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Possible Build Off

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OK THEN IT'S ON...I will build your favorite ride too.!!!!!!!!!!

A RAT ROD.......... :rolleyes: Or do you wan't me to build a lowrider too.?

Edited by MR BIGGS
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I'm usually non-partisan about these fueds; but as an "old (Anglo) guy" myself; I was rocking the bombas and sleds long before you squirts were a wet spot on the sheets.... Even Gregg has to remember my 60 Caddy in Honolulu...I am all for this one guys.... Impatient you are paduan (Yoda voice)....much learning still to do you have ...although it will be a fun build; Methinks (you guys have been complaining about proper use of the English language) the instigator of this challenge has bitten off way more than can be chewed; with no disrespect intended....you are challenging a group of guys with at least a collective millenium of modeling experience; and the wallets to back it up; so be careful what you wish for...to the winner go the spoils (PROPS); and to the losers....just the satisfaction of job not done as well as they thought........matt

I also think the 'young " versus "old" isnt doing anything but causing more hard feelings between both sides.

and hey, im a "young punk" lol - but my pockets aint empty! ive only got a collective 2-3 years building.






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I feel that I'm being discriminated against with this contest.

being that I'm 33, I am neither a youngster nor an older.......

I feel the same way, even though I am only 24, I feel like I'm about 10 years older, does that count?

Mr. Biggs, that Big rig makes me want to build one, awesome cars.

Edited by jones_clayton
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Dude would you just stop egging it on? This is why people are "hating" because you or whoever else won't let it go. If you were one of my Marines I would tell you to shut up and go sweep the parking lot.

Now all I am doing is asking you to drop it, this is turning from a model forum to a contest forum, and I don't like that because I would lose tremendiously to most of the people on here. But anyway, just don't bite off more than you can chew with this.

Thats all I have to say.

Hey Steve...that's not fair showing pictures of your 1:1 car on a model forum!!

Seriously though, GREAT work!! I'll take a powder on this challenge and bow to your better skills in building a clean lowrider just from those pics.

And yes, at 51, I'm even older than you!!


Seriously man, just drop it! You are making yourself look worse and worse the more you whine about it.

Besides, there are alot of "old farts" on here that have been building Lowriders since before you were born. I'm not sure you are ready for the Butt-whooping you would have to endure if this "build-off" were to actually take place.

Just let it go.

I'm usually non-partisan about these fueds; but as an "old (Anglo) guy" myself; I was rocking the bombas and sleds long before you squirts were a wet spot on the sheets.... Even Gregg has to remember my 60 Caddy in Honolulu...I am all for this one guys.... Impatient you are paduan (Yoda voice)....much learning still to do you have ...although it will be a fun build; Methinks (you guys have been complaining about proper use of the English language) the instigator of this challenge has bitten off way more than can be chewed; with no disrespect intended....you are challenging a group of guys with at least a collective millenium of modeling experience; and the wallets to back it up; so be careful what you wish for...to the winner go the spoils (PROPS); and to the losers....just the satisfaction of job not done as well as they thought........matt

:rolleyes: Kevin, I'm one of the old farts. Don't have the skills that you have seen in some of the responses here, but will give you a little free advice, worth every cent that you pay for it. Don't let your mouth write a check that your butt can't cash. :o

As you guys can see I tried to tell him that he may have bit off more than he could chew, and that it wasnt anything against his builds.

And also I don't know how many times Gregg has to say watch the language, some of you are lucky he is lenient and not kicking the ones with fowl language off the board.

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only a select few have given me an ounce of respect

all that it seems they see is that im a young punk kid that uses slang instead of proper english

That's all we see because THAT'S HOW YOU'RE PRESENTING YOURSELF!!! Whenever you participate in an online forum, all the rest of us have to go by are your posts. You can hardly blame others for assuming you're a smartass punk, because that's exactly the picture of yourself that you're putting out there.

And by the way, respect is never gotten by demanding it. It's gotten by earning it.

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That's all we see because THAT'S HOW YOU'RE PRESENTING YOURSELF!!! Whenever you participate in an online forum, all the rest of us have to go by are your posts. You can hardly blame others for assuming you're a smartass punk, because that's exactly the picture of yourself that you're putting out there.

