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1/12 Tamiya Datsun 240ZG


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WOW, that thing is huge! nice wheels and tyres! how much for a set of the rims and tyres? i am working on a 1/18 scale die-cast datsun 240. i pull out the little whimpy sohc straight-6 engine and droped in a 2000 LS1 V8 engine. and doing some of my own work to it.

i also have a 1/18 die-cast 1970 Datsun 240Z #26 BRE Race version.



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YEEESH Dude!, That thing gotta RUN? Have you seen the thread where the guy built a 1/16th Engine from scratch? I mean, he built the Block,Crank,heads,valvetrain,the WORKS! Since you've come THIS far, Just hook that bad boy to run on Petrol! :blink: GREAT JOB so far Stump, ya CAIN'T stop now!!! :lol:

WHAT????????? :lol: a scratch built 1/16 engine? what engine was it? wow i gotta see this! hey george 53 whats the link? thanks bro! and fantasic job stump! i can't wait to see it finished!

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  • 1 month later...

Hehehe... :lol: Thanks George and Brandon..

George, nah..she wont be getting that well built....though I've heard it said, I should at least make the wipers and washers work..... :D

I'm finding it hard enough trying to work a "working" throttle......not gonna give up on it........

Brandon, the 1/18 looks pretty kool....So, you going to drop an LS1 in there, huh..? Can't wait to see that. :rolleyes:

UPDATE....May '09

Thought I'd better bring you guys up to speed on this....it's been a while.

The rear tyre is almost complete...I'll be sending the wheels and tyres away for casting very soon.......

Tackled a little body work as well..The G-nose is now in place. Lots of sanding and re-shaping to get a nice result with that.....

Whilst at the front, I finished my new radiator panel and joined the two piece firewall....


Those of you with a keen eye may have noticed a couple of "spare" bolts sticking up in the engine bay area.....??

I'm "bolting" in the struts, as they are on a 1:1 car.....I'm not sure yet if they will be adjustable, but it allows me to lower the front about 3mm without cutting stuff...


I've then switched my attention to the rest of the suspension....

The rear end requires that you glue the 2-piece upright, around the lower control arm...being ever so careful not to let glue contact the actual joint.... :blink:

I thought about it for a while, and knowing first hand that the joint is quite sloppy when built, figured there had to be a better way.....

The area in question I've circled in red on this diagram.....


My solution......I jumped right in and glued the two 2-piece uprights together.. :P Who reads or follows instructions anyway.... :P

After giving the glue plenty of time to cure, I ran a drill through the bore, ready to accept a length of plastic tube.


I removed the old pivot bar from the control arm and drilled a couple of holes to accept 2 bolts..


And finished up with 2, very neat, better fitting, control arm sets. There is minimal free play, yet it still has full movement.


After all that, I re-assessed the front.....Here too, I also knew that there was way too much free play in the joints....

The area of concern was where the lower control arm attached to the front cross member.....It is designed to just "clip" into place on either side...

The locating pins are on the right hand side in this pic....


After removing the pins and drilling yet another hole...(yes, more bolts..) this is a "test" mule being tried....



Ready for installation..... :D


That's about if for now guys....Still a good way to go, but at least I'm having fun.... :lol:

Thanks for stopping by.....



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Geeze Greg, it looks like you'd need a Chilton's manual ta build this thing! It's lookin like a million bucks so far! One of these days, when I make it down ta Dragalogalong, you'll DEFINATELY hafta give me a ride in that BAD BOY!!! :D

DOH !...You guessed my secret George.....hehehehe....... ;)

Actually, I just received a second hand Haynes manual the other day..... :rolleyes: I got it to help in the lay out and installation of brakes and fuel lines....

Most of what I have found online, has been cars already into a restoration, and they have most of this stuff removed already..... :rolleyes:

Got some great pics from a young bloke on a 1:1 Z site the other day...he was just starting a build and graciously offered to take some pics before he got into it..Thanks Owen. :rolleyes:

Many thanks to you too Bill, Mike, Pete and Santiago.. :D

Yes, Tamiya did do a fantastic job engineering these big kits....It's funny, I was ever so tempted just to do an "out of box" build, because of this fact.....

But I'm kinda glad I decided to press myself for something a bit more.....I'm really pleased you're all happy with my progress so far.

Stay tuned, more updates to come.....



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Holly cow! Home made wheels AND tires? Now I've seen it all! And that suspension not only look's great, it look's functional! Does it actually work? Impressive!

:oThanks Brandon and FujimiLover..

FL, yes, the suspension is fully functional straight out of the box, I've only reinforced things by making sturdier joints.. :lol:

And I knew what I wanted with regard to wheels and tyres.....finding them in the size I wanted drove me to this nuttiness...... :D ..Hope to have some available soon...

cheers mate


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  • 2 weeks later...

