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Modelhaus gold

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Which is why I am less here all the time Bobby. One day I'll be done altogether. I was a serious contributor some time ago, and for years. We, all of us all not immortal.

THIS is the only site I am a member of that does not allow selling between members.


Heck yeah... Seriously weak...

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Its too bad that you feel  you cannot enjoy this wonderful site because selling isn't allowed. It's ironic that nobody wanted to avail themselves of emodelcars when Gregg created it to provide a free separate venue to sell.

However it is typical how so many want to make changes to the site to suit themselves and a select few .  Why does this site need to be like all the rest and lose its uniqueness.

And where do you stop making changes. Somebody else may decide we absolutely need to be able to discuss politics or they can't enjoy the site.

Me I like the site just the way it is and will continue to learn and enjoy the work of others.

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This comes up several times a year. Openly buying and selling is not going to happen. There are more than enough deals that are already made behind the scenes.

It is fairly easy to setup a website/forum. If you really think selling is a good idea, go ahead and set one up. Gregg already tried and it was hardly used.

The only reason folks want to allow selling here is because they are cheap. They don't want to pay the eBay and PayPal fees. They also think they will be able to score that rare holy grail model for pennies on the dollar. Just wait for your next local show or use the established places like eBay.

The moderators here already hear about 90% of the bad trades that happen, even though there really isn't much we can do about it. Just imagine if someone felt they were cheated out of a few hundred dollars. Folks would be quick to post on other sites and Facebook how bad the mods and this site are because we allowed this happen.

We do not have the time, money or desire to setup the full time dispute center that we would need to have.

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I think Gregg should re-examine the prospect of allowing selling here as a means to support the magazine. He has openly stated that it takes money to print it and pay contributors for the content and the advertising revenue he gets doesn't come close to covering the costs. I agree that it would cause problems and having someone be the "resolution manager" would mean time and money, but if they were paid from the proceeds of being able to sell here, maybe that would solve a lot of problems.


I know I will get blasted for this post, but does anyone have any other ideas for Gregg to generate a revenue stream to get the magazine back in print?

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12 minutes ago, mikemodeler said:

I know I will get blasted for this post, but does anyone have any other ideas for Gregg to generate a revenue stream to get the magazine back in print?

How about paid advertisers (hobby stores, hobby related, resin casters and model companies only) to have a section to sell to us. Nothing not related to the hobby. There's always threads looking for specific parts from resin casters for example, so they could pay a monthly fee to sell in a section on the website. Because it can only be established businesses with a reputation to protect and experience in mail order, customers and all that stuff they are responsible for complaints and not greg. It also benefits us because someone can link you directly to the thread without leaving the site, benefits greg because he gets a revenue stream and benefits the companies because they have a captive market that are happy to recommend good service and quality products.

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One a while back there was a comment that Gregg was selling stuff on facebook. If he really thought selling was such a good idea he would have changed the rules at that time. Besides whatever little income that will be generated will not overcome all of the problems that will be generated.

Second he has come up with a way to come up with revenue to jump start the magazine with lifetime subscriptions. Now its just a matter of time to see what happens next. And if the magazine can get a consistent schedule then that will improve the chances of getting more advertisers.   Its not a big selling point for an advertiser to have their ad show up on a sporatic basis.

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4 minutes ago, bobthehobbyguy said:


Second he has come up with a way to come up with revenue to jump start the magazine with lifetime subscriptions. Now its just a matter of time to see what happens next. And if the magazine can get a consistent schedule then that will improve the chances of getting more advertisers.   Its not a big selling point for an advertiser to have their ad show up on a sporatic basis.

That was three months ago Bob and not a word since regarding the magazine, thus my suggestion that more revenue streams should be considered. If he did raise the $30,000 thru the lifetime subscriptions, and had a couple of issues ready to print, don't you think we would have seen a magazine or at least heard about it by now?

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In my opinion if the lifetime subscription did not succeed then the magazine is dead.

Second if it did succeed Gregg may be trying to get the issues ready to print. He has no other help getting  that done. 

It has been very disappointing that we have heard no official comment here considering Gregg pitched the lifetime subs here. Would be nice to know the outcome rather than endless uniformed speculation. Also it would be nice to know the upcoming plans for the year. Only 5 months left in the year. Will there be an issue this year?

