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AMT '57 Chrysler 300c


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I had this posed in the completed forum a month or so ago.

It was completed about 8yrs ago. It got  boxed up before the paint had completely cured. It came out of the box with some good size dings and impressions. I've posted this recently, after thinking about it I decided it needs to be redone.
Stripped and ready for a fresh start.

I trimmed the front bumper and removed the grill mounting plate. The grill is going to be set in much further then stock.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This kit is typical of AMT, terrible fitment of most everything. Although I do have to say the engine detail and engine bit provided are really well done.

Tried some of the Scale seat decals for the first time. Not too bad, they don't do too well with the Micro Sol I have a number of applications with little softening of them. I will try the hair drier trick next.

The current state of the front bumper. I also cut out the kit grill mounting "plate" the plane is to recess the grill. 

Still have a few applications/steps of filler and sanding before paint.

Stock kit bumper on left.

Some progress on the grill. 

Some progress on the grill. 

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  • 1 month later...


Lots of BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH in the paint. Totally forgot to clean/vacuum the booth. Meh, nothing wetsanding and clear coat can't fix.

Well that didn't go so well. I'll give it another go once I get it stripped.

Finally decided to go with a Monarc butter fly inspired design. The colours seem fitting given it's Autum and Halloween is on the way.

The base colour,  Zero Florecent Orange, over Zero paint Gulf Orange.

I messed around a bit today. I added on some watch bits as stencils, looks like I need to come up with a better method of attaching them. I used tiny bits of blue tac. I didn't put too much effort into a solution in to how to attach them as they are  only be an under lay. They will be covered with a black lace transfer. 
I think if I were to use them as a detail feature I might attach them with fish glue then remove it with water when it was time to remove them.


3hrs in total to apply all the latex. 

Tried the lace transfers for the first time. They have some great potential.



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NICE job man! I built one of these monsters and they are one of the most difficult models I've seen yet to make them "look good"....... I went the other way tho.... Full on lowered with a BIG honkin' Mopar 392 Hemi twin turbo'd AND Hillborn injection fed.....

Whats your plans for an engine in the 2 of them?

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Dan, I used tiny,tiny bits of Blue Tac to hold on the gears. Sorry man missed that question. 

Thanks Jolly. I got the transfers of eBay, I  just searched nail transfers. As for what clears can go over them, no idea, I used 3prt poly. Given it is meant for nails I would imagine it can handle some hot lacquers. To transfer them you first have to apply a liquid adhesive. Once it sets up, becomes tacky, you apply the transfer.

Thanks John, it's only one car, the purple/silver combo failed, so I stripped it in brake fluid. No real plans other then redo the paint, and reassemble it, the engine is what ever Hemi that came in the kit, which I believe is a 392. 

Your build sounds fantastic John, feel free to post up a link or pics up here. 


So so this is where I am for now. Have to wait a few days for the paint to gas out and completely dry before the latex can be removed without concern of any flakes sticking to the underlying paint. 

Going to very interesting to see how it all looks once the latex is removed and the clear goes down.





Edited by Rider
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I think the grill is a vast improvement over stock. Can you share some info on the type of screen used on the new grill and how you reshaped the hood ?

Thanks espo, the grill is some stuff from model masters. The hood was reshaped by scraping it with a box cutter. 

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