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Need to know the kit # for these AMT 32 Ford Decals MYSTERY DECAL SOURCE SOLVED

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Trying to find out the kit number for these decals which are supposed to be for an AMT 32 Ford.

Not sure if they were for a coupe, roadster or ?

Thanks in advance

32ford unknown kit number.jpg

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I'd guess Kit #132.  That was the original '32 Ford Roadster with no spare-tire wells in the fenders.  AMT released 2 versions of that kit: the Sports Roadster with the spare-tire wells in the full fenders and the Roadster without them.  I'm guessing that because of the "17 A/M" decals (box art below).

The flame decals don't match the box art.  But sometimes in the good old days, the AMT decal sheet didn't exactly match the box art. 

Back then, I think AMT always put the Kit Number on the back of the decals.  So you could check that for #132 (or whatever).  And if those decals are original from 1960, they're in amazingly good shape.



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18 minutes ago, Mike999 said:

I'd guess Kit #132.  That was the original '32 Ford Roadster with no spare-tire wells in the fenders.  AMT released 2 versions of that kit: the Sports Roadster with the spare-tire wells in the full fenders and the Roadster without them.  I'm guessing that because of the "17 A/M" decals (box art below).

The flame decals don't match the box art.  But sometimes in the good old days, the AMT decal sheet didn't exactly match the box art. 

Back then, I think AMT always put the Kit Number on the back of the decals.  So you could check that for #132 (or whatever).  And if those decals are original from 1960, they're in amazingly good shape.



Mike, the decals I posted are different from kit # 132. I thought the same as you did but the decal I posted has the numbers as 71 A/M not as 17 A/M. They also have different graphics than the ones from kit # 132

The decal sheet I originally posted isrnot an original .It is reproduced by Gooche Decals and was taken from the Drastic Plastics Fotki page so I do not have the back view of them

Here are the decals from kit # 132

32frdrodstr kit 132.jpg

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Duh!  Sorry about that.  My brain must have gone to sleep, not noticing "71" was not "17."

I have an original AMT '32 Ford Sports Roadster and checked the decal sheet, just in case.  No help at all - that kit has the decal sheet from the '32 Ford Coupe in it! Red-and-white scallops instead of flames and number 16 B/A instead of the 80 A/M shown on the box, etc. 

Maybe that kit was packed at AMT on a Friday or Monday.  Or maybe when AMT ran short, they just substituted whatever '32 Ford sheet was available.

Good luck with the search.  For the first sheet you posted, Gooche might have made up a "composite" decal sheet of numbers and other markings from various different early AMT decal sheets.  But I'm just guessing with that.

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2 hours ago, Mike999 said:

Good luck with the search.  For the first sheet you posted, Gooche might have made up a "composite" decal sheet of numbers and other markings from various different early AMT decal sheets.  But I'm just guessing with that.

Good point about the decals perhaps being a composite.

I'll have to send them an email and inquire about that.

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7 hours ago, Mike999 said:

Gooche might have made up a "composite" decal sheet of numbers and other markings from various different early AMT decal sheets.  But I'm just guessing with that.

I would say it's exactly that, especially after looking at the "1" and "7"-- they are clearly not even the same font, though they are similar.

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Received this email from Gooche Decals yesterday about the "MYSTERY" AMT 32 Ford decals.

"It is right from the kit. I don't alter them for accuracy of restoring a kit. I believe it's from the original 32 Ford Roadster"
I did place an order for 6 different decal sheets, can't wait to get them and get back to building again..
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Here's a decal sheet from the original AMT '32 Ford Sport Roadster, kit #332, (with the spare-tire wells in the fenders).  The sheet above for kit #132 is marked on the back "PT 1728," which is probably the part number.  The Sports Roadster sheet is marked "PT 1728-A" on the back. I found a pic of the back on the internet but had problems grabbing it:




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12 hours ago, Psychographic said:

Why don't you think they are the same letterstyle?

You don't see any differences, even just looking at the "1" and the "7" on the posted Gooche sheet and comparing those two numbers to original AMT sheets? No differences in the spacing between the associated characters? The Gooche sheet looks more like a Lindberg or Palmer knockoff to me than an original AMT sheet. The fact that the seller can't (or won't) claim with certainty what's being sold doesn't exactly inspire confidence, either.

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24 minutes ago, Casey said:

You don't see any differences, even just looking at the "1" and the "7" on the posted Gooche sheet and comparing those two numbers to original AMT sheets? No differences in the spacing between the associated characters? The Gooche sheet looks more like a Lindberg or Palmer knockoff to me than an original AMT sheet. The fact that the seller can't (or won't) claim with certainty what's being sold doesn't exactly inspire confidence, either.

I totally misunderstood you. I thought you meant the 1 and the 7 on the same sheet were different. I didn't think you meant the numbers from one sheet were different from the other decal sheet. I must have looked at that for about 10 minutes trying to figure out how you knew the 1 and the 7 were different fonts. I've been a sign painter for most of my life and thought I was losing it and should be looking for a different profession!


Now it makes perfect sense.

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1 minute ago, Psychographic said:

I totally misunderstood you. I thought you meant the 1 and the 7 on the same sheet were different.

Sorry, I should've been more clear. I know you have a great eye for detail, so now I understand, too. ;)

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On 1/8/2018 at 10:36 AM, Casey said:

You don't see any differences, even just looking at the "1" and the "7" on the posted Gooche sheet and comparing those two numbers to original AMT sheets? No differences in the spacing between the associated characters? The Gooche sheet looks more like a Lindberg or Palmer knockoff to me than an original AMT sheet. The fact that the seller can't (or won't) claim with certainty what's being sold doesn't exactly inspire confidence, either.

Casey, I never thought of Lindberg. I assumed it was for an AMT kit. The Drastic Plastic Fotki page that has the Gooche decals just states 32ford underneath its picture. When I sent an email to Gooche I asked if it was an original for a 32 Ford kit or something they may have composed. Never thought to ask if it was from an AMT or Lindberg kit. Billy Gooche who has passed away may have known but his daughter may not be aware of what kit it came from.

Sorry to put everyone on a wild goose chase on this. I am now trying to research early Lindberg kits and see if I can find box art or info in an early catalog

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lindberg-32roadstermotorized1.JPG.3b1d82a661ee356ee08149f93dcba32f.JPGMystery solved. Thanks to Casey for pointing me in the right direction regarding Lindberg.

These decals were from  a 1960 Lindberg release of a motorized 32 Roadster. The kit #was 612M-198

I again apologize for the misinformation in my title of this thread by assuming these were an AMT decal



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43 minutes ago, VW93 said:

Mystery solved. Thanks to Casey for pointing me in the right direction regarding Lindberg.

These decals were from  a 1960 Lindberg release of a motorized 32 Roadster. The kit #was 612M-198

I again apologize for the misinformation in my title of this thread by assuming these were an AMT decal


No apology necessary , we all learned something ! :D

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