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window trim

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Some make their own mask. I have used acrylic paint on the inside of the window (my hands are not steady enough) but I have better luck using a Sharpie Permanent Ink marker, again on the inside edge. I freehand the edge only when necessary. I use a non-slip ruler when possible. Staples office supply sells flexible rulers in their drafting supply section.

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I also use a Sharpie permanent marker; for black glass surrounds I use a chisel-tip (rather than the standard fine tip) marker as I have great success using the marker freehand with this type of marker because with a minimum of pressure the tip takes a "set" along the edge of the glass, and you can draw it back and forth with pretty good control.

Chisel Tip Marker


It doesn't take a lot of practice, and if you do mess up you can use some compound to remove it. If this is too difficult, get some Shurtape Gold (this is almost exactly like Tamiya masking tape, easy to use, very thin, and when burnished in place you can see a color change) in a couple of widths, use this to make your window mask and then use the Sharpie or whatever paint you like. This is essentially the same kind of tape that they make the window masks with for Tamiya/Aoshima/Fujimi kits.

This is the stuff, it's easiest to find at a Sherwin Williams paint store (home, not automotive):

Shurtape Gold CP 60


Edited by Zoom Zoom
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  • 2 weeks later...

I knew I had heard of one before.. gonna try the alcohol.. thanks, Steve

Edit: Had some 70% isopropyl alcohol (this is what rubbing alcohol is) and it worked instantly. The tail light was "painted" over 6 months ago, so age had no effect.

It's back in the saddle for me.. :lol:

Edited by Foxer
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