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Ghost hunting.

Mike C.

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The first I saw was in 1979 or so. My racing partner bought an old house in Babylon Village a couple of years earlier. Both he and his wife told us of a ghost, that looked like a native indian boy. I said... right. One late night we were watching something on HBO. His wife was asleep on the couch, my friend was dozing. The room got colder suddenly.. I saw the dog looking into the dining room... and I saw the ghost. I shook my buddy awake and he just smiled. The spirit hung around for maybe a minute and evaporated. I later found that the area was a Revolutionary War battle site... sometimes the locals got got...

The next was in a machine shop I worked in as a side gig. I had been there for maybe 10 years by then. Most of the time I worked alone in the evenings. The owner's dad had owned the shop and the son took it over when the old man died. A few times I had the feeling I was being watched. Then... I saw the spirit. It was the owner's dad. In total I had seen it about 6 times. I called out to it... George.. and it stopped for a second and vanished. The shop moved in 2000 and we were setting it up. One other guy mentioned, maybe the ghost will stay in the old shop. I never mentioned it to anyone and never knew anyone else had seen it.

The last, so far, was in 2014. My wife was in hospice with cancer and I always stayed until they got her ready to go to sleep. Usually after 11 at night. She was in a larger room with a vestibule with a row of storage closets. I was on my way out and only one light was on. There it was, a ghost of an old lady leaning on a closet door, looked to be in pain. It was gone in a few seconds. I asked one nurse at the desk if she ever saw anything at night... she just nodded yes. 

I grew up on a house with a poltergeist. It came soon after my grandmother died in 1970, in the hospital. We would find ceramic figures my mom had on a high shelf sitting on the floor, upright and not damaged. We heard footsteps on the stairs late at night, we would call out, "who is on the stairs" and it would stop. The cats would follow something now and then. My brother was around 12, talking with us before school and suddenly one lens in his glasses shattered with no explanation. If I had not seen it, I would have never believed it. Then one day, it just stopped.

My sister is clairvoyant, she says that it is a curse. She has told me things that have made the hair on my neck stand on end. My dad had it to a lesser degree, he would warn us about things that turned out to be true. This was around 1974, I was headed out after dinner and my dad asked me if I was going to the corner bar. I asked him if he needed help with something. He said no, but whatever you do, do not get into a car with anyone else. If I needed a ride home, give him a call. I said I would walk home and not get into a car with anyone. It was around midnight in the bar.. a friend walks up with me and asks if I want to go with him and a couple of others to another bar. It was like someone splashed a bucket of ice water in my face, I was sober in 2 seconds. I told him about my dad's vision and he laughed. I could not talk them out of going. It was maybe a 1/2 hour later... we got word that there was a huge car accident near by. It was those 3 guys. 2 were dead and one badly injured. I told my dad the next morning that he was right.

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23 minutes ago, bobss396 said:

The first I saw was in 1979 or so. My racing partner bought an old house in Babylon Village a couple of years earlier. Both he and his wife told us of a ghost, that looked like a native indian boy. I said... right. One late night we were watching something on HBO. His wife was asleep on the couch, my friend was dozing. The room got colder suddenly.. I saw the dog looking into the dining room... and I saw the ghost. I shook my buddy awake and he just smiled. The spirit hung around for maybe a minute and evaporated. I later found that the area was a Revolutionary War battle site... sometimes the locals got got...

The next was in a machine shop I worked in as a side gig. I had been there for maybe 10 years by then. Most of the time I worked alone in the evenings. The owner's dad had owned the shop and the son took it over when the old man died. A few times I had the feeling I was being watched. Then... I saw the spirit. It was the owner's dad. In total I had seen it about 6 times. I called out to it... George.. and it stopped for a second and vanished. The shop moved in 2000 and we were setting it up. One other guy mentioned, maybe the ghost will stay in the old shop. I never mentioned it to anyone and never knew anyone else had seen it.

The last, so far, was in 2014. My wife was in hospice with cancer and I always stayed until they got her ready to go to sleep. Usually after 11 at night. She was in a larger room with a vestibule with a row of storage closets. I was on my way out and only one light was on. There it was, a ghost of an old lady leaning on a closet door, looked to be in pain. It was gone in a few seconds. I asked one nurse at the desk if she ever saw anything at night... she just nodded yes. 

I grew up on a house with a poltergeist. It came soon after my grandmother died in 1970, in the hospital. We would find ceramic figures my mom had on a high shelf sitting on the floor, upright and not damaged. We heard footsteps on the stairs late at night, we would call out, "who is on the stairs" and it would stop. The cats would follow something now and then. My brother was around 12, talking with us before school and suddenly one lens in his glasses shattered with no explanation. If I had not seen it, I would have never believed it. Then one day, it just stopped.

