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Well call me stupid.


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Hi all well what sort of idiot am I, with looking after Pam I shouldn't do stupid things, I wanted to cut a thin piece of plywood and the Stanley knife was easier to get at than the hand saw, I slipped and cut through the top corner of my thumb (right through the nail ) it was hanging on by a thin piece of skin (I could even see the bone) I've put it in place and bandaged it up (I can't spend all night in a and e as there would be no one to look after Pam, I'm hoping when the bleeding has stopped I can superglue it together (boy is it throbbing) I've dosed myself up with my cocodamol I usually use for my arthritis so hopefully that will take the edge off if not I will pinch a couple of my missus, they're 3 times stronger than mine.I'm so cross with myself when I have bigger responsibilities.

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How's your thumb now, friend? You may need stitches......... I've done lots of "not very bright" things as far as injuring myself. One of the dumbest things was I got mad at a guy once and punched the taillights out of his truck. I opened the index knuckle on my right hand, so badly that I could see the tendon move when I moved my finger...... That's been a good 15 years ago (I've mellowed out a LOT since then) and still have a pretty prominent scar from it.......

I hope your injury isn't going to hinder you building or looking after the Missus... :)

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That hurts just to look at. You should really get some medical attention just incase of a possible infection. I did the same thing on the end of my index finger just below the nail once. After cleaning the wound the doctor just super glued it and sent me home. Hope you get well soon.

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Hi all well i did another stupid thing today, took pam to the GP this morning as her ears were bleeding and I wanted to be sure there were no bad problems took the handbrake off not thinking and bashed my thumb on the handbrake surround the pain was so intense I thought I would pass out, I felt sick and of course I opened it up again so there was lots of blood anyway I sucked it up and took pam to GP's apparently she grazed the ear canal and that's where the bleeding was coming from, I must have looked a bit pale as the nurse asked if I was OK so pam blabed and told her so she checked it out and said it looked OK but that I had opened it up and should have gone to A and E in the first place (I know, I know, don't go on, you told me so, yada, yada, yada) she put some steri strips on and redressed it, pretty much the same as I did (minus the steri strips) I have got to say that really hurt, I've broken bones and (being a retired tattooist) I've done tattoos on myself for 9 hrs continuously but when I bashed my thumb on that bit of plastic that was the absolutely the worst pain I have ever felt, I've never come close to fainting before, I realise I've not experienced child birth but I will bet it was worse than that.

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