And by the way, respect is never gotten by demanding it. It's gotten by earning it.


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That's all we see because THAT'S HOW YOU'RE PRESENTING YOURSELF!!! Whenever you participate in an online forum, all the rest of us have to go by are your posts. You can hardly blame others for assuming you're a smartass punk, because that's exactly the picture of yourself that you're putting out there.

And by the way, respect is never gotten by demanding it. It's gotten by earning it.

I agree, I think that if you want respect you need to give respect.

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Come on guys, by responding to his posts you are actually playing his game, if you notice, since he started as a member here most of the "blabber" has been coming from his direction. Let's keep the forum respectible and on subject and forget this, please Gregg, if you are listening lock this thing already!!! ;):blink:

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Sigh.......... ;) I guess as an "old" guy, my work will speak itself................









Young man you can click here to see how an "old man" builds. :blink:

Always love seeing your builds Bill, why dont you show him the working window cranks?

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Why on earth would I build a lowrider to impress someone who does nothing but post on this forum? About 500 posts since February!! Do you have any time to build with all of that posting going on? Do you have a job? A family? As far as I am concerned you can take your tough guy attitude and get lost! If you can adjust the attitude to that of a civilized person you would find us old haters to be very welcoming. You will figure it all out as you get older - just like we did!

I have never built a lowrider or donk and likely never will because there are many, many other subjects I would prefer to build. It is the same reason I don't do scrapbooking - no interest in it!

Here is the closest I have ever built to a Lowrider but it is backwards and uses a Renault F1 suspension and driveline. I suppose it doesn't qualify but it is all I have. Please consider this as my entry in the build-off or j**k-off or whatever this thing is.




This isn't contest quality. It was just something fun that an old hater wanted to build.

Andy Martin

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IM gonna go ahead and add my .02 cents here.

Honestly, the whole idea of a young versus old build-off is rediculous. This whole thread has turned into a "stereotypical B**ch-fest" weve got a few younger members making the whole of young people look terrible on here, and weve got a few older people, who are making themselves look bad. You have to remember that You are just a screen -name with your name at the bottom, until anyone starts posting ages, there is no need for anyone to even know, or care. I for one could care less about how old a fellow builder is, I have learned MOST of what i know from older people, be it online, or in person; And you have to remember that if it wasnt for older people most of the kits we build today, and the techniques we use probably wouldnt exist. I have also learned ALOT from younger people too, and both have been equally helpful in my building.

I may not build high quality show cars, I may not win contests/ or even enter them, but I build for myself and thats what betters me(/yourself) as a builder, to strive for personal satisfaction, instead of trying to win over others hearts.

now I think we need to have this "contest" called off and lock up these useless topics on here, before it gets out of hand. lots of members are getting irritated, and I think that hard feeligs between forum members is the last thing we need.

...end speach.



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Yes Bill, I have a question?

Do you have anything that you've built in 2 months or less?

:blink:UUUUHHH................................Yes!! ;)

This '61 Caddy...............



And this little 1/43 scale gem here............a '65 Simca Abarth...... :P




For me to get something done in a couple months is about as rare as snow on the Mexican Border though................Once in a blue moon! :lol:

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Why yes he does Mike! The trunk lid trim piece on the 55 Ford took less than two months........, oh you mean a complete model, never mind!! :blink:


Bill is a major inspiration to me. I can't build at his level without getting burnt out, (& being honest I don't want to, I've found my niche & enjoy it quite nicely after a few intense projects similar to his, thank you very much), but I am happy to know that there is someone that can built to that level of detail, precision & accuracy continuously.


Why thanks Mark!!

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Why on earth would I build a lowrider to impress someone who does nothing but post on this forum? About 500 posts since February!! Do you have any time to build with all of that posting going on? Do you have a job? A family? As far as I am concerned you can take your tough guy attitude and get lost! If you can adjust the attitude to that of a civilized person you would find us old haters to be very welcoming. You will figure it all out as you get older - just like we did!

I have never built a lowrider or donk and likely never will because there are many, many other subjects I would prefer to build. It is the same reason I don't do scrapbooking - no interest in it!