Update..May 24...

G'day guys, back with another sizable update...

I got to thinking how the exhaust was going to fit up....seeing as I'd cut off the butt-ugly huge mounting pins.... :blink:

And being an "aftermarket" over sized system, I figured I could apply a little artistic expression....still wanting to stay within the realms of realism though..

First up, I decided that the large centre section needed some support of it's own....

A simple bracket was "welded" in place, it will secure with a rubber block to the chassis, to help absorb movement..


The rear of the muffler received a simple U-bolt clamp. It is attached to an "L" shaped bracket, via a "rubber" strap..(cut from a zip tie..)



The bracket, in all it's glory.....


And a breakdown of the parts I made. The "U" is bent from spring steel, but I might find something more user friendly... :unsure:


In between this and doing more work on the rear tyre, I decided to kick start the next project.... :huh: .........

Yes, another Z.......I got the Safari kit as well recently, mainly to rob the triple webers and manifold for this build..... :o ....I'm nut's, huh.....George told me I was... :lol:

Well, the idea was to build it as a "stock" showroom type build...still is........

My balloon was burst upon opening the Safari version....it has a race style fuel cell and no spare wheel well....... :unsure:

Not to be put off.....I set about making some.

These new parts will go into this build, I'll save the good kit parts for the showroom version......





I will run a duel feed from the fuel pick up, to 2 inline fuel filter/pumps which will mount at the front of the tank.

I figured it was easier/better to do the mods to a scratch built tank, rather than cut up the good one......

More soon guys, and thank you for your enthusiasm in following..



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Now yer makein sense ta me Greg, If the stuff ain't in the kit, YOU'LL MAKE IT!!!! Now THAT'S the Stump I've come ta know an luv!!! Ya know, I don't think yer crazy so much, as I just LOVE the way you solve problems inherint to customizing! If'n it don't exist, you MAKE it exist! I LIKE that. To me THAT'S the essence of MODEL MAKEING. You and Santiago are the only 2 guys on this forum I know personally,who build in this scale and you BOTH can do some INCREDABLE things in these off the wall scales! Have you seen his 1/16th 63 Chevy? Same as you, he's gotta make all his stuff too! I'm just blown away by your talent Greg, To me your up WAY up there on MY creativity scale! And ta think we became freinds over some Dog dishes an steelies! Best dam swap I ever made! You GO Bro, The BEST is yet to come!I an PROUD ta call you my Aussie mate!!!!!!!:unsure::unsure::lol::o

Edited by george 53
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i wish my scratch building skills where like your greg! wow that is amazing!

A PIECE OF ART!!!!!!!!!!

(hey greg quick question? how much would it be if you can make me one of those masterpieces? B) )

can't wait to see if finished!

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Aww....geez George, you make me out like I'm special..... :o .. :D

Mate, that's one hellova cred booster...Now I can't afford to slacken off on this one......not that I plan to anyways.... :o

I guess it's just because of all the years enhancing the smaller ones...make a new part here or there.....just in 1/12 scale, if it don't look "right"....it looks really wrong...know what I mean..

If I was going to do the Safari version as intended, there would be no need for this spare fuel tank etc...but I do like a challenge...even though the tank was pretty easy...

The tyres have probably been my most ambitious task to date.....they're almost ready to send off too.....

If there's a failing within the build, it'll hit when it's time to paint......painting is one thing I need to perfect......the bigger scale may be a help...who knows..... ;)

Thanks heaps for your support George, and yes...a great friendship from a wheel trade....who'd a thought, hey.... :o:o

Thanks Brandon..

Practice...practice and patience mate...I have about 6 full exhaust systems all laying around the bench......all failed the final test.. :o

Make you one...? Well, let's see.....

So far, hours invested.....150+ @ $45.00/hour....... :o ...Nah, seriously mate, I would not have a clue.....

I become to attached to a build.....I only ever sold one of my best/favourite models....Got a great price for it, and it was a financial decision (out of work at the time...)

But....I have regretted it ever since...... B)

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Well Greg ol Man, I jus gotta call em as I see em! Your GOOD, I don't see no harm in tellin you.It don't go to your head, like some guys. Heck your JUST as good, if NOT BETTER that alot of guys I have the privildge of calling freinds. You got NO big head from all these killer builds you've done, like some guys get, you don't preach about how hard it was to do, you just DO IT!(like the Nike commercial :lol: ) That says ALOT. The craftsmanship that goes into your builds just SHOWS! Plus ya live down unda in PARADISE! Yeesh, after seein the pics of the house and the 'hood, jeeze I want to live there too!!! Hey, tell ya wat, let Mum know I'm comin, an I'll help ya build an addition for all the models!!! :lol:

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I just don't have the room for a 1/12 but I love the detail I'm seeing here. Being able to use real bolts to fasten things is my 1/25th dream ... it just adds SO much and I'm sure adds some good rigidity to the model. The exhaust is looking really good!