My sister is clairvoyant, she says that it is a curse. She has told me things that have made the hair on my neck stand on end. My dad had it to a lesser degree, he would warn us about things that turned out to be true. This was around 1974, I was headed out after dinner and my dad asked me if I was going to the corner bar. I asked him if he needed help with something. He said no, but whatever you do, do not get into a car with anyone else. If I needed a ride home, give him a call. I said I would walk home and not get into a car with anyone. It was around midnight in the bar.. a friend walks up with me and asks if I want to go with him and a couple of others to another bar. It was like someone splashed a bucket of ice water in my face, I was sober in 2 seconds. I told him about my dad's vision and he laughed. I could not talk them out of going. It was maybe a 1/2 hour later... we got word that there was a huge car accident near by. It was those 3 guys. 2 were dead and one badly injured. I told my dad the next morning that he was right.

Not sure it all works but since your dad and sis have abilities you may too. You just never taped into it? 

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21 hours ago, A modeler named mike said:

Not sure it all works but since your dad and sis have abilities you may too. You just never taped into it? 

I'm sort of afraid to get any deeper into it. I have been to seminars  with psychics at schools and libraries. 2 told me I have a blue aura. My mom also had some sort of powers. I have strong gut feelings that I listen to. One has already saved my life.

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That thing with the cold rooms and cold spots is another thin I hear often. Years ago, a few of us lived on the bike path to Vally Forge state park (you know, where Washingtons army had their first base back during the revolution). now this entire place is widely thought to be extremely haunted, but we were so used to riding the entire area that it didn't really bother any of us. One fall, a few of us invested in high dollar lighting systems for our mountain bikes to extend our nightly riding time. That first night 2 of us headed out and met a 3rd and when we began our first night ride , we stopped up buy the arch in the center of the park and I distinctly remember a few "cold spots". We all started nervously joking about it and continued our ride. We didn't see anything out of the ordinary, but every time we would stop to take a breather we would turn our lights off to save on batteries ,then turn them back on as we would start again. I must admit, sitting there in the woods in the pitch dark was pretty spooky, but maybe that just added to the excitement of the night ride. That and the thought that the whole thing was illegal and we would be fined if we ever got caught. We never did and one nigh we bumped into a fellow solo night rider, and it was kind like instant camaraderie.

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Another story of note. Years ago we were all hunting. Staying at my cousin's cabin in upstate PA (70 or so mi. south of Penn State) Now this cabin had an interesting past as it was an old mining cabin that they had transported in on the back of a flatbed. So, its past was a already questionable. On night we were having a few beers and looking at a map of the area where we would be hunting the next day, and the map had all these little ghosts al over it and they told me this was old mining ghost towns. Then we all started talking about our own ghost stories. Just then, I see my cousin making this face and the first thing I think is hes messing with me. Then I turn around and the door of the cabin is slowly opening. Whell we all got a good scare and when we got ourselves together, I'm like "please tell me that happens all the time". And they told me thats never happened before. Funny this happened the precise time we were talking about ghosts. As if they were trying to say here we are.


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I don't believe in ghosts but I've had my fair share of experiencing weird things in my time. The strangest one I will always remember was when I was about 14 years old. The housing estate we lived on was right next to a forest. We played in there for years, building cabins, tree houses, BMX tracks, chasing animals, a typical 80's childhood. There was a stream running near a path we often walked to get to our 'den' . One day walking along the path I went down to the stream to get some water, as I was filling up the bottle I heard this horrendously loud sound right across from me, very demonic sounding like a long drawn out 'saaahh' like when the dentist tells you to say 'aahh' but in an unnaturally deep tone, that's the best way I can explain how it sounded. Naturally I cra*ped myself on hearing it and ran like I never run before! I told my friends what I heard and they kind of laughed it off, but one of my friends was so taken by what I told them he wanted me to show him where this happened but I flat out refused to ever go near there again. About a year or two later me and him were walking through the woods near where I heard it. He mentioned to me 'Is this where you heard that weird voice?' I kind of laughed and said yes. Being a little older and braver, and me thinking maybe it didn't happen or I remembered it wrong we walked down to the stream. As I was pointing to him where abouts I heard it, right at that moment the exact same demonic tone rumbled from across the stream "saaahh' We shot up the embankment like lighting, I remember the hairs on my arms standing on end and feeling white cold hearing it again, it was so clear. Being so shaken and excited by what we heard we couldn't get our words out properly we kept talking over each other. My friend's eyes were wide open, he was buzzing with fear afterward saying 'Yep, I believe you now' lol. I've never been back there and still today I try convincing myself it was something natural, maybe a tree root getting tugged under the ground from a tree blowing in the wind? Sound traveling from machinery maybe? I don't know. Unless you heard what we heard this will just sound like another ghost story, but I will say, it's impossible for me to comfortably say it was a natural sound, and the reaction my friend had too when he heard it just tells me... you may not believe in things that go bump in the night, but it's wise to keep an open mind.