Here is the closest I have ever built to a Lowrider but it is backwards and uses a Renault F1 suspension and driveline. I suppose it doesn't qualify but it is all I have. Please consider this as my entry in the build-off or j**k-off or whatever this thing is.




This isn't contest quality. It was just something fun that an old hater wanted to build.

Andy Martin

Got to love those Studes, not a fan of the bullet nose but great looking build.

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I guess I fit under the "younger" people portion of this forum. and I have never built a lowrider, nor will I ever. I have nothing against them. Its just not what i'm i nto building. I build mostly 60-70 muscle cars. late model tuners, supercars. street/rat/hot Rods, and the occasional truck.

I don't like the current direction this board has taken. It seems like there is more bickering and less building. It seems like when someone actually asks a ligitimate model car question it gets lost in posts of people complaining about donks. defending them. or just two people who get into a tiff and have to post 30 different topics on the conversation. lets just forget about all this and get back to discussions about models cars please. ;)

Okay rant over

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MCM Forum Lowrider Challenge

1-Builds must be completed in a two month period, from April 15-June 15. The April 15 start date is to give us time to find a judge, (or judges), find someone to host photos & get all the entries in. April 15, (or whatever date works for everyone), will be the cutoff date for entering.

2-Builds must be curbside, (no engine, but full interiors), or must be photographed & judged as if curbsides.

3-Any aftermarket accessories, (flocking, photo etch sets, etc.) that would be seen on a curbside build are permitted.

4-Any customizing, body modifications, (turning a hard top into a convertible for an example), & kit bashing is permitted.

5-Any paint, decals & the like is permitted.

6-Judging will be based on photographs of the completed work, & the decision of the judge, (or judges), is final.

7-All photographs have to be entered by 5 pm, Eastern time on June 15 to be eligible.

We'll need someone impartial to do photo hosting for this as well.

Does this sound fair to everyone, or are we going to continue to debate it & go around in circles?


see now someone comes up with a good idea finally

it seems that the last two pages are basically tellin me to walk away and look like a fool

i dont walk away from a challenge

as for respect i know when i first got here i was a complete A@S

but since then ive changed

ive not put any builds down and all i have asked for is some intelligent ideas on my builds

but ive recieved some good replies and most bad

for instance good:this one is from my "getto glass house" the 76 caprice this is from mustanglover1951 "Nice look'in build. I think you did pull it off and it ain't no DONK.HA! HA! "

thats a good reply

now for the bad reply: this one is from red scare the 60 impala this is from gorge 53 "Evil, just a thought, What if you could get a photo reduced license plate withthe name "Red Scare"on it like dripping blood letters? I still think if you do that folks may not think your a commie.I know its only a model, But old habits do die hard. "

now i dont care what someones model has on it i wouldnt try to smash it up thats plain F@#KED UP

oh and let me remind those that havent posted anything and only have looked at the topic when i was asking for some input of what to do

anyone remember BLOOD THIRSTY the 66 caddy hearse

well its on the 4th page with only 15 replies and 283 views

and i cant foget about VENOM same page and 0 replies with 87 views

thes builds i was asking for suggestions and well you can see what i got

but on could say since im tryin to take on the "big dogs" on this forum that i should at least get some good out of it

as for being emo im not even close to that hell i kicked their A@SSES for fun

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anyone remember BLOOD THIRSTY the 66 caddy hearse

well its on the 4th page with only 15 replies and 283 views

and i cant foget about VENOM same page and 0 replies with 87 views

Jiminy Christmas- you're worried about a lack of replies? Happens all the time, and you never know what's gonna turn someone's crank. If I was worried about that, hell, I'd never post. You might also want to consider a remedial English course.

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it seems that i could get banned from here (your probably thinking or have already told gregg on me)(like i couldnt see that coming a mile away)

it also seems that you people wanted to start stuff on this thread as well as the other thread

so there went the idea of having a peaceful build off huh?

so it also seems that the only people on here is all talk and no walk

that is until someone proves me wrong!!!!!!!!!

man on the other sit all i have to do is say build off and their all for it

why wont you people step up is it that your scared that ill win?

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