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Coast to Coast’s Art Bell

Super Mario

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From the Tribune: Former business partner Alan Corbeth said during Bell's 2008 induction into the National Radio Hall of Fame that nobody was better than Bell at understanding "how to create theater of the mind..."

Though I wasn't a fan, I loved that quality about him. He would have some real whacked out interviews with kookie people, but you couldn't tell if he was a true believer or playing along. Regardless he had that priceless radio quality to hold your attention, even when you said to yourself, "I can't believe I'm listening to this guy."

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I was a fan. I had a love hate relationship with him and his show. It was a lot of fun at times. But, there was also a lot fear mongering going on. Too much end of the world stuff. The show has not been as good since he left. But, I've been getting a lot more sleep after he left.  

Thanks Art, for the many years of entertainment.

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I miss his voice ; that commanding voice that was concurrently calm . I've continued to listen to Coast to Coast as its entertainment value is gold to me . As one whom has encountered OOBE's and otherworldly entities on countless occasions , I tend to be able to pick-out the absurd tales from those which seem plausible .

Ever seen a Shape-Shifter ( Skinwalker , et al. ) ?  I have .

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I was a fan of Art and am still a fan of Coast to Coast. Keeps me going when building at night. The show has always been a different perspective of things and really makes you "think" a little more.

I used to drive alot at night and would search for him at 1am, listen til I lost the station and find him on another. Once I drove a 62 Cadillac home from Florida to Ohio and listened to him on Coast to Coast from Atlanta til the show ended when I was somewhere in Kentucky... The kicker was, it was a stock radio (radio search button was on the floor too) and I never switched the station when I found it in Atlanta...  1100am from Cleveland.

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On 4/16/2018 at 12:47 PM, 1972coronet said:

I miss his voice ; that commanding voice that was concurrently calm . I've continued to listen to Coast to Coast as its entertainment value is gold to me . As one whom has encountered OOBE's and otherworldly entities on countless occasions , I tend to be able to pick-out the absurd tales from those which seem plausible .

Ever seen a Shape-Shifter ( Skinwalker , et al. ) ?  I have .

Please go on...

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On 4/16/2018 at 1:47 PM, 1972coronet said:

I miss his voice ; that commanding voice that was concurrently calm . I've continued to listen to Coast to Coast as its entertainment value is gold to me . As one whom has encountered OOBE's and otherworldly entities on countless occasions , I tend to be able to pick-out the absurd tales from those which seem plausible .

Ever seen a Shape-Shifter ( Skinwalker , et al. ) ?  I have .

John, I don't discount the wacky stories I hear people tell much at all anymore as I can remember as a kid seeing some VERY STRANGE THINGS that to me are still unexplainable to this day.

Examples?? Well.....books flying out of shelves without any assistance on occasion. Items that you know for a fact were just in the room a second ago, and all of a sudden disappeared without a trace only to show up again later on. Neighborhood kids that were a bit younger than me at the time later on that swear they saw something creepy in the house when no one else did.........I could go on. I've had strange occurrences with my cats that I know they'd know about if they could speak. So yeah paranormal things are out there, and not all that experience them I'd consider "crazy".

I used to listen a LOT to Art Bell during the '90's in my cab driving on overnights and I was FASCINATED about some of the things I used to hear. George Noory took over sometime in the early '00's IIRC, and the show changed direction a bit, but when I'm able to listen to him, he gets some hair curling subjects on there from time to time. :o

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I tend to be fact based and skeptical, only believing things based in reality and hard science, but have long found UFOs and such stories entertaining.  I remember a TV show based on project Blue Book when I was a kid in the 70s.   I was also a big fan of the X-Files. 

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13 hours ago, Super Mario said:

Please go on...

** Prologue : I will add more to my story as time permits . In the meantime , here's the "brass tacks" **

In September of 1986 , I was riding my G.T. BMX bike in the Whittier hills (adjacent to Rose Hills , which is the largest cemetery in the Western Hemisphere , by the way) .

