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Back in the modeling saddle again!

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After a roughly 20 year break (the ex hated my modeling) from modeling, I'm baccccck! Looking forward to seeing what I have missed all these years. Now, without someone to complain about it, I can enjoy it again.

First work off the bat? 1957 Chevy Belair Convertible by AMT in 1:16 scale. Just cracked the package and getting everything together that I will need. Got tons of sandpaper, airbrush paints, sprue cutters and most of all? TIME! Now that I am retired, and my time is my own, I plan to make this one a home runĀ  on the first swing, since this is going to a good friend of mine who has a 1:1 Chevy Belair. I am using acrylic paints for it, which doesn't overwhelm me when I am airbrushing

My favorite era for cars is between 1930 to 1960. If it's younger than 1960, it's not for me. I inherited from my Dad when he died his 1930 Ford Model A, and I have pampered that little beast, just like he did I am the 3rd owner, the 1st being my grandad, the 2nd being my dad and the 3rd being me. Won't break any land speed records, but it looks great cruising around town.

So that's me in a nutshell. Hope to learn and share many items.


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Welcome Larry. Hope you'll find all the answers you need here on the forum. Many great modelers, all willing to share tips, tricks and insight. Looking forward to seeing your 57 and more. Hope you'll take pics and post them.

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7 hours ago, Rattlecan Dan said:

Welcome Larry. Hope you'll find all the answers you need here on the forum. Many great modelers, all willing to share tips, tricks and insight. Looking forward to seeing your 57 and more. Hope you'll take pics and post them.

Thanks Dan!Ā  Lots of new things since I last did this. Been practicing with my airbrush to make sure I can get my control back again, although I never could do pinstriping with an airbrush šŸ™‚

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Welcome back to modeling Larry.Ā  I can just see the Big smile on your face.Ā  I'll be watching for your post on the 57 project.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome to the forum, Larry! I bought that AMT 1:16 '57 Chevy kit to rob the Cragar S/Ss from to use on my AMT 1:16 '57 T-Bird. Please let us follow your progress on this build. BTW, how 'bout posting a picture of your '30 Model A?

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Things are on hold again for me, thanks to the devastating tornado we got hit with on May 16 in Houston TX. I had some structural damage to my home, and my garage had a tree fall on it. We are all okay but I ended up taking my wife and two dogs to a pet friendly hotel in Downtown/Galleria Area. We had over 2 million people lose power and it took Centerpoint Energy 9 days to restore power.

I lost my paint booth in the garage, but all my kits were stored inside so none of those got damaged. We finally got our power back on May 25, but all our frozen foods were ruined. But the main thing is that we are all alive and back in our home. My garage was the worst damage, but I will be able to use it again, once my homeowners insurance pays off.

So it's going to take me a few weeks to get back up to speed, but I will start posting pics once all the repairs are done.

Next purchase on my list? A 30KW whole house power generator. Along with more paints.

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