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1 hour ago, bobthehobbyguy said:

In my opinion if the lifetime subscription did not succeed then the magazine is dead.

Second if it did succeed Gregg may be trying to get the issues ready to print. He has no other help getting  that done. 

It has been very disappointing that we have heard no official comment here considering Gregg pitched the lifetime subs here. Would be nice to know the outcome rather than endless uniformed speculation. Also it would be nice to know the upcoming plans for the year. Only 5 months left in the year. Will there be an issue this year?

It is odd that Gregg remains quiet...he should post some sort of update as to the magazine's status.  The last update on the magazine's site was about issue #206 in January...it's August now...

Edited by Rob Hall
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5 hours ago, Xingu said:

This comes up several times a year. Openly buying and selling is not going to happen. There are more than enough deals that are already made behind the scenes.


But its ok for Gregg to sell a lifetime sub in the forum?


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6 hours ago, Xingu said:

The only reason folks want to allow selling here is because they are cheap. They don't want to pay the eBay and PayPal fees. They also think they will be able to score that rare holy grail model for pennies on the dollar. Just wait for your next local show or use the established places like eBay.

If someone is selling a "holy grail" kit, he will have a set price determined and posted which would preclude any haggling. Just like at ebay, or online shops which sell "rare" kits, it's up to the shopper if he pulls the trigger and purchases it. If the shopper thinks that the price is too high for a particular kit, simple solution. Keep walking.

16 hours ago, Dragline said:

THIS is the only site I am a member of that does not allow selling between members.


6 hours ago, Xingu said:

The moderators here already hear about 90% of the bad trades that happen, even though there really isn't much we can do about it. Just imagine if someone felt they were cheated out of a few hundred dollars. Folks would be quick to post on other sites and Facebook how bad the mods and this site are because we allowed this happen.

There are numerous other sites which allow buying, selling and trading. I've never read any complaints that so-and-so ripped people off. It only happens in the bargain basement world of relatively inexpensive car kits. It's seems that model car builders are the one group who have credibility issues and are more likely than not to scam somebody in a transaction, even in a trade. Why is that?  I've bought plenty of stuff on armor and aircraft sites and never got ripped off. Sellers charge what they feel is a fair price and I'm more than happy to get a good deal when the opportunity presents itself.

Who would be cheated out of any money? The seller? If the seller posts a price, he must know what the item is worth. If he lowballs the price, that's on him; or, he's not looking to make a huge profit. The buyer wouldn't be cheated because he'd know exactly how much the seller is charging, just like ebay.

6 hours ago, stitchdup said:

How about paid advertisers (hobby stores, hobby related, resin casters and model companies only) to have a section to sell to us.

How about having companies/vendors advertise with links to their sites? It's done everywhere else and it pays the bills. Heck, military kit manufacturers even provide kits to those sites which are then offered to members in exchange for a build review. Don't see cheapskate car kit manufacturers extending that courtesy.

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1 hour ago, martinfan5 said:

Privileges of being the owner, don't have to follow the rules?

Privileges of being the owner, you get to make the rules. Not sure why some can't understand that this place is here because of Gregg and he can do what he wants with it. How can you even question selling subscriptions to the magazine that this site is tied to. I don't remember the Bronco, must have been before my time.

We have a section for folks to post links to their retail websites, we just don't allow prices, or excessive amounts of photos to be posted. Any member is free to click on the link and go to the website to see what is available and how much it costs.

Listen to the folks complaining about not being able to do what they want here, now imagine it 10x worse when money is involved. Like Joe pointed out, car modelers as a whole are cheap. If someone were to sell 10 of a certain model here at a great price, someone would buy them all and immediately relist them here for $5 more each.

It is in our DNA, we buy more than we could ever build and then either refuse to sell them or just can't part with it unless we double our money.

Behind the scenes purchases probably started the first week of this site's existence.

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On 7/28/2019 at 7:50 PM, Spex84 said:

I'll give ya 50 bucks. lol.

I'm already realizing it will take me years to get through current projects, let alone start new builds. 60-70 kits could last me the rest of my life. I don't know how anyone thinks they're gonna build all 500+ kits in their stash!!

