da thought that a car such as the Starsky and Hutch Torino would be such a runaway seller?? :D

I don't have my hopes of them ever redoing the '59 Skyliner in more modern tooling. I'd just like to see them reissue it, but this time with the right size WWW and wheels. Otherwise, aftermarket here I come!

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I know this has been reissued a few times but most recently back in 2010. I seeked out this version because it had the factory hub caps instead of the custom ones the Skips Fiesta version had. I don't think they adjusted the tire and wheel size. They look more like 16's to me. Plus it is molded in white instead of read. I had a Skips and sold it recently.

I also built one up in the 90's and thought it was cool.

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If you're scared of the multi-piece body and don't mind a model being 1:32 scale, Gunze Sangyo made a really nice one (the top retracts too).  Here are couple of photos showing the one built (I don't have any better photos handy right now).


This photo shows part of the back end (behind the Caddy).


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