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Odd store policy

Harry P.

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High-handed repression of freedom of artistic expression, if you ask me. I LOVE to see everything covered in colorful scrawls. I think throwing trash everywhere makes a place look more like it's occupied by normal humans too, and not artificially manicured by uptight whitebread types. ;);)

10-4.  <_<


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The spray can laws started, I'm pretty sure, in Chicago in the 90s. They were enacted as an anti-graffiti/gang measure.

Anti-graffiti and to discourage underage huffers. (People who decant the spary into a bag and inhale the fumes). Or, as those of us with functioning brains brains refer to them, idiots.

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"When the cashier actually took my ID and scanned it at Target, I decided to never buy alcohol there again. As a result, I don't go there much at all anymore."


Why not?  They already have your info.  One and done.  It won't be deleted if you don't go there anymore.  

Their database and the marketing firms they sell it to already have your info and they've already blended it with the stuff your liquor store and grocery stores and other department stores and gas stations and utilities and banks have sold them.   


That's the reason why I won't let anyone scan my ID.

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Most stores near me have spray paint out in the open... Lowes, Home Depot, Walmart, Hobby Lobby, HobbyTown.. Pep Boys has theirs locked up and it's a pain in the tail to find someone to unlock it, then they stand there and sigh as I hold several different colors up to the light. Like I'm inconveniencing them spending money in their store.

The worst is Michaels.  They have all the generic craft spray paints out in the open, but their Testors case is locked.  You ring a bell for service, nobody comes.. you finally walk to the front of the store looking for help.   Someone finally comes to the case with you and opens it. I pick out the can I need, and the lady takes it from me,   I can't touch it... she NEEDS to bring it up to the register.  As if I'm a senior citizen klepto... I don't buy paint there anymore.

Edited by Tom Geiger
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About 20 years ago the then Mayor of St Louis declared the city's flood wall "open season" for graffiti. He went public and told the tagger world "Stay away from the historic landmarks, bridges and buildings. We have a great canvass for your imagination. NO gang fighting." "ANY BS and the offer is rescinded".  

To this day the 30 foot high, 18 mile long concrete wall is a beautiful representation of art. Heck even some coppers, don't know who ;) added their designs to the montage. 

Guess what, the rest of the town stayed relatively graffiti free. 



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