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10 hours ago, iamsuperdan said:

However, we're not about to become a part of the selling system. Even if we created a sub-forum specifically for selling, and stated that we aren't getting involved, you know exactly how that would go. Someone would get screwed, and the moderation team would be somehow blamed for allowing it to happen. It happened with the Pay It Forward thread, it will happen in a sales thread. You know it, I know it, deep down, everyone knows it would not work.

It won't go well!

On my stamp board, there is a message center like this one. There is also a sales area, two forums... one where you can just buy items outright and a second which is an auction. There are two distinct types of people who use this board.  Those who share information and forge friendships on the message board, and those who buy and sell on the sales area. Very few people are on both sides of that line.  

Those who sell, are primarily self described dealers.  In the category I mainly look at in the auctions,  there were 800 items listed,  600 of them from one dealer.  All overpriced past retail.  Very few sales.  Why does he park his stuff there?  Because it's free!  That dealer has never posted on the message side.  

All the fireworks on The Model Car List was due to selling.  I left there years ago in disgust.  I checked out a few of the Facebook sales sites yesterday and chuckled at the administrator notes admonishing people for poor behavior.  Do we need those folks here?

Then we will get the scammers, or at the very least the guys who must come out on top of every deal.  Just like in the Pay It Forward...  "I'm happy to take your Johan Oldies Kit,  Here's my Ollie's $8 special in return".  Which is exactly where it went! 

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This thread has wandered a very long way from its original topic. So, I’m going to lock it.

For the curious, eModelcars was an experiment that failed. It takes a lot to get a given web site to fly, and it never got to that self-sustaining state. 

I wont say we’ll never revisit the selling aspect, but it’s not on our agenda right now. 

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