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Just finished building my Polar Lights Lost in Space Robot kit. And I'm pretty pleased with how it turned. Other than the Robot's power pack has gone missing. I was just painting it a couple of days ago. Without it, how am I going to give the Robot orders to cease and desist with his firing of his electrical bolts from his right claw? For that matter, I wonder how he's doing that without his power pack? Speaking of the power pack missing. Where is Dr. Smith? 




Edited by unclescott58
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10 hours ago, martin9428 said:

Nice job. I do believe there is a Dr. Smith model. Did your kit come with him?


Yea, I know of the Polar Lights Robot with Dr. Smith kit. But, when it comes to a subject like this, I wanted to go original old school. And that means the Polar Lights repop of the original Aurora kit with its hokey (part #2) "Electronic Ray" coming out of (part #25) "Right Arm Hook". Which always looked more like a flame of fire than an electronic ray to me. Just as the original show is part of my childhood, so is this kit of the Robot. There are much more modern, accurate, and better kits of the subject tooled up out there in recent years. But, they will never be part of my youth. 

I still can not find the "power pack". Actually referred to in the instructions as (part #5) the "Control Panel". I think it may have been permanently sacrificed to the "carpet gods". So if anybody has got an "extra". Please let me know. 


Edited by unclescott58
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