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Dennis and Terry this last picture is for you :lol:

The kit cb was basically a faceplate, I used some styrene scrap to give it a body.  Found a piece of p/e fret and cut a mounting strap. There happened to be a stretched piece of sprue within reach of the bench and I cut off half a dozen bits trying to get a flat cut instead of angled for the bracket knobs.

Thanks for looking in :)

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Did you say Wilco?


That's cool!! It is the same name, but I'm not sure if it's the same company. This company had a yard in Charlotte NC and one in Alabama (I think). The trucks painted slightly different and were white with a reflective red and a reflective blue stripe. I know that they leased trucks to Monkey Grip and Hudson Transportation. Thanks for posting the picture.

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I really like the picture of the Wilco GMC!

Well I really went and did it this time. I tried a different masking tape by Tamiya. It is 2mm wide and for making curves. It is a vinyl tape - reminds me of the Pactra pin striping tape.  I believe it did not care for my thinner as it unbonded almost immediately.  (Model Master enamel thinner)  I knew I should of cut some strips from my usual tape. :unsure:

Oh well, I will let it dry a few days then attempt to clean up the offending areas and respray the white. <_<

Thanks for looking in :)


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I have found great luck using 3M pinstriping tape. I use their 2 line, 5/16 tape which has a 1/16" stripe and a 1/8" stripe, separated by 1/8". I use the 1/8" part to be my paint edge as it is VERY flexible but adheres very well. I use the 1/16" part for making edge stripes either as is or sliced down to 1/32" for thinner stripes. I also use 3M green tape as it is low tack and leaves no residue on the paint. I paint using PPG Shopline enamels with medium reducer and no hardener. It works well and has no reaction between the tape and paint. I let the first color dry about three days before masking for the next color. Check my WIP post, the CO 4090A, for what it comes out like. Not the best I've ever done, but for OLD shaky hands, not bad at all. Cheers, Tom

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Thank you everyone for commenting.

Yes the paint was a speed bump and I normally would not show my mistakes. I have seen some really nice projects shelved do to mishaps.  After some careful sanding ,all is good now. This time I used regular Tamiya tape cut down to 2mm with a x-acto and straightedge to mask the curves.

What the heck, I had to try that new tape and it did not work for me.

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