It was a typical late-September night in this region : still hot and a bit humid , even at 2100 HRS .  I was 16 years old , and in excellent shape (before I "discovered" cigarettes , driving a vehicle , and other unmentionable "recreations") , so pedalling-up a steep, narrow cement roadway and into the hills was no challenge to me .

As I was making way up the roadway , I began to notice that the air was getting cooler in some spots . My rationale was , "Must be that these areas were in the shade all day ..." , while in the back of my mind , I felt uneasy --- like something was amiss .

Never-the-less , I continued onward , enjoying the silence and what scenery was visible at that time of the night . But , the cool spots were now becoming more frequent , and much colder ---- cold enough that I could see my breath ! But , I kept going in spite of my "inner voice" telling me to turn-around and get-on-out .

As I rounded the corner nearest the friend's house that I was travelling to , a very bright light appeared ; its source was unrecognisable ... perhaps its was coming from a vehicle ?

I got off of my bike for whatever reason , and carefully walked-around the bend in the road . Just then , I heard some 'rustling' in the yard next to me --- maybe it was a horse ? Then , whatever was rustling about leapt-up-onto the street , stood on its hind legs , made a screaming noise -- vapours coming-out of its nostrils -- and then ran-up the cactus-covered embankment on the opposite side of the street .

I made an abrupt about-face , and pedelled at a furious rate . I got home in less than a minute --- two miles in less than a minute ! I was so horrified at what I'd encountered that I couldn't talk ! I was perspiring ; totally drenched in perspiration ! 

"What the 'H' was THAT ?!?!?"

In subsequent years later , a Navajo friend of mine told me that what I'd encountered was a "Skinwalker" ( Shape-Shifter , et al. ) , and that they are a common sight in the Whittier Hills . 


**Epilogue : This is but one-of-many "otherworldly" entities that I've encountered over my 48 years . Whittier (California) is notoriously haunted ; Spiritually-instabile **

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/21/2018 at 2:03 AM, 1972coronet said:

** Prologue : I will add more to my story as time permits . In the meantime , here's the "brass tacks" **

In September of 1986 , I was riding my G.T. BMX bike in the Whittier hills (adjacent to Rose Hills , which is the largest cemetery in the Western Hemisphere , by the way) .

It was a typical late-September night in this region : still hot and a bit humid , even at 2100 HRS .  I was 16 years old , and in excellent shape (before I "discovered" cigarettes , driving a vehicle , and other unmentionable "recreations") , so pedalling-up a steep, narrow cement roadway and into the hills was no challenge to me .

As I was making way up the roadway , I began to notice that the air was getting cooler in some spots . My rationale was , "Must be that these areas were in the shade all day ..." , while in the back of my mind , I felt uneasy --- like something was amiss .

Never-the-less , I continued onward , enjoying the silence and what scenery was visible at that time of the night . But , the cool spots were now becoming more frequent , and much colder ---- cold enough that I could see my breath ! But , I kept going in spite of my "inner voice" telling me to turn-around and get-on-out .

As I rounded the corner nearest the friend's house that I was travelling to , a very bright light appeared ; its source was unrecognisable ... perhaps its was coming from a vehicle ?

I got off of my bike for whatever reason , and carefully walked-around the bend in the road . Just then , I heard some 'rustling' in the yard next to me --- maybe it was a horse ? Then , whatever was rustling about leapt-up-onto the street , stood on its hind legs , made a screaming noise -- vapours coming-out of its nostrils -- and then ran-up the cactus-covered embankment on the opposite side of the street .

I made an abrupt about-face , and pedelled at a furious rate . I got home in less than a minute --- two miles in less than a minute ! I was so horrified at what I'd encountered that I couldn't talk ! I was perspiring ; totally drenched in perspiration ! 

"What the 'H' was THAT ?!?!?"

In subsequent years later , a Navajo friend of mine told me that what I'd encountered was a "Skinwalker" ( Shape-Shifter , et al. ) , and that they are a common sight in the Whittier Hills . 


**Epilogue : This is but one-of-many "otherworldly" entities that I've encountered over my 48 years . Whittier (California) is notoriously haunted ; Spiritually-instabile **

Glad I read these during the day time. Thanks for sharing.

i also heard Kecksburg, PA is similar in stories.

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