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Collection of modeling supplies

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I didn’t know where else to post this question. I was wondering if anyone could suggest where or how to sell my collection of modeling tools, paints, air brushes, compressor, spray booth, and much more including resin, mags, tires and a few kits of which there are 2 finished bodies ( drag ) and a resin f/c mustang    body.  I’ve had no luck on eBay, I wouldn’t bother with Craig’s list either.  I know you can’t sell on this site nor am I trying, I’m just looking for suggestions.  I know there’s a show at DuPage co fairgrounds, but that’s not until September. Thanks for any help.

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"No luck on eBay" meaning your items didn't sell for what you wanted or nobody bid at all? eBay is the largest market you have access to, if items don't sell there, they won't get more money any place else. Swap meets and Craigslist probably have 1/1,000,000th of the buyers eBay would have. I don't work for eBay and don't particularly love the system, but it is what it is...

What it comes down to is "what exactly are you looking for in selling?" The easiest method to unload everything? The most profitable?

Here is my advice and what I have done regarding models kits and resin parts:

If you have rare, expensive models or resin parts, sell them individually on eBay. Auction them if you need to sell them promptly (buy-it-now if you want to list for your expected sale price and sit and watch it, potentially for months...). Leave the open bid low to encourage multiple bidders. Does it feel risky to list an expensive item to start cheap? Kind of, but 99.9% of the time it won't sell for a bargain if it's truly rare and expensive. You can search past auctions to see what things have sold for previously.

If you have common models or resin items, lump them into manageable lots and sell on eBay. Again, auction. You will not get what you paid for them here or anywhere, but you will get rid of them.

I don't know if there is a good market for used tools and supplies anyplace, unless the items are rare or not easily purchased elsewhere. Shipping on a compressor or paint booth will make online sale difficult.

Edited by Erik Smith
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Some things that are heavy but not necessarily valuable are difficult to sell online due to shipping costs.  A package deal to a fellow local modeler is probably your best best or like others have said a model show (IPMS or otherwise) would put you in touch with the best prospective customers.  I would guess you may get 50 cents on the dollar and as along as 25 cents since the downside side is those same buyers may already have what you are selling.  If you are not in any hurry you can wait for the best opportunity.  Good luck and if you list those funny car bodies online let your fellow modelers here know.   I am like a cat that hears the canopener when I hear the word Mustang - my ears perk up.  ?

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Hey Guys, that’s what I was hoping to do...unload everything in one shot! Of course I’ll take a beating on the stuff, I expected that. I just want to get something back for it. If I had to do a table at a show I’d offer a buy it all option. I’m not going to sit there all day to sell an airbrush and a some modeling tweezers. That’s what concerns me. The table will probably cost me 75 - 100 alone.  Thanks for you help.

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At most swaps and shows I have set up at, the first table comes with two admissions (seller, one helper).  Most times I split the table with the "helper", as did the vast majority of people setting up.  And never did the person putting the show on object to this way of doing things.

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2 hours ago, Mark said:

At most swaps and shows I have set up at, the first table comes with two admissions (seller, one helper).  

Most of the shows I attend have free admission. Granted, these are not Regional/National or other prestigious shows.

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