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Apparently I'm too boring for ghosts to bother with, but my younger brother had a very unusual encounter.  I asked him to write it up and send it to me.  This all takes place in Dallas TX about a decade ago.  I lived about a mile from him.  

Had a call from a former leasing agent offering to show me an apartment at the new property she was managing. I thanked her but declined, as I could never afford the rent in that area. She was very insistent on showing me the property. Told me I was the ideal tenant, and maybe we could work something out, so I agreed to come see the place. 
The property was nice. Vaulted ceilings, a huge fireplace, huge bedroom, etc. I asked how much they were asking. She quoted a price that was several hundred dollars over what I could afford. I told her I couldn't manage anywhere near that amount. She immediately dropped the price a couple hundred bucks. I said I still couldn't afford it. She asked me what amount I could afford. I gave her a very low quote, and she agreed to it immediately. I couldn't believe my luck.
I was thrilled after moving in. It was the nicest place I'd ever had. My only concern was the obvious need for an electrician, as the lights were constantly flickering. Other than that, things seemed perfectly normal. 
That feeling of normalcy faded away pretty quickly. I began to notice strange things about the place. Cold spots so prominent it felt like you put your hand into the freezer. Personal belongings of mine seemed to be moved from where I'd left them. I also began to experience the sensation of constantly being watched. 
Strange, vivid dreams began to torment me. I told our receptionist at work about one particularly weird one. I had dreamed that there was a ghost in my bedroom, trying to scare me by making objects fly off of my headboard in the middle of the night. Everything that had been up there ended up on the floor, and the lights had been turned on. 
Things escalated quickly. I was kicking back on the couch at 2:00 a.m. reading a book when I heard my stereo receiver kick on. I looked over at it and watched as the light in the volume knob flashed as the volume gradually increased. Nothing was touching the remote control. It stopped momentarily. I was staring at it intently when the volume cranked almost to max. 
"Will you turn that down?" I said. The volume immediately went down to zero. I just about soiled myself. It was obvious I was not alone.
After that, the electronics turning on and off on their own became a routine event. Every two or three days, usually around 3:00 a.m., the TV or stereo would come on. Some nights, I just wandered over to the bedroom door and bellowed, "Will you turn that BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH off? I have to be up in two hours!" Usually this worked. Sometimes it had the opposite effect, with the volume getting cranked, or the channels changed.
Lights in the bathroom and kitchen began to go on and off. Sometimes the water in the bathroom sink would be turned on. At times, I slept through it. Other times it kept me awake.
I think the freakiest event was the night I heard persistent banging and thumping coming from the walk-in closet. It was once again 3:00 a.m. I could hear clothes hangers flying up and down the rails in the closet, and pounding on the walls and door. Then, silence. I stared intently at the door. Nothing happened for a while. Then, a very sharp click as the magnetic lock disengaged. The doorknob turned. Very, very slowly, the door opened, swinging all the way out until it touched the bedroom wall. My eyes were as big as saucers. I stared and stared, waiting for something to appear in the doorway. Nothing. I waited and watched, scarcely breathing. After probably twenty to thirty minutes, the door slowly swung back completely shut, and the magnetic lock engaged. I was still watching that door when my alarm clock went off. Scared me so bad, I probably came a foot up off the bed just from violently clenching my butt cheeks.
I moved out of the bedroom for almost five months. Then I got pissed off. Sleeping on a crappy futon will do that to you. I eventually marched back into the bedroom, announced that, as I was the only one paying rent, I would be sleeping in my own room again, and told my "roommate" that I wasn't going anywhere any time soon, and that he'd have to deal with it. Things kind of chilled out after that. Still had activity, but at a much lower level.
As for the history of the apartment...
The apartment complex wouldn't answer as to whether anyone had ever died in that apartment. I looked up reviews on that complex online and found something interesting, though. One review said, "XXXX Apartments is a fine place to live, if you don't mind seeing the coroner fingerprinting the corpse of your murdered neighbor."
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12 minutes ago, von Zipper said:

Can this conversation be had without violating the forum rules about religion ?

An honest open conversation about demonology and possession minus the trick photography and parlor tricks.

May be an image of text that says 'Rare footage of a ghost caught on tape'

Holy moly Christopher! Awesome catch with your camera but it looks like another one is trying to manifest. 😆


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1 hour ago, A modeler named mike said:

Holy moly Christopher! Awesome catch with your camera but it looks like another one is trying to manifest. 😆


If you tilt your head a little to the left it does sort of look like the ghost of a 1987 Yugo though , Doesn't it ?

