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Manufactured Paint spray booth

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Hey Guys, I'm thinking of buying a manufactured paint spray booth. I've read some previous topics on this, but wanted to know if anyone has this particular booth. I like that its already made, professionally done, and portable. After pricing the necessary materials to make my own, $79.89 seems relatively cheap, for one already done. I'm looking for feedback on this Master portable hobby airbrush spray booth kit. #MASB420DCK. I have limited space, so this portable unit should fit my needs, and I don't paint that often.

Thanks for any info.





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I bought one from e-bay and I like it. I do have mine exhaust to the outside through a hole in my wall. I found micro mark has the best deal on the filters. Only draw back is I don't think a semi box trailer would fit in it.


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It looks well done, but it exhausts the fumes into your face? Or, maybe just positioned to meet the marketer's demands for advertising.

LOL! It's flexible so you can position it anywhere. I've looked at this a few times, but according to the manufacturer it's only safe for water-based paints. Lacquers for example could cause and explosion hazard with the fan motor. However, as long as you let the fan run for a few seconds before you start painting, the fumes shouldn't build up enough to be a danger. 

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It looks well done, but it exhausts the fumes into your face? Or, maybe just positioned to meet the marketer's demands for advertising.

No, that's just for advertising. I plan on cutting a piece of plywood to fit in the window, and mounting a dryer vent on it. Easy in, easy out.





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I have one of the these. Bought it on ebay for the same price. Ive had it for almost a year. I really like it.

Since I dont move mine, I duct taped all the edges and corners. That helped, giving it some more rigidity.

I blow out the filters every couple of weeks and its good to go

Highly recommended

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Must be a popular one, I have it also.:lol:

Great for car bodies, small parts. Like someone said above, might not be great for a semi trailer sized piece.

Also as mentioned, it is only approved for water based paints. You might be fine with other paints, but I wouldn't risk it. I am one of those that if it can go wrong it will. :(

I plan on finding a permanent location for it so I can route the exhaust outside. One of these days.


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Thank you, Russ. I appreciate the pics, as it gives me a better idea of the motor they are using. It looks similar to the fan assembly on a computer tower. Not sure how long you have had it, but the fan blades look pretty clean. Also, I noted that the filter material, sits between the frame and the grating, have you been able to clean the filter, or have you replaced it? Is that turn table one that you supplied?


Thanks again



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I've only used it a couple of times, and that was over 2 years ago. Haven't really done anything since we moved here then.

Yeah, similar type motor.
While looking at it I was thinking it might not be too hard to change it to a squirrel cage type motor so it would be safe for lacquers. But I'm not going to do that at this point. I always get a bad case of "while I'm at its" when I start doing stuff. I'd end up with a completely different booth by the time I was done. If I really need to spray hotter paint I just go outside. That is one advantage of being in the Phoenix area. No snow.

I haven't changed the filter, but it seems pretty easy.

I honestly don't remember about the turntable. That may have been an add on. I bought this thru Amazon.


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I got mine from Micro-Mark. Have to say I was disappointed with the way the plastic flaps fit. I ended up breaking one trying to GENTLY force it into place.

Here's my solution. The only question raised when I first showed this on another thread was my choice of a plastic tub for the booth, due to static charge. The solution is to wipe down the inside before each use with an old dryer sheet.


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