Yes - one would have to build one a week for ten years.  While that's possible I suppose, it's not too realistic.  I only started collecting four types of specific cars (Mustangs, ForD GT's, Pantera's and Cobras) but over the years it's grown to 400 or so with only 1/4 of that built which for my age (60) maybe that's not so bad.  I'm one of the few that see the name Modehaus and shrugs as they neve sold anything that I collected.  I know, weird but to each his own.;)

As for resin and more expensive kits, I tend to built them before the rull of the mill stuff to justify the expense versus having a lot of money laying around in the form of unbuilt kits.

Edited by vamach1
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Selling here or not makes no difference to me or not.

But I will say the silence since taking several peoples money for lifetime subscription speaks VOLUMES.

( I was NOT one of them )


I certainly  wish him well in this latest adventure. BUT if this goes bad . And I seriously hope it doesnt ,,,

It will put a stake thru the heart in the mag without question

Edited by gtx6970
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Awhile back somebody come up with a great idea called pay it forward. The concept was simple someone donated a kit and then somebody would claim it and then put something up for somebody to claim. Unfortunately it w a s a disaster. A few opprtunists felt the need to take advantage of the deal. They used it to take grab good kits and dumb their junk. In addition people wouldn't be timely in posting there kit up for the next person. Final straw was somebody grabbed a kit and disappeared. B

Be happy we are allowed to trade and stop trying to find excuses why we should be able to sell kits.  Give it a rest guys.

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On 8/1/2019 at 10:50 AM, mikemodeler said:

I think Gregg should re-examine the prospect of allowing selling here as a means to support the magazine. He has openly stated that it takes money to print it and pay contributors for the content and the advertising revenue he gets doesn't come close to covering the costs. I agree that it would cause problems and having someone be the "resolution manager" would mean time and money, but if they were paid from the proceeds of being able to sell here, maybe that would solve a lot of problems.


I know I will get blasted for this post, but does anyone have any other ideas for Gregg to generate a revenue stream to get the magazine back in print?


On 8/1/2019 at 11:12 AM, stitchdup said:

How about paid advertisers (hobby stores, hobby related, resin casters and model companies only) to have a section to sell to us. Nothing not related to the hobby. There's always threads looking for specific parts from resin casters for example, so they could pay a monthly fee to sell in a section on the website. Because it can only be established businesses with a reputation to protect and experience in mail order, customers and all that stuff they are responsible for complaints and not greg. It also benefits us because someone can link you directly to the thread without leaving the site, benefits greg because he gets a revenue stream and benefits the companies because they have a captive market that are happy to recommend good service and quality products.

These are two very good ideas. If it helps generate revenue for the magazine, and keep it going, it should be seriously examined.

Charlie Larkin

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On 7/28/2019 at 8:59 PM, gtx6970 said:

My plan is thin down to just old annuals and vintage drag cars. Those alone probably amount to over 200 cars, still more than I'll likely finish before I'm breathing dirt. But  the rest are going bye bye , piece by piece.

I'm in process of buying a rather expensive vintage 1/1 car. that I want to have here by years end.  And as such,,, odds are my time at the bench will become even less than it already has the past couple years

I too am in this position.  How much money can go into models when I have an expensive couple of cars in the garage too. Just curious,  what are you getting?

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On 8/1/2019 at 4:07 PM, Dragline said:

I bought a handful of motorcycle kits off Gregg about 5 years ago. All behind the scenes.


There, I said it. I was asked to not mention it but I have.

If people want to sell stuff privately through PM, that's fine. I've done it too. But it is entirely independent of the magazine or this forum. We as moderators do not have a problem with this.

However, we're not about to become a part of the selling system. Even if we created a sub-forum specifically for selling, and stated that we aren't getting involved, you know exactly how that would go. Someone would get screwed, and the moderation team would be somehow blamed for allowing it to happen. It happened with the Pay It Forward thread, it will happen in a sales thread. You know it, I know it, deep down, everyone knows it would not work.



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10 hours ago, Eric Macleod said:

 Just curious,  what are you getting?


If all goes as planned. it will be this car

1966 Plymouth Satellite , 426 hemi . Factory black exterior with a red interior. bucket seats and console auto.

All factory equipment for this car.

( owner upgraded to  15" chrome magnums and radials )






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