Investment Grade: 1987 Yugo GV | Barn Finds

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In an earlier chapter of my life I was the care taker / grounds keeper at a cemetery . At that time the cemetery did not have access to a back hoe to dig graves in the winter months so we stored bodies in the same storage shed we kept the ground keeping equipment in until sprig thaw and we dug the graves by hand. I got a $50.00 bonus for each grave i helped dig-it was always a 2 man operation , dig down around 4 ft. then place sheets of ply wood braced to avoid cave ins , the common belief is a grave is 6 ft deep but we dug them to 8-9 ft to accommodate the cement vault . 

There are alot of local legends and "ghost stories"  surrounding this cemetery  but i took the job anyway , never being a believer in such things and I found the work very rewarding and peaceful....and I needed a job.

One winter morning I went there to get the snow plow out to clear the roads through the cemetery and found that the storage building had been broke into and a group of people had been there performing a Satanic ritual the night before. 

That is not my idea of a good time ! 

Even though I strongly dis agree in that practice and was offended on many levels , not to mention totally creeped out- I had to except the fact that there are these types of things out there.

First i had to call my boss who in turned called the police , the police arrived within 10 minutes . I had to stick around for the next 4 hours with them answering  their questions . Turned out this wasn't the first incident in our  area either. For the next few days afterwards the cemetery was over run with concerned relatives of people buried there and curious Looky Lou's , which I thought was kind of ghoulish .

One of the detectives made a disturbing comment - the act of these Satanic rituals is perfectly legal and with in their rights BUT the act of breaking/entering and desecrating a grave (yard) or human remains is a high crime. 

As I recall that happened in early February so it goes to show, this topic is relevant year round and not just in the month of October . 

After 2 years working there I came to believe I am prone to "attachments"  by both good and bad energy. 



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3 hours ago, von Zipper said:

In an earlier chapter of my life I was the care taker / grounds keeper at a cemetery . At that time the cemetery did not have access to a back hoe to dig graves in the winter months so we stored bodies in the same storage shed we kept the ground keeping equipment in until sprig thaw and we dug the graves by hand. I got a $50.00 bonus for each grave i helped dig-it was always a 2 man operation , dig down around 4 ft. then place sheets of ply wood braced to avoid cave ins , the common belief is a grave is 6 ft deep but we dug them to 8-9 ft to accommodate the cement vault . 

There are alot of local legends and "ghost stories"  surrounding this cemetery  but i took the job anyway , never being a believer in such things and I found the work very rewarding and peaceful....and I needed a job.

One winter morning I went there to get the snow plow out to clear the roads through the cemetery and found that the storage building had been broke into and a group of people had been there performing a Satanic ritual the night before. 

That is not my idea of a good time ! 

Even though I strongly dis agree in that practice and was offended on many levels , not to mention totally creeped out- I had to except the fact that there are these types of things out there.

First i had to call my boss who in turned called the police , the police arrived within 10 minutes . I had to stick around for the next 4 hours with them answering  their questions . Turned out this wasn't the first incident in our  area either. For the next few days afterwards the cemetery was over run with concerned relatives of people buried there and curious Looky Lou's , which I thought was kind of ghoulish .

One of the detectives made a disturbing comment - the act of these Satanic rituals is perfectly legal and with in their rights BUT the act of breaking/entering and desecrating a grave (yard) or human remains is a high crime. 

As I recall that happened in early February so it goes to show, this topic is relevant year round and not just in the month of October . 

After 2 years working there I came to believe I am prone to "attachments"  by both good and bad energy. 



I also worked in a cemetery (more of a memorial park. No headstones, just bronze plaques' that laid flat. It did have a few mausoleums and a large tower Probably 100 ft, tall or so. The place was very nice and I never heard any spooky stories. We always had a few times where teens were having their makeshift satanic rituals, but we would usually chase them out before the police ever got there. It was a pretty good place to work everyone was pretty cool and we all loved a good joke. Years later, I read in the local paper that some kids broke into the tower, and one fell off the top and died in the ensuing fall. That shocked me as I had been up there on a few locations. I looked down and said that wouldn't be a pleasant fall. So, I guess that casualty would be their first ghost pf they do exist.

Another cemetery story. Years later, when I was operating heavy equipment in the union, we were working on one of those cemeteries on Belmont ave. on the Schuylkill River. It was Halloween and I was getting to the cemetery really early to beat the Schuylkill traffic. I would arrive early and sit there in the dark waiting for the rest of the crew to arrive. This particular morning just happened to be Halloween and I sitting in the cemetery in the dark thinking "If I'm ever going to see a ghost, this would be the time. Then I saw some movement up on a hill and got all exited. as the image became clearer, it was clear that it was a few deer. They probably eat the fresh flowers from the graves. So, no ghost sightings yet.

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