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ignoring a topic / thread


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Why isn't there a help or FAQ section anywhere to be found?

I'm sick of the Corona COVID-19 threads. I have enough of that c-r-a-p elsewhere. I know all about social isolation, hand washing,  and what to do when stuck under quarantine. I'm sick of the jokes too.  GRRRRR! I want to ignore those topics, but  I just don't seem to find a way to do it. I even search this helpful forum for "ignore topic" and found nothing. Can someone teach me how to ignore a topic?

Edited by peteski
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I remember that from a while back. I'm not sure what happened to it.  It's probably associated with the theme (appearance package) that we used on the previous version. Unfortunately, they didn't port it to the new version. I'm about to install a new theme, and that might bring it back, but no guarantees. 

As for ignore topic, that isn't part of the standard board, and I don't see any add-ons for the current version. It's a good idea though. 

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