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Perry's Resin

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He should take down his website if he's out of business...what's the point of leaving it up and taking orders if he can't fulfill them? Makes no sense. His 'new stuff' page was last updated over 6 years ago.

Perry's Resin is still operating AFAICT. Perry's has a page on facebook, so maybe try to contact him there?

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Not that I want to throw fuel on the fire, but we have discussed here for quite some time that Randy has not been delivering on his promises to customers.

I think this topic should be closed as I doubt anything positive will come from keeping this open.

BLAH_BLAH_BLAH_BLAH shame as I was among those that wanted to buy from Randy but that is never going to happen.

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I only ordered from Randy one time many years ago. After an 8 month wait, NNL East came up and with a copy of the order and a processed checked in my pocket I approached his booth stacked up all the stuff I order and said'Thank you". He pulled out his calculator and I pulled out my receipt. That was the year that the New Jersey Tax Adjuster was there. I asked him if he would like me to call them over and start an investigation for mail fraud. While his mouth was wide open, I asked his wife for a bag, of course she was very gracious and handed me a bag. Randy and I have remained friends as far as I'm concerned but I haven't purchased from him via the mail; I only purchase at show. He makes good products.

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I think this topic should be closed as I doubt anything positive will come from keeping this open.

I have to disagree, respectfully. By keeping the thread open, it may at the very least inform others that would look for opinions about his products and service. If it gets locked, it will fade away into the abyss that old posts on forums. By keeping it open, every now and then it surfaces to the front page of Resin.

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This should be locked, the forum no longer has a Rants and Raves section.....................................................Lets talk about Dencon Resin or what about Reliable Resin?

I lost a lot of money to both, yet topics about both always seem to disappear rather quickly...............

Why don't you guys go find another dead horse to beat.........................nothing good can possibley come from this topic.

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This should be locked, the forum no longer has a Rants and Raves section.....................................................Lets talk about Dencon Resin or what about Reliable Resin?

I lost a lot of money to both, yet topics about both always seem to disappear rather quickly...............

Why don't you guys go find another dead horse to beat.........................nothing good can possibley come from this topic.

Nick, I understand you have a personal relationship with Randy Frost of Perry's, but as long as people don't make this topic personal, it's going to remain open. Telling your fellow modelers about your experiences, both good and bad, when buying from and aftermarket company has a LOT of value.

Sadly, you're right in stating that Perry's Resin isn't alone, but topics like these in which people provide their honest experiences with various aftermarket companies gets the word out, and hopefully saves people from going though the same negative experience they have. If reading a topic like this prevents only one person from sending $15 and never getting any product in return, it's worth keeping open.

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  • 3 months later...

One year later and still nothing to show for my money. I have called every so often, and Randy's as nice as can be and if to be believed I would have received about 7 or 8 bodies by now. It seems I might as well as got in my car, drovet up to about 80 and threw my money out the window. I'm not sure at this point what recourse I even have since he's in Canada, and I'm in the States. That's $35.00 I'll never get back.

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Just because somebody can cast a nice part, it doesn't mean they will send you what you pay for.

Those who are not yet aware of the dangers of dealing with certain sellers should be free to see what those who have been shafted

have to say about their costly experiences.

Edited by Ayatollah
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I only ordered from Randy one time many years ago. After an 8 month wait, NNL East came up and with a copy of the order and a processed checked in my pocket I approached his booth stacked up all the stuff I order and said'Thank you". He pulled out his calculator and I pulled out my receipt. That was the year that the New Jersey Tax Adjuster was there. I asked him if he would like me to call them over and start an investigation for mail fraud. While his mouth was wide open, I asked his wife for a bag, of course she was very gracious and handed me a bag. Randy and I have remained friends as far as I'm concerned but I haven't purchased from him via the mail; I only purchase at show. He makes good products.

This right here is a perfect example of theft. The guy will cash the checks, not fill the orders, but then has no problem casting enough inventory

to go to shows to raise some pocket cash. If that isn't theft, what is? But "he's a swell guy". Yeah, so was the 75 year old black guy that Wal Mart prosecuted for not noticing a gallon of milk on the lower shelf of his shopping cart when he went out the door.

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Yeah, but if you say his name this thread vanishes.

It's been said many times here already, just like with Perry's. One more complaint is not going to help anyone. There are existing topics here on the forum covering the various resin casters, so let's keep this one on topic and about Perry's, please.

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  • 8 months later...

First of all I am not opening this thread to start a negative post. I would appreciate any bad thoughts be kept to one's self, or expressed elsewhere. Back in May of 2013 I placed an order with Perrys Resin for a Flaming Frank Pedregon Fiat Dragster. I was wary, and had heard things about poor delivery. I am a Fiat fanatic, and as this was the only vendor I knew of with the body so I ordered it. I am a "want it now" type personality, and it took quite a while to finally get my order. I would call every few months all riled up, and ready to rip Randy a new one. But every time when we talked, my compassion took over, and I would just ask him to please send it. It seemed several had been shipped, but never made it here. A month or so before Christmas I made my semi-annual call, and this time told there was some work being done to part of the mold. Flash forward to today. i went to the mailbox, and when I opened it, there was a long white box inside. I didn't remember any purchases that would have come in that shape box. I pulled it out and saw the Canadian Customs label, and you could have knocked me over with a feather. I opened it up, and not only was there a beautifully cast Fiat dragster with decals, there was a Carl Casper's Galloping Ghost dragster, decals for it, and a great pair of slicks. The Fiat and the dragster both looked to be freshly cast, as the resin was a bright white compared to the "Scott" scoop that was included for the Fiat. Needless to say, I was disappointed for the length of time involved, but It's special to be compensated for the wait. In all honesty I most likely have not started the project yet, as I want to refine my skills a little more. I am retired and know I wouldn't want to be in the resin business, even if I was able to cast a quarter as well as the products I received today. I can only imagine running a business, family responsibilities, and producing inventory as well.



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ordered May, 2013

received February 2015

Since I live in Texas, and it would have been a lot of trouble to pursue any type of recourse other than harassment I just had to wait and hope.

Finally it showed up. I had pretty much written off this transaction to a lesson learned. At least he sent some extra stuff to make up for the wait.

A Galloping Ghost dragster, ($30.00 retail) and a pair of slicks came with my order.

Edited by Jimmy Wilson
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