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67 Chevelle Hot Rod

Romell R

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Hey fellas I thought I'd do the flocking today and at the same time show you guys how to properly flock a model.

What you need is any type of flocking material and flat paint thats close to the color of the flock your going to be using. since Im gonna be flocking the chevelle in black I'll be using Tamiya flat black. I chose Tamiya flats because they stay wet just long enough for you to get the job done and not over wet your flocking.


and ofcourse you'll need your model


you want to start by only painting a small area about 1-2 inch square then sprinkle a good amount of the flock material ontop of your still wet paint.


Once you have the flock on top of the paint use your finger to lightly pat it down. make sure you use enough flock that you never touch the paint with your finger (if you get paint on your finger, you didnt use enough flock)


You may even need to use the handle of your paint brush to get the flock into the tight spaces....


once you have a nice small area covered you should tap off the extra material into the top of one of your model boxes.


when you do this make sure you turn the part upside down and thump it lightly, quick light taps you just want to knock off excess material. and the tapping makes the material stand up.


see a nicely flocked floor in no time....


Edited by Aftashox
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Now theres always a method to my Madness , I had you tap that extra material into your box for clean up and salvage purposes. That extra material can be used again.


get a card of somesorts and scoop that extra out of your box and return it to the container it came out of.....


couldnt help myself I had to throw in a mock up....enjoy


or two LOL!


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I left as you were going onto Page 3 and I come back and you are up to Page 20!! I have to say reading each update and seeing the pictures of this build coming to life is phenomanol (sp)!!!! Your skills are past mastered and your explanations of how you do things makes it a great learning experience for those of us who don't know or have been scared to try something new with this hobby. I tip my hat to you Sir as I've even learned a thing or two from your work that I found a fault in my own. Thank you!

Your 1:1 Chevelle is a true diamond in the rough and you will polish it out with no problem. I always love a good project as I've had several over the years. Keep on your bodyman because it sounds like he doesn't have the passion you do for your "baby."

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I left as you were going onto Page 3 and I come back and you are up to Page 20!! I have to say reading each update and seeing the pictures of this build coming to life is phenomanol (sp)!!!! Your skills are past mastered and your explanations of how you do things makes it a great learning experience for those of us who don't know or have been scared to try something new with this hobby. I tip my hat to you Sir as I've even learned a thing or two from your work that I found a fault in my own. Thank you!

Your 1:1 Chevelle is a true diamond in the rough and you will polish it out with no problem. I always love a good project as I've had several over the years. Keep on your bodyman because it sounds like he doesn't have the passion you do for your "baby."

A most humble thank you goes out to you for your sincere compliment :) thx again

Edited by Aftashox
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this build is out of control :D like the one guy said, this is a 20 page tutorial man! exelent work for sure!

but that flocking looks alil blotchy brother ;)

you ever try a small metal sifter and some 3m spray glue?

you can layer your flocking with the spray glue and just sift the flocking over top and the sifter breaks all that flocking up so you dont get clumps of it everywhere ;)

give it a try, you will not be disapointed with the outcome :)

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this build is out of control :D like the one guy said, this is a 20 page tutorial man! exelent work for sure!

but that flocking looks alil blotchy brother ;)

you ever try a small metal sifter and some 3m spray glue?

you can layer your flocking with the spray glue and just sift the flocking over top and the sifter breaks all that flocking up so you dont get clumps of it everywhere ;)

give it a try, you will not be disapointed with the outcome :)

That portion of blotchy flocking you see is were I added some after I had dumped the extra then took another piture. I noticed it after i took the pictuer, but trust me the flocking is smooth. Good eye tho.

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Wow a 3rd update today im on a roll LOL! Anyway I was able to work on my new brake assembly. I know what your thinking "but you had brakes on it already!" True but I wanted something with a bit more detail that would allow me to make actual lugs and lugnuts. so with out further adue......

I found that hobby design makes an excellent brake rotor set up and brake calliper set, they also make em in various sizes. this is the 330mm set im using for the fronts and I have slightly smaller set for the rear. Youre probably thinking "its a shame that no one will see all this." but thats not how i think, I think about what someone "Might" see. Well Nuf said.....

This set gives you many options to chose from


This piece is what really makes the differance


All the tabs have to be turned 90 degrees


Then you sandwich it between two other solid pieces with groves in it.


This is the closest thing I've seen to real looking brake rotors...


Once the sandwich is made I decieded to paint the solid parts black so the holes in the next pieces will be enhanced...



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Now that the parts are black I can add the outter drilled surfaces....



here the center piece is added


and the calipers also form Hobby design


Still have a lil work and fabing to take care of, I'm gonna cut two 3mm sections out of this aluminum tube and add it to the rotors




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I bet you guys were wondering what I was gonna do about the two-tone line down the side of the body. Well heres my solution. I was gonna paint a sliver stripe over the line but i figured that could create more problems than it would solve. Then I noticed the kit decals "THERE PERFECT!!" I screamed. I had to remove the black part as it would have clashed with the rest of the paint so heres what I came up with. ( my wife took pictures as I worked shes so helpful :lol: ).......



Here I apply MircoSol with a soft brush to make the decal conform so it will be like paint



I used some flames intended for the hood to inhance the front fenders


And how about a round of applause for my beautiful photographer ;)


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The kit decals look like Revell had them in mind just for you, Romell! So, now are you going to take the pics to the body man and give him a last minute revision for the 1:1? Also, a big two thumbs up for the wife, the pics are great!

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