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:lol:;) Cheers George..and that's why I like you so much mate, you don't mince words, you're the koolest...and a great bud to boot.... ;)

Heck man, I've been looking for an excuse to build a model room specific.....you say the word an I'll get the ball rolling.....We can set it up with a duel workbench.

You know you'd be very welcomed down here man...... :D;) we got plenty of room.

Thank you too Mike. Adding real working features and better detail to a large kit has been on my list of dreams since I was a wee lad....

My first experiences with 1/12 were over 35 years ago, and were way less than exciting......pretty bad actually..... :D It's taken that long to make it a realization.. ;)

Thanks so much guys..


PS: What's the time over there now George ? It's just gone 4.20am down here....I gotta start getting ready for work.. :lol:

Edited by stump
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Thanks Brandon..

Practice...practice and patience mate...I have about 6 full exhaust systems all laying around the bench......all failed the final test.. :lol:

Make you one...? Well, let's see.....

So far, hours invested.....150+ @ $45.00/hour....... :D ...Nah, seriously mate, I would not have a clue.....

I become to attached to a build.....I only ever sold one of my best/favourite models....Got a great price for it, and it was a financial decision (out of work at the time...)

But....I have regretted it ever since...... :lol:

ok, i will have to get started! and really? that many hours! your doing a fantastic job!

and thats cool, i get attached to mine too! but for me, its the matter of getting it done! for some reason i have more stalled projects than finished models!

and that sucks, i had to part with a couple of my babies too, i wish i never did! i found them about 5 years later in a thrift store broken! i cried! i freakin cried! and then i got pissed! so that was a fun day, NOT! lol, but i know what your goin' threw! it blows big time!

p.s. are you talking about $45/hr is that us dollars? and really 150hrs? cause thats like $7,000 usd! alot, but ITS WORTH IT!

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PS: What's the time over there now George ? It's just gone 4.20am down here....I gotta start getting ready for work.. :(

well, greg for me i live in florida! so i am eastern standard time! what day is it for you, the 26th or 25th? i am the 25th and it 3pm! i belive you about 12hrs ahead of me! or behind me!

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well, greg for me i live in florida! so i am eastern standard time! what day is it for you, the 26th or 25th? i am the 25th and it 3pm! i belive you about 12hrs ahead of me! or behind me!

Yep, that sounds pretty close to me Brandon. I was just 4 and a bit hours into the 26th down here....so we're only just ahead of you guys.. ;)

Just made it in from work this minute..(well, bout 20 minutes ago...) 4.50pm May 26th.

Mate, yes keep practicing....if you wish to try something you haven't done before, grab an old body or two and start experimenting....

Heck, there's still lots I haven't learned yet....it's a continual thing......but the more you do it, you do get better.....even if it takes 30 years like me... :rolleyes:

I wished I'd had the tools and supplies available to me down here, way back when......I guess the internet has to be thanked for that...

cheers mate


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thank you for advice! and yeah i am behind you! it just turned tuesday for me! well, 3hrs ago! and yeah i learn new stuff with every build!

i was working on a 1/18 scale die-cast datsun 240zg! but i ripped out the stock sohc, and drop in a 1998 5.7l LS1! its a work in progress! but right now i put it on a back burner! i am building a couple of other cars for the drift build off!

and i can't wait to see your datsun finished!

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No worries mate.. ;)

Hey, good luck on your Datsun build too...I wouldn't mind a look at that when you get back to it....

I'm hearing what you mean about stalled projects too.....them I got plenty of..... :lol:

Meant to add before too, I was only kiddin with you about the costs of a build.....Brandon, I got no real idea to be truthful...

I know there are guys out there who do it, and probably do very well out of it, financially......but I honestly don't see how you can make your money back per time invested...??

The car I sold, which was a couple of years ago now.....I'd built it from ground up, several times.....just to get it right.

It was a curbside of one of our Aussie Muscle cars...basic interior, flat chassis.....a great body is all it had going for it....

I slotted in a chassis from another kit, highly modified to look like what I was building (I'd owned 5 of the real 1:1 cars, so I knew them inside out..)

Countless hours.....just making parts for it......I sold it for $475AUSD......MADNESS !!!!! :rolleyes: ....but I was desperate, and needed the cash.....

Lesson learned ?......Yes, I could have held off and kept it....I still have pics of it, but that's all.....


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